% % Terminate was never intended for hacking purposes, and should never be used % for such purposes. This feature was only made to check several % numbers in a list where there is supposed to be a modem. Do not and I mean % NOT use this in areas to search for unknown systems, it could be annoying % to normal people. I would surely hate to be woken in the middle of the % night and then the phone would be hung up without anybody saying anything % % This file is intended for the System Searcher. You can use this file as input % file for certain numbers you want to check. % Lets say you have a BBS list and want to check which boards that are % still online. There must only be one number on each line, all characters % before a % sign will be sent to the modem. % If the dialing prefix is ATDT, then ATDT42643827+Carriage return will be % sent first. Blank lines will be skipped % MonitorTime is a statement that can be used as many time as you want % If MonitorTime is 0 then only Connects and phonenumbers will be written % in the log file. % MonitorTime 15 42643827 % This is DAN BBS line 1 43628230 % This is DAN BBS line 2 43623990 % This is DAN BBS line 3 MonitorTime 0 31203056 % Olivetti