`D|D| `D|D| enterBook enterBook sizeToPage linkDLL "tbkopen.dll" STRING OpenDlg( "c:\", "*.*","Please choose the file you would like ..."," "You chose 8:" & CRLF & "Cancel Error" buttonUp buttonUp tbkopen.dll OpenDlg 3 Please choose the file you would like to open... OpenDlg You chose the file: Cancel or Error label Click here to see Generic Open Dialog Box Click Here! This book is demonstrates TBKOPEN.DLL. Click on the button below to see the generic open dialog box. Copy the button's script as needed. The OpenDlg function requires four parameters: STRING OpenDlg(STRING, STRING, STRING, STRING) Parameter 1: Default directory specification Parameter 2: Default file specification Parameter 3: Prompt text, instructions to user Parameter 4: Dialog caption 8b`5@ "|&8bjaR