graphics1 buttonup buttonup graphics1 buttonup buttonup "upgrade1" buttonup buttonup upgrade1 buttonup buttonup Performance Icon performance1 buttonup buttonup performance1 windows1 buttonup buttonup windows1 windows1 buttonup buttonup windows1 Button buttonup buttonup printer1 buttonup buttonup printer1 printing printer1 buttonup buttonup printer1 network1 buttonup buttonup network1 developer1 buttonup buttonup developer1 learning1 buttonup buttonup learning1 GrayBox upgrade1 "GrayBox" 75,5310 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Order your ToolBook 1.5 Upgrade Today! Only $75.00 for this feature-packed upgrade! Call 1-800-626-3225 to order your upgrade, mail or FAX in your order form (FAX 317-364-0787). SAVE! Get a $10.00 discount on your upgrade order by returning the completed survey along with your order form. If you purchased ToolBook 1.0 after 4/1/91, you may obtain a free upgrade by filling out the survey and attaching a dated proof-of-purchase to your order.order...... For more information about ToolBook, please call 1-800-624-8999 extension 299. If you purchased ToolBook 1.0 after 4/1/91, you may obtain a free upgrade by filling out the survey and attaching a dated proof-of-purchase to your order. buttonup buttonup Print Survey buttonup buttonup Print Order Form international buttonUp buttonUp international International Upgrades buttonup buttonup international Bshowlist Bhidelist leavepage leavepage buttonup hidelist showlist Special Information for International ToolBook Users If you live outside the United States or Canada, you may mail the upgrade order form or fax it to the fax number listed on the previous page. For faster service and support on upgrades, you may also contact the authorized Asymetrix distributor in your country. If your native language is French or German, we encourage you to contact our French or German distributors directly. The German and French-language versions of ToolBook 1.5 will be available soon, and special prices will be offered to customers who are already owners of English-language ToolBook 1.0. lBook 1.0. lish-language ToolBook 1.0. s (as of April, 1991): tributors (as of April, 1991): Intl_Distributors ASYMETRIX INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS AUSTRALIA SOLUTIONS, LTD. P.O. Box 146 Ashmore City Queensland 4214 Australia Phone: (61) 75-395-422 Fax: (61) 75-393-482 BENELUX SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS Elisabethhof 21 2353 EW Leiderdorp The Netherlands Phone: (31) 71-453-600 Fax: (31) 71-453-699 FINLAND TT-MICROTRADING Sinikalliontie 5 Espoo 02630 Phone: (358) 0-502-741 Fax: (358) 0-502-7499 FRANCE UNLIKE 72/74, rue du Rendez-Vous 75012 Paris Phone: (33) 1-4346-1515 Fax: (33) 1-4346-1555 GERMANY ACCESS COMPUTER Martin-Kollar Strasse 12 8000 Munich 82 Phone: (49) 89-4200-6136 Fax: (49) 89-4200-6110 ADI SOFTWARE GmbH Hardeckstrasse 5 D-7500 Karlsruhe 21 Phone: (49) 721-570-000 Fax: (49) 721-570-0085 SOFTLINE GmbH Renchener Strasse 3 Oberkirch 7602 Phone: (49) 7802-4036 Fax: (49) 7802-5605 SWEDEN EXPANDER Gardsvagen 7D Solna S-171-52 Phone: (46) 8-705-2600 Fax: (46) 8-82-81-21 UNITED KINGDOM NEOW, LTD. Unit 12, Progress Business Center Whittle Parkway, Slough England SL1 6DQ Phone: (44) 0628-66-8334 Fax: (44) 0628-66-5722 SOFTSEL COMPUTER PRODUCTS, LTD. Syon Gate Way, Great West Road Brentford, Middlesex (London) England TW8 9DD Phone: (44) 81-568-8866 Fax: (44) 81-840-7559 222222222222 hidelist "Intl_Distributors" B"showlist" buttonup buttonup Intl_Distributors showlist Hide Distributor List showlist "Intl_Distributors" buttonup buttonup Intl_Distributors Show Distributor List Animate nextPage B&(i)) H270,x -300,\ -300,\ +300,\ B&(i)) (title&(i)) nextPage nextPage title k:to1 j:to1 *hAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhAhA title1 Faster Performance title7 Network Aware title6 New Developer Tools title5 Improved Printer Supportt title4 Additional Learning Aids title3 More Windows Controls title2 Enhanced Graphics Support button1 Performance Icon performance1 buttonup buttonup performance1 button2 graphics1 buttonup buttonup graphics1 button3 windows1 buttonup buttonup windows1 windows1 buttonup buttonup windows1 Button button4 learning1 buttonup buttonup learning1 button5 printer1 buttonup buttonup printer1 printing printer1 buttonup buttonup printer1 button6 developer1 buttonup buttonup developer1 button7 network1 buttonup buttonup network1 -270 B&(i)) B&(i)) +300,\ +300,\ -300,\ H-270,x (title&(i)) nextpage buttonup buttonup jnextpage title k:to1 j:to1 Click to begin windows1 buttonup buttonup windows1 :PHYSSIZE ToolBook 1.5 Upgrade Overview graphics1 buttonup buttonup graphics1 buttonup buttonup "upgrade1" buttonup buttonup upgrade1 buttonup buttonup Performance Icon performance1 buttonup buttonup performance1 buttonup buttonup printer1 buttonup buttonup printer1 printing printer1 buttonup buttonup printer1 network1 buttonup buttonup network1 developer1 buttonup buttonup developer1 learning1 buttonup buttonup learning1 !:PHYSSIZE GrayBox "GrayBox" 75,810 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Enhanced graphics support New draw options You can now flip and rotate draw objects and groups. More colors available for buttons and fields "rotate" FlipHorizontal RotateLeft FlipVertical RotateRight buttonup buttonup rotate FlipHorizontal RotateLeft FlipVertical RotateRight Show me rotate SUB23 (more) "GrayBox" 75,810 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Enhanced graphics support New color options You can use any of the colors on the color tray for fields and buttons.sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss FldExample Lorem ipsem dolor sit amet quo novus nabisco ad infinitum. ` ` BtnExample Button B"BtnExample" "FldExample" buttonup buttonup BtnExample FldExample Show me Windows control objects New listboxes You can create true single-select and multi-select listboxes by setting properties of a field. And we've added functions to OpenScript to help you determine what a user selects in a listbox......... This is a single-select listbox. It only lets you have one line of text selected at a time. This is a multi-select listbox. It lets you have more than one line of text selected at once. (more) "GrayBox" 75,1560 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Windows control objects New button style You can use Windows pushbuttons in your applications. Real Windows Pushbuttons Button Button Button ToolBook 1.5 Upgrade Overview :PHYSSIZE performance1 Faster performance Image display Direct-to-screen drawing gives you the option of seeing an image drawn directly on a page or background. You can store page or background images in memory for faster display. startTime showElapsedTime buttonup buttonup startTime showElapsedTime startTime showElapsedTime buttonup buttonup startTime showElapsedTime Draw direct (more) international windows1 learning1 upgrade1 printer1 developer1 Survey1 network1 Survey3 ables OrderForm Mail to: Asymetrix Corporation P.O. Box 4772 Crawfordsville IN 47933 ToolBook Serial # ______________________ Upgrade Order Form Please print or type all information, and be sure to fill out the entire form. ________________________________________________(_____)_____________________________________________ Purchaser's Name/Title Daytime phone ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address (Street address required, we cannot ship to a P.O. box) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Country dtsdemo learning2 --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( o"User" DWORD GetCurrentTime() chelp ..." ..." eselectpage 2,4,637,475 syschangesDB unlinkDLL " resetanimation networkdiagram netanim 1899,1546,5685,5115 drawdirect startTime 4s_testTime showElapsedTime ,, s_lastTestTime thisTestTime X) / 1000 %"#.0" prompt "This took" && J&& " j <> 0 deltaTime )) * 100 %"#.0" 1<> 0 relation "faster" "slower" %"#.0" " It was" && & "%" && "than the "Help available FToolBook 1.5 upgrade." f"OK" enterbook resetanimation startTime leavebook showElapsedTime enterbook tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue GetCurrentTime import... export... newPage selectpage leavebook tbkdlg.dll resetanimation netanim networkdiagram startTime GetCurrentTime s_testTime showElapsedTime GetCurrentTime This test took seconds. faster slower It was than the previous test. relation deltaTime prompt thisTestTime s_testTime s_lastTestTime Help is available with the ToolBook 1.5 upgrade. Performance2 "GrayBox" 75,60 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Faster performance} Text operations Search performance is about 28 times faster for a search of 100 record fields. Sorting is up to ten times faster. Text entry and field scrolling are also faster. Text entry and field scrolling are also faster in ToolBook 1.5. Try scrolling this field to see how much more responsive ToolBook 1.5 can be. . u might also notice that you can now use dithered colors in fields, and also in buttons. learning2 "GrayBox" 75,2310 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Learning aids New sample appss More and better sample applications help you learn ToolBook and build your own applications. For example: DayBook scripts are now available. Speed Tips shows how to enhance performance. Slide Show Builder makes it easy to create interactive presentation templates.......sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :PHYSSIZE Survey1 ToolBook User Survey 1. How would you characterize yourself as a user? Circle 1 to 5 on the range below: 2. How many years experience do you have with: a. C or C++ _____ b. Pascal _____ c. Basic _____ d. Any DBMS language _____ e. Any macro language _____ f. Windows SDK _____ 3. What is your machine configuration? a. CPU __ 286 __ 386 __ 486 __ Other b. clock speed ___________ c. memory ___________ d. video __ VGA __ Super VGA __ EGA __ 8514 __ Other e. floppy __ 3 1/2 __ 5 1/4 f. CD-ROM Type _________________ 4. Did you use the ToolBook Sample Applications to learn ToolBook? __ Yes __ No 5. What do you use ToolBook for? (Check all that apply) a. __ Flat file database b. __ DBMS front ends c. __ Other front ends d. __ Education/training e. __ Prototyping f. __ Presentations g. __ Windows application development 1 2 3 4 55 Use applications; never program or write macros Write macrossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Use 4GL languages Use traditional languagesn Systems programmer Survey2 ToolBook User Survey With regards to the following statements, please indicate if you Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, or have No Opinion with regard to that statement. Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No Agree Disagree Opinion 6. ToolBook is easy for non-programmers to use 5 4 3 2 1 7. ToolBook is a great Windows applications 5 4 3 2 1 development tool 8. ToolBook is a powerful applications prototyping tool 5 4 3 2 1 9. ToolBook is a good tool for developing interactive 5 4 3 2 1 computer-based training applications 10. ToolBook is a good tool for creating dynamic 5 4 3 2 1 interactive presentations 11. ToolBook is a good tool for creating graphical front-ends 5 4 3 2 1 for database applications 12. ToolBook is good tool for creating graphical flat 5 4 3 2 1 file database applications 13. ToolBook is a good tool for developing serious 5 4 3 2 1 business applications for Microsoft Windows 14. Do you recommend ToolBook to others? __ Yes __ No 15. Do you currently use any of the following software? (Check all that apply) a. __ Actor b. __ Harvard Graphics c. __ HyperCard d. __ Microsoft C e. __ Object/1 f. __ ObjectVision g. __ Persuasion h. __ Plus i. __ PowerPoint j. __ SuperCard k. __ Turbo Pascal l. __ Windows SDK Survey3 ToolBook User Surveyy 16. What other Windows applications do you use ? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What database products do you use? (Check all that apply) a. __ dBASE III or comp. b. __ dBASE IV or comp. c. __ Btrieve d. __ Netware SQL/XQL e. __ SQL Server f. __ Oracle g. __ DB2 h. __ Paradox i. __ Other ______________________________ 18. What information sources do you find valuable when evaluating products for purchase? a. __ magazines b. __ trade shows c. __ BBS d. __ user groups e. __ personal referral f. __ direct mail 19. In what areas would you like to see features added to future versions of ToolBook? Highly desirable Not necessary a. charting 5 4 3 2 1 b. 3-D graphics 5 4 3 2 1 c. knowledge or rule-based tools 5 4 3 2 1 d. database links 5 4 3 2 1 e. forms creation 5 4 3 2 1 f. painting 5 4 3 2 1 20. What tools would make it easier for you to develop ToolBook applications? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ OrderForm Survey2 System gD|D| gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| stem gD|D| \D|D| \D|D| gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| terbook tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue leavebook tbkdlg.dll gD|D| gD|D| gD|D| :PRINTLAYOUT System fD|D| System fD|D| gD|D| System statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( o"User" DWORD GetCurrentTime() chelp eselectpage 2,4,637,475 syschangesDB unlinkDLL " resetanimation networkdiagram netanim 1899,1546,5685,5115 drawdirect startTime 4s_testTime showElapsedTime ,, s_lastTestTime thisTestTime X) / 1000 %"#.0" prompt "This took" && J&& " j <> 0 deltaTime )) * 100 %"#.0" 1<> 0 relation "faster" "slower" %"#.0" " It was" && & "%" && "than the "Help available FToolBook 1.5 upgrade." f"OK" $B%x% ToolBook 1.5 Upgrade Overview "GrayBox" 75,810 graphics1 buttonup buttonup GrayBox graphics1 buttonup buttonup "upgrade1" buttonup buttonup upgrade1 buttonup buttonup Performance Icon "GrayBox" 75,60 performance1 buttonup buttonup GrayBox performance1 windows1 buttonup buttonup windows1 windows1 buttonup buttonup windows1 Button "GrayBox" 75,5310 upgrade1 buttonup buttonup GrayBox upgrade1 "GrayBox" 75,3060 printer1 buttonup buttonup GrayBox printer1 printing printer1 buttonup buttonup printer1 "GrayBox" 75,4560 network1 buttonup buttonup GrayBox network1 "GrayBox" 75,3810 developer1 buttonup buttonup GrayBox developer1 "GrayBox" 75,2310 learning1 buttonup buttonup GrayBox learning1 GrayBox #:PHYSSIZE "GrayBox" 75,1560 windows1 buttonup buttonup GrayBox windows1 "GrayBox" 75,-800 enterpage enterpage GrayBox title1 Faster Performance ToolBook 1.5 Upgrade Information title7 Network Aware title6 New Developer Tools title5 Improved Printer Supportt title4 Additional Learning Aids title3 More Windows Controls title2 Enhanced Graphics Support Click on the icon for the topic you want, or click the Next button to go straight through the demo. The End button will take you to the last page of the demo. Animate graphics1 "GrayBox" 75,810 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Enhanced graphics support New support Import .DRW, .TIF, .CGM, .WMF, .EPS, and .DIB graphics into your books. Use full-screen 256-color bitmaps in your books (must have compatible display hardware). Page sizes up to 14 inches by 14 inches. :PHYSSIZE (more) windows1 "GrayBox" 75,1560 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Windows control objects New dialog boxes You can create true Windows dialog boxes. buttonstuff buttonup buttonup Windows-style pushbuttons are the default button style in ToolBook 1.5. Dialog --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( init dlgInit --The I function used the initial value box control. ) returns 8modified initialization there was error. ) requires three parameters: A reference whose should be changed (e.g. " Name" "listbox Files") ,"","") occurred." --A displayed Hcalling similar --that describes final values each user defined property box. retValue dlgBox retreive a specified returned retreived , "") buttonUp buttonUp tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue dlgInit dlgBox dialog retValue dlgBox 524480,8,30,20,176,150,,,Dialog,8,Helv,text,36.46,7.18,108.00,32.00,29,1342177281,130,This dialog box was created with DIALOG.TBK,0,,71.96,113.64,34.86,18.46,30,1342242817,128,OK,0,,5.64,45.33,73.71,53.05,34,1342177287,128,Grouped buttons,0,,8.46,60.72,50.93,10.46,35,1342177289,128,This is a,0,,8.46,72.41,50.93,10.46,36,1342177289,128,group of,0,,8.46,84.10,57.14,10.46,37,1342177289,128,radio buttons.,0,Dialog options,101.03,46.56,64.91,79.31,41,1350631491,133,,0,,9.30,9.03,18.29,19.69,24,1342177283,130,warning,0 dlgInit static text,s29,This dialog box was created with DIALOG.TBK, a new application that comes with ToolBook 1.5. ,b30,TRUE ,g34,Grouped buttons ,b35,TRUE ,b36,FALSE ,b37,FALSE combobox Dialog options,c41,You can use: Combo boxes Checkbox buttons Radio buttons Icons Listboxes Text controls ...and more! ,h24, ctrlID Show me (more) learning1 "GrayBox" 75,2310 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Learning aids More learning tools Online OpenScript Workbook and Tutorial Context-sensitive OpenScript help OpenScript Encyclopedia on-line "ToolBook Ideas" manual describes how to build books from ToolBook sample applications To access OpenScript help, you can press F1 from the command window or script window. :PHYSSIZE (more) printer1 "GrayBox" 75,3060 arrow 2310,2010 paper 4221,3492 enterpage leavepage enterpage GrayBox leavepage paper arrow Printer support New print optionsos Color printing High-resolution printing arrow fillpattern V :PHYSSIZE paper arrow 2310,2010 paper 4221,3492 H75,75 H-20,15 buttonup buttonup paper arrow Show me developer1 "GrayBox" 75,3810 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Developer tools New features Up to 64K scripts for each object on a page or background Windows message-translation facility allows call-backs to ToolBook from DLLs Local language support and aliasing allows easy internationalization of books DDE support for keeping a channel open :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE network1 "GrayBox" 75,4560 enterpage enterpage GrayBox Network aware You can create read-only books for multiple users across a networkkkkkk networkdiagram t F2& t tE& JZL / c Hl xmL / File locking Prices shown are in U.S. dollars. Payment must be made in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. All U.S. deliveries are shipped UPS ground. Canadian shipping may vary. UPS must have a street address in order to deliver. * Sales tax states: California=6.25% (plus local option tax); Massachusetts=5%; New York=4% (plus local option tax); Texas=6%; Washington=8.2%. Asymetrix reserves the right to correct tax rates and/or collect sales tax assessed by additional states as required by law, without notice. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.. Please refer to the code number UPG1501 if ordering by phone. Call toll-free at 1-800-626-3225 Check disk size: __ 3-1/2 inch HD __ 5-1/4 inch HDc Product Pricece Payment method Version 1.5 ToolBook Upgrade $ 75.00 Discount for completing survey $ -10.00 Subtotal $ _____ Sales Tax (if applicable)* _____ Shipping and handling: $ 9.00 (ground delivery, USA only) =_____ $ 69.00 (delivery outside of USA) =_____ Total Cost $ ___________3-1/2 inch HD __ 5-1/4 inch HD HD __ Check # _______ __ Money Order __ Mastercard __ American Express __ Visa Card # __________________________________ _____________________________ ____________ Cardholder's signature Expiration Date Upgrade Order Form Purchase orders not accepted. If mailing a check, please fold this form and enclose it in an envelope, using the address above. Make checks payable to Asymetrix Corp................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................rix Corp.. Performance1 graphics1 Performance2 ""/"/ offoff 5%!RP qsCP4 Cp%uRP" wwqcwv GWppwWw 7wqwqw8 wxswx p pwp SAww0 pPpwp WxwW7 %40pP pPpqCRq!!C SGwsA Ru0R7 CPpwqaawR W5wxw uspqp qaPWp0 p5sH7 w8x7wp4 pPSGsCwqa4 CCGwqg 0Xwx78 wssAa !wwqgq wuqau pe5!R atwq` !wwpqap Appww 5`1a@ @pwqp Wxpwwsx 5rCp( pSCSCW qG7wp s@4pp wqpwqw qew547 5!a@wp 0`wpC PpWxx aCRq' p0Aqp RA!pp pu%(pA qp744 sA 5% %!@'p 7SSu7 0PPswwqap q7qsSu4 xxpgxw x87Wws 5%'sW0S Cpqaap41w P W5sSW RSSCS wwWxw 0wW40 pRRPp7 7q@0v SR5sCC wRPppP 4p0RR ppt5` CPqp'x 0CAa@a% 0xqwr 45sxss qapq' wtpwpp wwsW% q47p5'sC 57pw0 wSRSS5%sR w55qq%%5%4 2wwqs t5%0pqCC qpwu57 wqr77q wqw788 pu%1a% sSu47W55'w pRPq%0W 75w7w4qww4 x0pww wsGusq Q%%0pp u7wqu !u0Sqqp w57sRSu !ppRPs RRq7w3 8xxWx wwxwxp 45446 twaxw3 rW7Sx RSRRP W7qpWqpqp p5$0R Gqww8 1Su71w CAppPp qxsSWS 5% p5 RWu7w x8qqGw 7ppwp RQ@xw xsRqW 454544 wwqawwx qcCCpqppS sCwpw ywqqs 5%0PR Q%40RpP qpqrR 7Sapp pqgxw7 qapqppV Axwpw7 wwxww SRSCCS qwurRPr 7wwsu $1p0r 8xx{x swqqap5% 8x8wGq 'w89s gwxGw w5445 qA%!a wwxwpq wxxwu$ ppW0ww SAqq0 RRQap46 @p@4'q !CAe3 rw7xPpwx Wpwwp RPWCw7q 5!`wP qRPpp RPpW0 xwxw5swst w7w8x U4pww7 wqpst'_ ww'p'w Pwp'PGwW qAtpt %wwPs 7a544p4 qapt5! pRV%w uaCGpW RwRWwt appRR pu%5` uppCRQ WpqpwR sCPgt wGuxs Gwwtw xwwxh QxgwWw vgwwvww gxvXww hxvxwwx xtxbG xWuwtDx pQwwx wvwGwxw eGtTE 50D&D&_f --Move linkDLL statement handler "tbkdlg.dll" dialog( setValue( getValue( o"User" DWORD GetCurrentTime() chelp ..." ..." eselectpage 2,4,637,475 syschangesDB unlinkDLL " resetanimation networkdiagram netanim 1899,1546,5685,5115 drawdirect startTime 4s_testTime showElapsedTime ,, s_lastTestTime thisTestTime X) / 1000 %"#.0" prompt "This took" && J&& " j <> 0 deltaTime )) * 100 %"#.0" 1<> 0 relation "faster" "slower" %"#.0" " It was" && & "%" && "than the "Help available FToolBook 1.5 upgrade." f"OK" enterbook resetanimation startTime leavebook showElapsedTime enterbook tbkdlg.dll dialog setValue getValue GetCurrentTime import... export... newPage selectpage leavebook tbkdlg.dll resetanimation netanim networkdiagram startTime GetCurrentTime s_testTime showElapsedTime GetCurrentTime This test took seconds. faster slower It was than the previous test. relation deltaTime prompt thisTestTime s_testTime s_lastTestTime Help is available with the ToolBook 1.5 upgrade. Survey2 ToolBook User Survey With regards to the following statements, please indicate if you Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, or have No Opinion with regard to that statement. Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No Agree Disagree Opinion 6. ToolBook is easy for non-programmers to use 5 4 3 2 1 7. ToolBook is a great Windows applications 5 4 3 2 1 development tool 8. ToolBook is a powerful applications prototyping tool 5 4 3 2 1 9. ToolBook is a good tool for developing interactive 5 4 3 2 1 computer-based training applications 10. ToolBook is a good tool for creating dynamic 5 4 3 2 1 interactive presentations 11. ToolBook is a good tool for creating graphical front-ends 5 4 3 2 1 for database applications 12. ToolBook is good tool for creating graphical flat 5 4 3 2 1 file database applications 13. ToolBook is a good tool for developing serious 5 4 3 2 1 business applications for Microsoft Windows 14. Do you recommend ToolBook to others? __ Yes __ No 15. Do you currently use any of the following software? (Check all that apply) a. __ Actor b. __ Harvard Graphics c. __ HyperCard d. __ Microsoft C e. __ Object/1 f. __ ObjectVision g. __ Persuasion h. __ Plus i. __ PowerPoint j. __ SuperCard k. __ Turbo Pascal l. __ Windows SDKK n \ i