SPEED33C.EXE This program modifies the system operating characteristics. SPEED33C has a command line process. COMMAND LINE SPEED33C may be invoked via a batch file. The following commands are accepted: 1) HIGH Sets the system to 33 MHz and enables any memory cache installed in the system. 2) MEDIUM Sets the system to 33 MHz with memory cache disabled. 3) LOW This command slows the system down to 8 MHz and disables memory cache. This allows for speed compatibility with the original AT 8 MHz machine and is mainly used for speed sensitive programs. 4) ON Moves the system BIOS into RAM. This allows BIOS calls to execute faster. If a video ROM is present, then it is also moved into RAM for faster screen updates. 5) OFF This command has the opposite effect of ON. EXAMPLE: SPEED33C HIGH ON Sets the processor speed to 33 MHz, relocates the BIOS to RAM, and enables the memory cache. The commands may be abbreviated to the first two characters. The defaults are HIGH and ON if any parameter is omitted. DETAILS If you have memory cache, then switch SW7 should be on. The BIOS is moved into the last 384 KB of the 16 MB boundary on all machines (even 1 MB). This is done in hardware by mapping the last 384 KB of the first MB into the last 384 KB of the 16 MB address space. The BIOS is then copied into that area and is write-protected. Some system boards have switch settings that enable you to change the bus speed. These switches must be in the recommended position for proper bus speed switching. Your installation guide contains instructions for the switch settings. 386-TO-THE-MAX relocates the BIOS automatically. In this case, use the OFF parameter when running SPEED33C. Quarterdeck's QEMM can relocate the BIOS. Use the OFF parameter when QEMM is loaded.