ZIFFNET DESIGNER TEMPLATE COLLECTION FROM KMT SOFTWARE, INC. Why do we call them designer templates? Well, it's simple. Instantly, spreadsheet users of all skill levels can produce professional-looking forms and reports that help solve their business problems, plan their schedules or manage their personal finances. Each of the templates has been professionally designed. Designer Templates will give your business, regardless of its size, the professional image it deserves. Most of the templates included in the ZiffNet Designer Template Collection would take many hours to design and develop. But, beware. Your lasers will be set to stun as the printed output will help you to persuade your bosses, bankers, peers and customers. Many of the Designer Templates have been adapted from KMT's Winning Forms books. KMT Software has worked closely with ZiffNet to organize these templates into on-line collections that make sense for you. If you like them, be sure to look in your local book store for the Winning Forms book series. Winning Forms are available for Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, and Quattro Pro for DOS and Windows. *************** IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT INFORMATION **************** Each template collection and individual template are the copyright of KMT Software Inc. All rights are reserved. Please regard these templates as commercial software - the copying and/or distribution of these templates is strictly prohibited. The templates may not be distributed on any other electronic service, BBS, disk vendors or or user groups. These templates are ready to use right away - no installation is required. If you need any support, please post a message on ZiffNet for Compuserve's Support forum (GO ZNT:SUPPORT). Here's a list of the forms included in this collection: Sampler Kit Expense Report EXPREPRT Balance Sheet BALSHEET Mortgage Refinancing MORTREFN Video Tape Log VIDEOLOG Employee Performance Review PERFREVU Statement Of Net Worth STMTWRTH Daily Planner DLYPLNNR Purchase Order PRCHORDR