In another really quickly designed scenario, the attacker has overwhelming numbers. Far more, in fact, than could POSSIBLY die in the currently allotted time of 30 days. The computer does a fair job playing both sides, though I can defeat it even on the hardest difficulty setting. (Way too many idiosynchraies that can be exploited in the AI.) A summary of the attackers #s and names: 2000 Behemoths, 21 Dread Knights, 5000 Domug Archers, 4500 Domug Warriors, 1100 Goblin Elite (sure!), 900 Goblin Engineers, 7500 Goblin Warriors, 800 Goblin Sarges, 1200 Orc Elite, 7100 Orc Warriors. Lots o' stuff for fighting long distance. (Basically, this was a chance to experiment with a bunch of different troop types. Boy, those Goblins stink! Notice, though, that your only archers are limited to short bows. This will be a major ouch.) {One note to players/Mindcraft: If you bombard the enemy with any missile weapons and the defenders are unable to reach your missile troops, the game slows down dramatically while trying to think of a way to get to them. A problem especially if you lose all your ladders to defending troops. Mindcraft: How about an option to KEEP ladders?} Defenders: 500 Elf Elite Archers, 15 Dwarf Engineers, 500 Dwarf Elite, 1000 Dwarf Warriors, 100 Dwarf Sarges, 25 Elf Sarges, 21 Dwarf Heros. Additionally, I never changed things, so you start out with 245 Elite Archers already out. This is handy if playing on 8 difficulty, BUT, you have no regular fighting troops to repel anyone who gets a foothold. So, you have a dilemma - keep the archers and risk major losses, or lose the #s. One final piece of info: I have occasionally had negative deaths occuring for either or both sides, usually but not exclusively late in the game. This was particularly nasty when as attacker I was suddenly facing at least forty fresh Dwarf Heros in the closing days {I don't like to plant the flag until I've decimated the enemy, so I usually wait until day 29, unless the AI is particularly stupid for a scenario.} Augh! Anyway, I've wasted enough disk space. My name is James Costello, currently residing in Phoenix, Az. Whoopdeedoo, like it matters. Outside of the twenty+ ideas I have for improving this game, the one that really should be implemented concerns the AI - Improve it or get that modem play out and incorporate it into the Siege package for free, or as close as possible. (*I* don't mind paying extra, but Mindcraft is damaging the reputation of this fascinating game.)