-HELP- The CUSTOMER addresses go here. If you normally ship to an address other than the address that you bill, enter the SHIPPING ADDRESS in the space provided. The main address will be used for statements. The shipping address is used on invoices. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter 'Y'es or 'N'o. This field typically is used to include or exclude some data or operation. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- This menu list the various files that you must maintain in the A/R system. To access the file maintenance for any of the files listed, press the ENTER key when your choice is highlighted. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE By using this Main Menu option you are able to add new customers, change the current customer information and delete old customers. When setting up your receivables for the first time, you may also add prior year sales, date of last payment and other information about your current customers by pressing the F5 key. Additional HELP screens are available as you enter the customer information needed by the program. Just press the F1 key and the HELP for that item will be displayed on the screen. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- CLOSING PERIODS In this A/R module it is only necessary to close the year. This is because the system was designed to give you the maximum in reporting flexiblity. The reports (aging, etc.) all give you the choice of a beginning and ending date. This means that reports may be printed for any period. However, it is necessary to tell this A/R system when to move the current year's purchases to "last year". This is done by using the Main Menu option, "End of Year / Move Customer Totals". Help is also available for the Quicken Processing. Access the help screens for these options. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- SYSTEM INQUIRIES There are three inquiries to view transactions in this system. All three are available from the Main Menu. VIEW CUSTOMER ORDERS, INVOICES - Use this option to view the ORDERS, QUOTES, or INVOICES for any customer you select. The documents of your choice will appear on the screen for your review. VIEW CUSTOMER PAYMENTS - Use this option to review the payments made to your company by the customer you select. VIEW INVENTORY LEVELS - This options allows you to view the transactions related to a selected inventory item. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp:Previous Screen GSTART1 SAR_DET QQ_INT1 SAR_STAT1 AAR_A_MAI PAR_PRINT CAR_CLOS1 TAR_TRN1 SS_TAX DDR_CR -HELP- Move the highlight bar to the desired HELP topic and press ENTER. Getting Started System Inquiries Quicken Interface Statements Account Maintenance Printing Closing Periods Transaction Entry Sales Tax in the A/R Debits and Credits NOTE: Please read all of these HELP screens before setting up your A/R accounts. ESC:Exit ENTER:Select Topic -HELP- CAUTION You may protect entry into this program by providing a password here. Please be careful. Any word you type in here will be in effect after this entry screen is saved to file. You may enter any letters or numbers as part of the password. MEMORIZE it or keep the PASSWORD in a very safe place away from your computer. Any keyboard characters may be used. "ABC", "12", and "DAVID007" are all legitimate passwords. Remember a capital "O" and a zero "0" are very different to the computer! Call Brown Bag It Software for assistance if you lose your password! ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- PRINTING All A/R reports are redirected to a specific file. Refer to each report to find what file name represents each report. To view/print the report go to the Main Menu, highlight View/Print Report and press enter. You will then be given the opportunity to either view the report or print the report, give the name of the report to view/print and a starting page number if the report is more than one page long. All of your A/R reports are designed to print on a standard 80 column printer. The statements require an IBM Proprinter compatible printer (Statements contain boxes created with graphics characters). Starting and ending dates are entered before printing. For reports that do NOT update customer files, you may press the ESC key while the report is printing to cancel the printing. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp:Previous Screen AR_STAT2 -HELP- STATEMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION Statements printed by this A/R program require an IBM compatible printer. There are boxes and lines printed on the statement that may not be able to be printed by all printers. If you have a need to print the statements on special pre-printed forms, contact Brown Bag It Software. SENDING STATEMENTS When setting up a customer account, you will be asked whether or not you want that customer to receive a statement. Of course, if you do not send statements to customers, you have the option to simply not print any statements at all. Printing statements is optional and printing statements does not update any A/R information, so it is not necessary to do so. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- SENDING STATEMENTS (Continued If you have only a few customers that need statements, you may also print a single statement by choosing the appropriate Main Menu option. AGING Each statement contains an aging summary for the customer's account. The aging calculates the age of amounts due using the invoice date of each individual invoice shown on the statement. We suggest you print some sample statementes to see the layout and the items included on the A/R statements. ESC or ENTER :Exit PgUp:Previous Screen AR_TRN2 -HELP- TRANSACTION ENTRY Transaction entry in this accounting module is designed to be as simple as possible. The entries for INVOICES, QUOTES, and ORDERS are basically the same. From the Main Menu you select the option "Quote/Order/Invoice Maintenance". Then you select the type of entry you want to make. After your selection is made, you will see a list of the existing "documents" that match your selection. You may edit existing documents or add new ones. When you select QUOTES or ORDERS, you also have the option to change the document type. This is the screen where you change an order into an invoice, or a quote into an invoice. By changing the type of document here to an INVOICE, you also add the transactions to the accounts receivable. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn:Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- TRANSACTION ENTRY The following keys are used to add new invoices (or quotes or orders) from the list. Insert: Adds a new invoice (or quote or order) Enter : Edit the highlighted document. After making the "ACTION" selection, you will enter the document header information. When the header information is complete, you may add (or edit) the individual items that are to be included in the document. Additional help screens are available on this entry screen. Like the rest of the program, pressing F1 will display a help screen. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- Enter the Quicken category to be used in Straight Forward. A Quicken cate- gory name can only be 15 characters. However, if the cateogry contains a subcategory or budget code the total length of the category can be 30 characters, however the main category name can not exceed 15 characters. Example: COMPUTER SUPPLS:RIBBONS/LASER ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The sales catalog is used to maintain sales descriptions and selling prices of items or services that you sell. The sales catalog does not track quantities or costs, use the inventory file for those items. This is for everything you sell that you do not wish to keep in inventory. One good code to have here is a MISC code for miscellaneous sales. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Is this item taxable by default? An exempt customer would override this information. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER to update your form. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The CONTACT should be entered here along with the CONTACT telephone number. The name and CONTACT are printed on various reports in this accounting system. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The CONTACT for this vendor should be entered here along with the A/P CONTACT telephone number. Normally, the vendor contact is the person you would call for questions about your account. A space is provided for the telephone number of the CONTACT person. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the inventory item code to receive. If you do not know the code, press enter and you will be offered a table of the existing items. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the cost per unit. IF YOU ONLY HAVE A TOTAL AMOUNT, YOU MUST DIVIDE YOUR AMOUNT BY THE NUMBER OF UNITS PURCHASED AND ENTER THAT AMOUNT. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the receive date for this purchase. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the quantity received of the item. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- If you will be using inventory, select a cost method for tracking your purchases. The options are: A-Average Cost, F-First In/First Out, and L-Last In/First Out. You may also select 'N' if you wish to disable cost tracking. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the Vendor the above item was purchased from. If you do not remember the Vendor name, just press the Enter key to call up the Vendor Table. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Your name and address should be entered here. The address and telephone number you enter here will be shown on statements. The company name will be printed on your A/R reports. If you like, you may add an extension or the word "FAX" to the telephone number to help your customer contact you concerning the A/R statements. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter your credit limit with the vendor. This is only for informational purposes and prints on various reports and is displayed on the account inquiry screen for you. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the credit limit for this customer. This amount is included in various reports and also when a customer account inquiry is done. Amounts up to $9, .99 may be entered. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the default commission rate you wish to pay to your sales reps for purchases by this customer. You can override this entry on each invoice. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Your customers are shown on this list. Use the keys shown below to move up and down the list and edit the customer file. , PgUp, PgDn : Move up/down the list. CTRL-PgUp, CTRL-PgDn : Move to Top and Bottom of the list. ENTER : Select the highlighted customer for editing. DELETE: Delete the highlighted customer. (Only customers with a zero balance may be deleted.) INSERT: Insert a new customer into the list. NOTE: You may find a customer in the list by typing in the first part of the customer name. The A/R program will then find the first matching customer name that begins with the letters you type in. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the CUSTOMER NAME that you want to appear on your customer lists and the statements. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the customer code for this customer or leave it blank and one will be generated for you. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The commission rate for this item to be credited to the sales rep named on the invoice. If this item is commissionable, the default rate will appear here. If you do not wish to pay a commission for this item, then enter a zero. The invoice commission rate is only a default, and any entry here will override the default rate. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The description appears for you to accept by pressing the ENTER key. You may change the item description if you like by typing in a new one. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Type in the DISCOUNT you would like to give the customer for this item. Enter the discount as a whole percent (10 percent = 10.0). After you enter the DISCOUNT, the new NET PRICE and ITEM TOTAL will display. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Type in the LIST PRICE for this item. Discounts are calculated from the list price and the item DISCOUNT percentage. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- This item is a SALES CATALOG ITEM. When you select "Sale" you may type in the item ID and the description will appear on the screen. If you are selling an item NOT in your list, select the MISC catalog item and type in the amount and the description. Pressing ENTER when the item is blank will cause the SALES CATALOG items to appear. You then select an item from the list. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the line number on the invoice where you would like this line to appear. By using this option, you will be able to arrange the invoice lines in the order needed. If you do not enter a line number, the line is added automatically for you. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- ORDER QUANTITY Enter the item quantity the customer would like to order. On Quotes and Orders, this is the only quantity you can enter. Only invoices can have ship quantities (next field). ESC or ENTER: EXIT -HELP- The NET PRICE is the price that is used for the actual selling price to the customer FOR EACH ITEM. After you enter this amount the ITEM TOTAL will be calculated and added to the invoice total. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Type in the QUANTITY of this item for this order or invoice. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- TAXABLE (Yes/No) If this detail line is taxable, enter Y. If it is not, enter N. Regardless of your entry, if the invoice is tax exempt, i.e. Tax Rate = 0.00% then no tax will be charged for this detail line. ESC or ENTER: EXIT -HELP- There are five types of lines that may be added to an A/R - ORDER ENTRY document: - An item not in the catalog or inventory INVENTORY - A returned item (credited in the total) COMMENT - Text you want to appear when printed - Sales Tax for this order. Chosen last, calculated on total FREIGHT - Freight Charges (prints separately and NOT taxed) Use the cursor keys to select the item type or press the first letter of your choice and press ENTER. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Type in the UNIT CODE for the item. Normally this is EA for EACH or BX for BOX, etc. The default is used when pressing the ENTER key. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The number of discount days allowed by the vendor is entered here. The number of days you enter here is added to the invoice date to determine the last day a discount is available. For example, if the invoice date is 09/03/90 and the vendor allows you 10 days to take a discount, the discount days entered here is "10" and the resulting discount date for the invoice would be 09/13/90. This date is used in the Quicken Interface when generating data for your accounts payable Quicken account. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The amount of the discount allowed by the vendor is entered here. Enter the percentage discount as a decimal ( 1% = .01). This percent is used in authorizing and applying discounts during the invoice payment process. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the ending quantity to qualify for the discount you will enter. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the discount percentage for this bracket ( 1% = 1.00). ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the starting quantity. If this is your first entry, this should be one. Each entry thereafter, the quantity should be one more than the previous end quantity. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- DEBITS AND CREDITS Transaction entry in this accounting module is designed to be as simple as possible. The entries for INVOICES, QUOTES, and ORDERS all use the plus key (or ENTER) and the minus key to enter "Debits" and "Credits". Because you are using asset accounts in this module, positive amounts entered are really debits into the accounting system. Likewise, negative amounts are recognized as what you would normally think of as "credits". ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- Enter the normal number of days for invoices for this customer to come due. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the ending date for a report range. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The CUSTOMERS in your system are shown on this list. You may use the locator to find a customer by typing in the first few letters of the customer name. You may add new customers to the list by pressing the Insert key. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The CATALOG ITEMS in your system are shown on this list. You may use the locator to find an item by typing in the first few letters of the item code you may add new items to the CATALOG list by pressing the Insert key. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Select the inventory item using the arrow keys and page up/down. You can also search using the locator field. Simply start typing the the code you are searching for and the list will jump to that point. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The list of QUICKEN ACCOUNTS is shown on this screen. You can move up and down the list using the cursor keys and PgUp and PgDn. Move the highlight bar to the account of your choice and press ENTER. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The TAX CODES in your system are shown on this list. You may use the locator to find a tax code by typing in the first few letters of the code. You may add new tax codes to the list by pressing the Insert key. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- In entering new customers into the A/R files, you will be asked to enter the customer's finance rate. If you would like the amount to be entered for you as a suggested rate for each new customer, enter the finance rate here. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- If you wish to allow finance charges to be applied to this customer's unpaid invoices, enter a 'Y' at this prompt. Finance charges will normally be applied once per month (if you use them) and the rate should be a monthly rate (or correspond to your finance cycle.) ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- In entering new customers into the A/R files, you will be asked to enter the number of days before the finace charge is applied. If you would like the number of days to appear on the screen as a suggested number, enter the number of days here. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Please enter the vendor name, address, and telephone numbers you want to appear on vendor reports. If the remittance name and address you want to show on your checks is different than the name of the vendor, fill in the right side of the screen under the "REMIT TO" line. The REMIT TO line is passed over to your Quicken account if you print checks with Quicken. Vendor labels use the VENDOR information for printing and do NOT use the REMIT TO information. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The COMMISSION RATE field is the default commission rate for detail items for this customer. You may enter any commission percentage, or enter zero if this transaction will have no commissions. When entering individual sales items, you can override this default commission for the single item. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The CUSTOMER PO (if there is one) should be entered here. This PO number is printed on various system reports and on the customer invoice. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The DUE DATE is the date that this invoice is considered due. It is printed on the customer invoice, but is not used in the system for aging. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- If your company adds shipping point information on invoices, type in the FOB point here. This information is printed on the invoice. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The NUMBER this order or invoice is entered here. A suggested number is shown on the screen for you. This number is the next invoice number in your invoice (order) system. You should NOT change this number unless you have a definite need to do so. If you change the number, the next time you come to this screen, the new number will be used. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The OUR REF is the internal reference for this invoice. This may be any brief text that your company would like to enter to track this order or invoice. The default is the Reference you used for the particular customer. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The SHIP DATE is the date the order is shipped to the customer. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The SHIP BY is the carrier for the order. The carrier should be entered here such as UPS, USPO, FEDEX, etc. This information is printed on the invoice for your customer's information. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The SALES REP for this invoice is shown here. If you need to select a different SALES REP for this order, blank the field and press ENTER. The list of SALES REPS will then appear on the screen. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The type of transaction should be selected here. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighted area to your choice and press the ENTER key. Transactions can be Quotes (no financial impact, no inventory impact), Orders (can have deposits, can reserve inventory), and Invoices. A transaction will NOT appear in your sales reports until it is an invoice. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The TAX CODE is the code that has been set up in the customer file. If the tax code needs to be changed for this invoice, blank the field and press the ENTER key to see the TAX CODE list. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The Transaction date should be entered here. This is the date of the invoice, quote, or order. For invoices, it is the date that is used for aging in the aging reports. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The CUSTOMER TERMS for this invoice should be entered here. This item is filled in from the customer file, but may be changed if you like. The TERMS shown here are not used for aging, but is used only for printing. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the category to import into your Quicken Accounts Payable account (in Quicken Terms an Other Liability Account). Useage of this Straight Forward Quicken Interface feature will assist in tracking unpaid amounts owed to vendors. Example: AP or you could utilize the Quicken subcategory features by entering AP:XYZ Company. Straight Forward also supports budget code, i.e., AP:XYZ/OFFICE SUPPLIES, however, the length of the main cate- gory cannot exceed 15 characters and the total length cannot exceed 30. ESC or ENTER: Exit eIN_MENU2 -HELP- INVENTORY The inventory system that is tightly integrated with the accounts receivable and order entry module is an option that can be used to track inventory items by quantity and cost. You do not have to use the inventory option if you do not have this need. A sales catalog has been provided which allows you to sell services and items that you do not track by quantity and cost. The sales catalog is part of the accounts receivable menus. The inventory system consists of five basic parts. 1 - Inventory Item Maintenance - Add/Edit/Delete Inventory Items 2 - Inventory Discount Levels - Maintain a discount table 3 - Inventory Receiving - Receive Inventory Purchases/Update Cost & Qty. 4 - Order Entry - Sell inventory items 5 - Inventory Reports - List inventory or generate a reorder report. Option one and two are available from the main menu in the inventory maintenance menu. Option three is on the main menu under 'Receive Inventory' and option five is available under inventory reports. ESC: Exit PgDn: Next Screen PgUp: Previous Screen -HELP- (Continued ITEM MAINTENANCE Inventory items have two basic parts to them. Information you can maintain directly such as description, selling price, and desired stock points. An item also has quantity and cost information and you can only affect this information in the inventory receiving option. Items you create can have stock points that are used for the reorder report. DISCOUNT TABLE You can create a inventory discount table that allows an automatic discount from the list price of an inventory item when you sell a certain quantity of the item. This discount can always be overridden and is determined when you are selling the inventory items in orders and invoices. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp: Previous Screen -HELP- Enter the item commission code. If you do not pay commission or not for this item, enter 'N'. If you wish to use the default customer commission rate when selling this item, enter 'C'. And if you wish a specific rate just for this item, enter 'I' and you will be allowed to enter the rate in the next field. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- You are adding a new inventory item. Enter the one to ten character code that you wish to use to represent the item. Items you create here should be inventory items that you purchase and track quantites and costs about. Use the sales catalog for tracking non-inventory items such as consulting or training. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter your general ledger cost of goods sold account for this item. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the item commission rate (percentage). ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the inventory item description. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the desired stock level for this item. This field is used by the reorder report to determine how many units of the item you need to purchase (but only when the quantity on hand falls below the minimum stock level.) ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the selling list price. This is the suggested selling price before any discounts. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- If you will be using the inventory reorder report you should enter your minimum stock level for this item. If the quantity on hand falls below this level, the reorder report will suggest a reorder for this item and the quantity it will recommend will be to bring the stock to the desired stock level, which is the next field. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Is the inventory item taxable by default. When selling this item, an exempt customer would override the effect of this field. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The unit of sale for this item. Examples: EA - EACH, BX - BOX. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Use this screen to establish quantity discount levels when selling your inventory items. THIS WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR SALES CATALOG ITEMS. You should create a table much like the following example: > 4 10.00 15.00 BE SURE that the beginning number for one level is one more than the highest number in the previous level. The "end" quantity for the last level should (or the highest inventory level allowable by the program). ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Inventory Item Maintenance is used to add, edit, and remove inventory items from your system. Items entered here should be items you wish to track by quantity and cost. You will use the receive inventory option from the main menu to add quantities and costs to the file. Use the function keys shown to maintain the data. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- This screen allows you a quick view of some of your key inventory fields. This screen shows your actual inventory items and their current stock levels, along with their suggested selling price. Sales catalog items are not shown on this screen. Use the arrows and page up/down to view all of your items. You can also use the item locator to quickly jump to a new point by entering the first characters of the item code. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- This menu list the various files that you must maintain for inventory. To access the file maintenance for the files listed, press the ENTER key when your choice is highlighted. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- You may enter the name of the person to whom letters would be sent about your account with the vendor. This ablility to send personal letters is not implemented in the A/R. You should contact Brown Bag It Software if you would like to add this feature to your Straight Forward program. ESC or ENTER: Exit QUICK1 AR_MENU OE_MENU IN_MENU -HELP- Move the highlight bar to the desired HELP topic and press ENTER. Quick Overview Accounts Receivable Order Entry Inventory NOTE: Please read all of these HELP screens before setting up your system. ESC:Exit ENTER:Select Topic -HELP- Enter the customer code or leave blank for all customer's to print. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- This menu has the reports listed that are available for inventroy. Other reports in the system are available for order entry and A/R. These reports are listed on the various sub-menus and screens in this system. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- This menu has the reports listed that are available for the A/R system. Other reports in the system are available for order entry and inventory. These reports are listed on the various sub-menus and screens in this system. ESC or ENTER: Exit OE_MENU2 -HELP- WHAT IS ORDER ENTRY? Order Entry is a tightly integrated feature of the accounts receivable system that allows you to enter quotes, orders, and invoices. These transactions allow you to record complete detail about each transaction and update your accounts receivable, inventory files as appropriate. THE ORDER PROCESS. After setting up your control, sales, and inventory data files, you are ready to create transactions. You create and maintain all three types of transactions in the 'Quote/Order/Invoice' Main Menu option. This option allows you to create, edit, and delete these three types of transactions. Quotes have no financial impact on the system and are created solely to give price quotes to your customers. They can be printed out and given to your customers. Orders should be created when you have a firm commitment from the customer for a sale. Orders reserve inventory items and can have deposits entered for them. Orders will not show up in your sales reports until they become an invoice. Invoices are the basis for all financial transactions in the system. Invoices reduce your inventory, adjust customer sales and balance figures, and can have payments entered for them. Quotes and Orders can be turned into invoices at anytime. All three types of transactions can be edited after creation. ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen -HELP- (Continued PAYMENTS. After creating invoices, you can use the Payment Maintenance option on the main menu to record your payments and adjustments to the invoice balance. You can also enter a comment about each payment, such as the customer check number or a note about cash payments. The comment line is also used to record the customer name when using the Quicken Interface. REPORTS. The accounts receivable reports are all updated instantly with each transaction and payment change. You do not have to use any posting functions to use the reports. Reports are supplied that will give you a breakdown of your sales by invoice or customer, payments for any date range, aging report, commission and sales tax reports are also available. The inventory reports are also updated instantly with each transaction and you can print your inventory listing or reorder report at any time with no posting requirements. POSTING TO QUICKEN INTERRACE. If you are interfacing this system with Quicken you will have to periodically run the End of Day Processing. You should run the End of Day Processing at the end of each day in order to generate the deposit and accounts payable files. The commission and sales tax files are generated when printing out you commission and sales tax reports. This would normally be accomplished at the end of a period, i.e., at the end of a month. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp: Previous Screen -HELP- Enter your account number with the vendor. This account number is used in the Quicken interface. If you print checks through Quicken this data will be available so the vendor can better recognize you when receiving your check. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The system password must be entered here to gain access to the A/R ORDER ENTRY, and INVENTORY SYSTEM. Type in the system password and press ENTER. Upper and lower case do not matter when typing in your password. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the path where your copy of Quicken is located plus a name for the accounts payable file, i.e., you could enter C:\QUICKEN5\AP. To import this file into your Quicken program, access the account register to import into, Type ALT P and then I for import and fill out this screen as follows: NOTE: Remember, a file name can only be eight characters in length. DOS File: DEPOSIT (name of QIF file, or CheckFree directory) Import Transactions (Y/N): Y Special handling for transfers (Y/N): N (Press F1 for more information.) Import Categories and Classes (Y/N): N Import Accounts (Y/N): N Import Memorized Transactions (Y/N): N These are items entered onto the Quicken Import from QIF file screen. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the path where your copy of Quicken is located plus a name for the commission file. For example you could enter C:\QUICKEN5\COMSSN. To import this file into your Quicken program, access the account register to import into, Type ALT P and then I for import and fill out this screen as follows: NOTE: Remember, a file name can only be eight characters long. DOS File: DEPOSIT (name of QIF file, or CheckFree directory) Import Transactions (Y/N): Y Special handling for transfers (Y/N): N (Press F1 for more information.) Import Categories and Classes (Y/N): N Import Accounts (Y/N): N Import Memorized Transactions (Y/N): N These are items entered onto the Quicken Import from QIF file screen. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the path where your copy of Quicken is located plus a name for the payments file. For example you could enter C:\QUICKEN5\DEPOSIT. To import this file into your Quicken program, access the account register to import into, Type ALT P and then I for import and fill out this screen as follows: NOTE: Remember, a file name can only be eight characters in length. DOS File: DEPOSIT (name of QIF file, or CheckFree directory) Import Transactions (Y/N): Y Special handling for transfers (Y/N): N (Press F1 for more information.) Import Categories and Classes (Y/N): N Import Accounts (Y/N): N Import Memorized Transactions (Y/N): N These are items entered onto the Quicken Import from QIF file screen. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the path where your copy of Quicken is located plus a name for the sales tax file. For example you could enter C:\QUICKEN5\SALESTAX. To import this file into your Quicken program, access the account register to import into, Type ALT P and then I for import and fill out this screen as follows: NOTE: Remember, a file name can only be eight characters in length. DOS File: DEPOSIT (name of QIF file, or CheckFree directory) Import Transactions (Y/N): Y Special handling for transfers (Y/N): N (Press F1 for more information.) Import Categories and Classes (Y/N): N Import Accounts (Y/N): N Import Memorized Transactions (Y/N): N These are items entered onto the Quicken Import from QIF file screen. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the amount of the payment or deposit. If the amount of the payment or deposit covers several invoices, enter the total amount of the payment and all open invoices will be paid starting at the current invoice number. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the comment for the payment. Example: Paid Check #10932 or if using the Quicken interface, enter the customer name. This is used to better describe a payment from a customer when more than one payment is made for a given day. Quicken split transactions are used when this occurs. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the date of payment or the date of the deposit for orders. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- PAYMENT INVOICE (ORDER) NUMBER Enter the invoice number or order number you wish to record a payment about. If you do not know the transaction number, you can press ENTER and then search for unpaid invoices by customer. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- TRANSACTION TYPE FOR PAYMENT If you are entering a payment on an invoice, select 'I'. If you are entering a deposit on an order, enter 'O'. Payment maintenance is used to record all receipts on orders and invoices. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER and a payment report will be generated for the date range you have selected. Press ESCAPE to back up the form. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the Quicken account for customer deposits on orders. For example, one could enter INCOME or you could designate a category along with its sub- category by entering INCOME:SOFTWARE. This information will be posted to the file defined in the Company Setup screen for the Accounts Payable. NOTE: The main category cannot exceed 15 characters and the total length of the category cannot exceed 30 characters. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Reports print in both normal print and compressed print. Special printer codes are needed to tell your printer how to change from one to the other. We have provided codes that should work for most printers. You will need to simply tell the program which type of printer you have, a dot matrix printer that responds to IBM and EPSON codes (for compressed print) or a Hewlit Packard LaserJet printer. Press the keys shown to set the program for the type of printer you have: F8: Set the codes for a standard dot matrix printer (IBM or EPSON) F9: Set the codes for a Hewlit Packard LaserJet. If the codes provided by the program do not work with your printer, you may type in your printer's codes. For more help on how to determine the correct codes, you will need to refer to your printer manual. If you enter codes other than those provided by this program, you should print this screen or write the codes down. Then in case someone accidentally resets the codes on this screen, you will have the codes handy to re-enter. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Reports print in both normal print and compressed print. Special printer codes are needed to tell your printer how to change from one to the other. We have provided codes that should work for most printers. You will need to simply tell the program which type of printer you have, a dot matrix printer that responds to IBM and EPSON codes (for compressed print) or a Hewlit Packard LaserJet printer. Press the keys shown to set the program for the type of printer you have: F8: Set the codes for a standard dot matrix printer (IBM or EPSON) F9: Set the codes for a Hewlit Packard LaserJet. If the codes provided by the program do not work with your printer, you may type in your printer's codes. For more help on how to determine the correct codes, you will need to refer to your printer manual. If you enter codes other than those provided by this program, you should print this screen or write the codes down. Then in case someone accidentally resets the codes on this screen, you will have the codes handy to re-enter. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- ENTERING TRANSACTION DETAIL At this point, you can add, edit, and remove transaction detail by selecting the appropriate key (Insert, Enter, or Delete). Pressing the F10 key will save and exit the transaction. Control-Escape will also end the transaction. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The transactions in the system are listed here. Quotes and Orders can be edited and deleted. Your options: Insert - Add a transaction * Enter - Change the transaction * Delete - Delete the highlighted transaction. You can only delete a trans- action if the Invoice Balance is equal to 0. When printing an invoice, order or quote a 'How many copies' screen appears. The first copy printed is always a 'cost sheet'. In other words, the first copy printed not only has the 'customer price' but it also has the cost, margin and total profit for the particular copy being printed. If your business is a 'service' type business with no real inventory, just enter a dummy inventory item into your inventory and give it what you feel is the cost, i.e. your hourly rate is $36.00 an hour to a customer, however, you feel what it cost you for one hours work may be $20.00. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- PRINT QUOTE / ORDER / INVOICE This option will print the transaction when you press enter. Press Escape to abort the printing and return to the transaction table. All three transaction types print onto the same form, so DO NOT use pre-numbered invoice forms. Each transaction has its own title. You can also print out several copies of each invoice, order or quote. The first copy of each invoice, order or quote will give the cost information. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the Quicken category that you wish the sales tax to be assigned to. You are allowed to enter a different Quicken category for each of your tax regions. ESC or ENTER: Exit .QUICK2 -HELP- NOTE: These screens provide a quick overview of the entire system. CATALOG AND INVENTORY - There are two ways to enter items for sale. The first is a SALES CATALOG. The sales catalog does not keep track of the quantity on hand of any item and is designed to hold misellaneous sales items and services. If your company does not keep any large quantities of items to sell, you may want to enter all of the items you sell in the CATALOG. The second is the INVENTORY file. This file holds items that you want to track with purchases and sales of items. When items are received through this system, the quantity on hand is increased. When they are sold, the inventory is reduced by the items sold. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen QUICK3 -HELP- INVENTORY INVENTORY METHOD - This version of the program supports average cost only. LIFO and FIFO cost methods will be supported shortly. This option is controled in company setup. INVENTORY FILE - To maintain your inventory items, use the inventory file maintenance menu from the Main Menu and select inventory maintenance. You can then add and edit your inventory items. INVENTORY REPORTS -Inventory reports can be accessed from the Main Menu using the "Print Inventory Reports Menu". (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen wiQUICK4 -HELP- CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS - Customers are added to the system and retained until you delete them. When you enter a customer, you will need to know: Customer Name Customer Address Customer Phone Customer Shipping Address Customer Contact and Phone Customer Terms (for statements) Customer Credit Limit Customer Sales Tax Rate (Code) Customer Sales Rep (and commission) Customer Invoice Due Days (for finance chgs) Customer Receive Statements (Yes or No) Customer Receive Statement Messages (Yes or No) Customer Finance Charges (rate and application days) (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen . QUICK5 -HELP- SALES REPS AND COMMISSIONS - You may set up sales reps to receive commissions in this system for goods and services sold. TO SET UP A REP - Access the Accounts Receivable Maintenance Menu and highlight the Sales Rep Maintenance menu item. You will enter the sales rep code along with full name and the Quicken category. DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO PAY A REP - The report on the Accounts Receivable Reports Menu, Commission Report prints out commission amounts. This report contains a beginning and ending date for the invoices (PAID in FULL) to be included in the report. **IMPORTANT** Amounts are NOT listed on the commission report until the invoice is paid in FULL. The date of the last payment of an invoice determines the period when the commission is printed on the invoice. !(Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen QUICK6 -HELP- QUOTES, ORDERS, AND INVOICES QUOTES - A quote is simply a list of items that you price to a a customer. Entering a quote into the system does not update any commissions, inventory or sales amounts. Quotes may be changed to an invoice when the order is filled and shipped or the services are rendered. ORDER - An order is entered when a customer confirms the intent to purchase items. If you are using the inventory functions, the items ordered will be shown as obligated for the items ordered. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen QUICK7 -HELP- QUOTES, ORDERS, AND INVOICES INVOICE - May be entered directly into the system. Issuing an invoice means the customer now owes for the items received. Invoices, quotes, and orders are all automatically numbered by this system. If you wish, you may start numbering at a higher number by entering the new "highest" number on the Quote/Order/Invoice Numbering Maint main menu item. The system then stores the new number as the starting number for the next document. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen iQUICK8 -HELP- QUICKEN INTERFACE The Quicken Interface can assist you in several different ways. If you choose to use Straight Forward's Quicken Interface you will have the capability to generate data files Quicken can directly read which will contain your daily payments of your customers, accounts payable information when you receive inventory and information containing commissions due salesman. All this is accomplished automatically with the touch of a key. END OF DAY PROCESSING End Of Day Processing generates a file containing your customers payments and deposits for the day along with any inventory received. The payments and deposits can be directly imported into your Quicken account as a split transaction (if there is more than one payment) and the inventory received can be imported into Quicken as an Accounts Payable (in Quicken terms, an Other Liability Account) account. Quicken import files are also gener- ated when the Sales Tax Report and the Commission Report are printed. These reports would normally be printed at the end of a month or period. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen s QUICK9 -HELP- REPORTS All reports produced by the A/R program will print on an 80 column printer. If you feel that your reports would be more readable on a wider paper or you have a need for a different format, please contact Brown Bag It Software. We will be able to provide assistance in changing your reports or creating new ones. STATEMENTS Statements are printed only for customers that you want to receive them. In the set up for each customer, there is an option for sending statements. You simply choose "Yes" or "No". You also have the option to include reminder messages on the statements or leave them off for each customer. The statements contain an aging of each customer's invoices broken down in the standard aging periods. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- SPECIAL PROCESSING OPTIONS: APPLY FINANACE CHARGES Use this option if you apply finance charges to your customer's outstanding balances. For each unpaid invoice balance that is past due a finance charge can be generated and applied to each invoice. REMOVE OLD TRANSACTIONS The accounts receivable system keeps all quotes, orders and invoices on file until you decide to remove them. If you have a large amount of disk space available, you may never wish to remove old transactions. YEAR END PROCESSING / MOVE CUSTOMER BALANCES The customer records maintain the current year and the past year's sales totals. Use this option prior to starting new orders and invoices for a new year. This option is NOT required. If you do not use this option, the current year's sales total will reflect all years. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- QUICKEN INTERFACE To use the Quicken Interface follow these easy steps (1) From the Company System Setup Screen enter a 'Yes' for Use Quicken Interface (2) Enter the the full path name. For example C:\QUICKEN5\DEPOSIT would be entered in the file name field to record the path and name of your Quicken Deposits. There are four files that are generated by Straight Forward to use with Quicken; an Accounts Payable file, a Payments file, a Sales Tax file and a Commission file. The Accounts Payable file can be imported into your Quicken program for use in a Quicken Other Liability Account which in turn is generated by the End of Day Processing. This data is a reflection of any inventory received for the day and the amount owed a vendor. The Payments file is generated by the End of Day Processing and reflects any payments received by customers. This file can be imported into your Quicken checkbook account as a split transaction deposit. The Sales Tax file is generated after printing the Sales Tax Report and can be imported into your Quicken checkbook account as a check transaction to your State Department of Revenue. The Commission file is generated after printing the Commission Report and can be imported into your Quicken checkbook account as individual checks to your sales representatives. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the path and the command to start Quicken, i.e., C:\QUICKEN5\Q ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- You have the option to interface this module with the Quicken. A considerable amount of time can be saved if you do have Quicken and elect to interface Straight Forward with you copy of Quicken. The different items that are passed to your Quicken program are customer payments, inventory receipts for a Quicken accounts payable account and also transactions for commission check to you salesman. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- RECEIVE INVENTORY This screen allows you to add, edit, and remove received inventory records. You will not be able to edit or remove lines where some quantities have already been sold. (However, you can delete a line where all received quantities have been used and the quantity on hand is now zero.) ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- You may set up reminder messages to appear on your statements. If you wish them included on this customer's statements, enter 'Y'. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Some vendors require that payments be sent to another address (or another company). If the remittance name and address you want to show on your checks is different than the name of the vendor, fill in the right side of the screen under the "REMIT TO" line. To select which address is used on the checks, select Vendor Name or Remittance Name at the bottom of the screen. Vendor labels use the VENDOR information for printing and do NOT use the REMIT TO information. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The SALESMAN is the one assigned to this account and the one that will appear as the default salesman when an order for this customer is added. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the representative code. This is a one to five character string consisting of letters or numbers. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Sales Representatives can be added, edited and deleted from this screen. Use the function keys shown at the bottom of the screen. If your company does not have sales representatives, you should still create one entry and call it the HOUSE account. Each order and invoice would then be applied to this invoice. Even if you do have sales reps, the HOUSE account is a good idea for invoices that do not have a sales representative. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the representative's name as you wish it to be known by the computer. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The sales representative commission report will list for the selected rep or all reps their commissions during the date range selected. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- If you press enter, customer statements will be printed for the customer you selected or for all customers on file with outstanding invoices and their statement flags set to YES. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- To print the sales tax collection report, you enter a date range for the report and an optional tax code. If you leave the tax code blank, all codes will be listed that had sales during the date range you have selected. This option will also generate a Quicken import file which will contain the information Quicken requires to generate a check or transaction for your State Department of Revenue. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER and the sales by customer for the date range you have selected will be printed. Press Escape to backup. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER to generate a listing of invoices for range you have selected. Escape will backup. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- If you pay commissions, you can determine whether this item is commissionable and if it is, if the commission comes from the customer commission rate or a specific rate for this item that will override the customer rate. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the sales item code. You can use any code you like from one to ten characters. Sales Catalog Items are non-inventory items that you sell. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the commission rate (percentage). ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the item description. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the item list sales price. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the sales unit, like EA for each, or BX for BOX, or DZ for dozen. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- ENTER DATE You are being asked to enter a date to start a given procedure or report. Also this field can appear when changing an order or quote to an invoice. Other dates in the system may be needed for reports and transactions. Always enter the date in the format mm/dd/yy (e.g. 06/21/91). ESC or ENTER: EXIT -HELP- Enter the Quicken category to be imported into your Quicken program that will track commission paid to sales representatives. For example, you could enter "Commissions PD". Ensure all categories already exist in your Quicken program. NOTE: A Quicken main category cannot exceed 15 characters in length. Example: COMMISSIONS PD:EQUIP/JOHN DOE ESC or ENTER: Exit START2 -HELP- GENERAL This accounts receivable program was designed to provide you with a method of tracking your receivables and obtaining management information concerning the status of your accounts receivable. It was designed to be flexible and simple to use. You may enter transactions directly as invoices, or you may enter quotes and orders (that may be converted easily into invoices). INSTALLATION If you are reading this screen, you have successfully installed Straight Forward. Note: The last line of every screen displays some very useful information, i.e., time, date, instructions and to the far right you will notice a number. This number represents the amount of memory (RAM) your computer has left to successfully run Straight Forward. If this number is below 35 from the Main Menu or if you receive a red error message screen stating you there is "insufficient memory" contact Brown Bag It Software. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen iSTART3 -HELP- QUICKEN INTERFACE You will be required to tell the A/R program which files to use when gener- ating Quicken data transactions. This is done in the "Company/System Setup" Main Menu option. In setting up your company information, you will be asked to enter several file names If you have any questions about what to do when entering this information you may press the F1 key for more help when on the Company/System Setup screen. Just be sure that if you plan to use the Quicken interface with this module, you set up the necessary categories in Quicken BEFORE you set up this module. After doing this, any categories entered in Straight Forward will then be compatible with your copy of Quicken. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen nuSTART4 -HELP- REPORTS All reports produced by the A/R program will print on an 80 column printer. If you feel that your reports would be more readable on a wider paper or you have a need for a different format, please contact your programmer. He will be able to provide assistance in changing your reports or creating new ones. STATEMENTS Statements are printed only for customers that you want to receive them. In the set up for each customer, there is an option for sending statements. You simply choose "Yes" or "No". You also have the option to include reminder messages on the statements or leave them off for each customer. The statements contain an aging of each customer's invoices broken down in the standard aging periods. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen dSTART5 -HELP- AGING Accounts aging is done using the "standard" 30-60-90-120 day method. All invoices are aged using the invoice transaction date that you enter. You may age the accounts and print a report either in detail or summary form. The detail aging report prints a list of all of the current detail transactions for a customer grouped by invoice number. The summary report only prints an aged total (30-60-90-120) for each customer. The customer's account is also aged when you use the account INQUIRY option from the Main Menu. The detailed transactions are listed on the screen along with the 30-60-90-120 aging. FINANCE CHARGES This A/R program will calculate a finance charge for your outstanding invoices that have gone unpaid beyond the number of days set up in each customer's file. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen tSTART6 -HELP- FINANCE CHARGE It is important to understand the way the A/R calculates the finance charge. This is because the finance charge is a flat percentage of the unpaid invoice. For example, a customer (George Flatbush) has an invoice that has now gone unpaid for 45 days and we have entered the number of days to wait before applying finance charges to 30 (in his customer file). Further, you set your finance rate at 1%. Well, dear old George has not paid us for a year. The next screen will display the way the interest would be calculated when you choose "Apply Finance Charges" from the Main Menu. The program uses the TOTAL amount due on a single invoice to calculate the finance charges. The total consists of the original invoice amount, the total of all adjustments made to the invoice, the amount of finance charges to date on the invoice, less any payments. This simply means that the NET invoice amount due determines the base for finance charges. The calculation does not use the number of days the invoice has gone unpaid but ONLY uses the fact that the invoice has exceeded the allowed time to pay. (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen 5START7 -HELP- FINANCE CHARGE Days Overdue Invoice Amt. Finance Chgs. Total Due 1% = 0.00 1 mo. = 30 1% = 10.00 1010.00 2 mos. = 60 1010.00 1% = 10.10 1020.10 3 mos. = 90 1020.10 1% = 10.20 1030.30 4 mos. = 120 1030.30 1% = 10.30 1040.60 5 mos. = 150 1040.60 1% = 10.41 1051.01 6 mos. = 180 1051.01 1% = 10.51 1061.52 7 mos. = 210 1061.52 1% = 10.62 1072.14 8 mos. = 240 1072.14 1% = 10.72 1082.86 9 mos. = 270 1082.86 1% = 10.83 1093.69 10 mos. = 330 1093.69 1% = 10.94 1104.63 11 mos. = 360 1104.63 1% = 11.05 12 mos. = 360 1% = 11.16 1126.84 Total Interest after 12 mos. = 126.84 or 12.68% per annum (Continued ESC: Exit ENTER or PgDn: Next Screen PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- LAST NOTE Practice? We suggest that you may want to set up some trial customers and categories and experiment with sample entries before actually entering your real customer transactions. This will help you become familiar with the operation of Straight Forward. ESC or ENTER: Exit PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- Enter 'Y' to allow customer statements for this customer, or 'N' for statement generation to be skipped for this customer. Note that statements are printed from the main menu. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The STATEMENT messages are entered on this screen. Messages entered here will be printed at the bottom of the statement. You have the option of including REMINDER messages for each customer when you are entering customer information. The date shown on the statement for the OLDEST invoices will determine which message appears on the statement. The message for ALL STATEMENTS will appear on ALL statements, quotes, orders and invoices, regardless of the individual customer selection for "Reminder Messages (Y/N)". ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the category to import into Quicken to track the Sales Tax a business is required to pay on certain items. Straight Forward supports both Quicken subcategory and budget codes, i.e., SALES TAX:REGION1, however the main Quicken category must not exceed 15 characters and the total length of the category cannot exceed 30 characters. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- SALES TAX Sales tax information is entered in the A/R program in two ways. The first set up of sales tax amounts is by entering sales tax codes using the Main Menu option, "Sales Tax Code Maintenance". You enter a short abbreviation of the sales tax code (e.g. EXE for EXEMPT). Then you enter the description (e.g. EXEMPT) and the tax rate and the Quicken category for the sales tax. This is an important feature of this system because it allows you to keep up with the increasing complexity of state and local tax laws. The second way of determining sales tax is on the individual items added to orders or invoices. Each item may be taxable or not at entry time. The total tax is calculated and shown on the list of invoice items along with the item charges and freight. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Please enter the tax code for this customer. The tax code is used to calculate the sales tax on the orders for this customer. If the tax code is not shown on the pop-up list, you may add it from the Main Menu. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the sales tax code. It can be from one to five characters. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The sales tax maintenance screen is used to maintain your sales tax rates. If you do not collect sales tax, make one entry to create an EXEMPT sales tax code (Recommended Code: EXE). Even if you collect tax, you should still create this code for the EXEMPT sales. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the tax name or region. For each different sales tax that you collect, you should create a code and region name for that tax. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the sales tax rate percentage. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The choices for payment type are shown on this list. Choose the type of payments you make to the vendor. If you are unsure which choice to make, contact your accountant for assistance. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The A/P vendors are shown on this list. Use the keys shown below to move up and down the list. , PgUp, PgDn : Move up/down the list. CTRL-PgUp, CTRL-PgDn : Move to Top and Bottom of the list. ENTER : Select the highlighted vendor. INSERT: Add a new vendor to the A/P files. DELETE: Delete the highlighted vendor from the A/P files. NOTE: You may find a vendor in the list by typing in the first part of the name. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- This is where you enter the TELEPHONE number for the customers. Room has been left here for an extension or a small note, ie "FAX 713- ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The CUSTOMER TERMS should be entered here. The terms you enter here are printed on the customer statement. However the terms you type in here are for your information and the customer's information. No calculations are done in the program using TERMS. Finance charges and aging use the the actual invoice date. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the normal number of days that an invoice is due to be paid to the vendor from the date of the invoice. In most cases this will be 30 days, but the number of due days may vary from vendor to vendor. The number of days you enter here is added to the invoice date in transaction entry to determine the due date. Various reports including the cash requirement report use the due date of an invoice for sorting your invoices. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Please enter the company name that this customer belongs to. I.E., IW for Interwest or PEP for PEP customers. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Enter the date for transactions to be entered during this use of the system. You can use the plus (+) or minus (-) key to go forward and backward respec- tively. This is useful when entering transactions that might be a few days old or it can also be used when an End Of Day Processing was inadvertently skipped; just enter the correct day and then from the Main Menu, run the End of Day Processing or any of the other reports required for your Quicken inter- face. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- ESC: Exit or ENTER PgUp:Previous Screen -HELP- ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER to update your discount table. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER to update your inventory item. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER to update your sales catalog. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER to SAVE your sales representative. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- Press ENTER to SAVE your entry. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The primary vendor is the vendor that you want to use for ordering this item as your first choice. The secondary vendor is the vendor that you want to use for ordering this item as a second choice. Press the F9 key to select from a list of vendors. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The primary vendor is the vendor that you want to use for ordering this item as your first choice. The secondary vendor is the vendor that you want to use for ordering this item as a second choice. Press the F9 key to select from a list of vendors. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The primary vendor order number is the vendor's 'catalog' number for this item. The secondary vendor order number is the vendor's 'catalog' number for this item. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The vendors are shown on this list. Use the keys shown below to move up and down the list. , PgUp, PgDn : Move up/down the list. CTRL-PgUp, CTRL-PgDn : Move to Top and Bottom of the list. ENTER : Select the highlighted vendor. NOTE: You may find a vendor in the list by typing in the first part of the vendor number. The program will then find the first matching vendor number that begins with what you type in. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- VENDOR FEDERAL ID NUMBER If you are required to keep purchase records for this vendor, enter his Employer Identification Number here. For individuals, this will probably be a Social Security number. If you enter a EIN here, you will be asked to select which category the purchases fall in. A selection window will appear after completing this entry. FOR OUR FOREIGN USERS: In the United States, companies are required to file a form that tells the government how much is paid to individuals for purchases. This helps track payments made to people so the Internal Revenue Service can collect the appropriate revenue. If you want these 1099 items removed from your program, contact Brown Bag It Software. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The primary vendor order number is the vendor's 'catalog' number for this inventory item. The secondary vendor order number is the vendor's 'catalog' number for this inventory item. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The primary vendor is the vendor that you want to use for ordering this inventory item as your first choice. The secondary vendor is the vendor that you want to use for ordering this inventory item as a second choice. Press the F9 key to select from a list of vendors. ESC or ENTER: Exit -HELP- The primary vendor is the vendor that you want to use for ordering this inventory item as your first choice. The secondary vendor is the vendor that you want to use for ordering this inventory item as a second choice. Press the F9 key to select from a list of vendors. ESC or ENTER: Exit ADDR ANSWER ARMMENU AR_A_MAI AR_CLOS1 AR_DET AR_MENU AR_PASS " AR_PRINTE AR_STAT1 AR_STAT2 AR_TRN1 AR_TRN2 "$ CATEGORYx' CATMAINTP) CATTAXYN;+ COMPMAIN", CONTACT CONTTELE(. 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SCATCCOD/" SCATCODE SCATCRAT SCATDESCl% SCATPRIC SCATUNIT SDATE SREP_CATS) START1 9+ START2 START3 .4 START4 ~8 START5 START6 SB START7 STAT STATEMSGWJ STAX_CAT S_TAX TAX -S TAXCODE TAXMAINTcU TAXNAME TAXRATE TBL1099 TBL_V Z TELE TERMS <^ TERMSDAY TKL_NAME}b TODAYDAT{c UNUSED3 UNUSED4 7f UNUSED5 9g UNUSED6 UNUSED7 Sh UPDDISC UPDITEM UPDSCAT Tj UPDSREP UPDSTAX VEND1 zl VEND2 VENDORD VEND_TBL q VENFED VORDNUM V_1 V_2