Release 0.3 This file did not go through a spell checker. ( or a grammer checker for that matter.) RC-DO-C, is a VREXX command program that reads a .RC and .DLG file to create a .C file. It requires the VREXX package from IBM. Remember VREXX, REXX, and IBM are trademarks of the International Business Machine Corporation. Get the VREXX package from your favorite BBS. It's a nice little package. The C code generated is accepted by the C Set/2 Compile. Again C Set/2 is a trademark of the International Business Machine Corporation. To run RC-DO-C, simply type the command name. An optional .rc filename may be passed as a parameter. Example: RC-DO-C rccdo.rc. Even if you enter a file name; the program will still prompt you for a file to read. We'll fix it sometime later. You will be presented with a list of radio buttons and two push buttons to do the code thing. (BTW, the CANCEL push button sometimes means CANCEL othertimes it means END. While the OKAY button will mean OKAY sometimes and others END. It's confusing but You should get the hang of it.) The series of steps to follow are: Select a file (Radio Button 1) Parse the file (Radio Button 2 -We don't know why we didn't combine this with Select but we didn't). Add Controls (Radio Button 3) - This is followed by a whole bunch of dialog windows. Create A C file (Radio Button 6). There are two other steps: Save (Radio Button 4) and Load RCC file(Radio Button 5). Use these if you want to add more controls to a parsed file. (BTW the parser is very weak and needs lots of attention. So go gentle on it.) Please note: That if you edit the C file. Then you change your RC or DLG and regenerate the C file you re-parse, you will loose all your changes to the C file. MAKE A BACKUP OR GEN TO DIFFERENT FILE NAME. -How To Add Controls (Radio Button 3) - Multi Step Process. Gives a list of all known Windows and Dialogs from the RC and DLG files. Select one and press OKAY. Gives a list on all define PM PMs, with names for the selected Window Or . Dialog. BTW, numbered IDs are ignored. . Select one and press OKAY. . . Gives a list of 5 functions (help(Selection 5) is implemented) . . Select one and press OKAY. . . If you pick Start Win/DLG then . . you get a list of all other Windows and Dialogs to be started. . . Select one and press OKAY. . Select another ID when done press CANCEL. Select anthoer Window or Dialog when done press CANCEL That's it in a nutshell. Good Luck and read on. First, we apologize for not creating a INF file. So little time so much code write. Second, we aplogize for no real documentation. Next release we promise. Yeah, right. Third, we tried to make the program use as intuitive as possible. Our intuition is your obfuscation. Fourth, If you want the next release, send $25.00 and floppy disk to: American Coders, LTD RC-DO-C Development Team Post Office Box 97462 Raleigh, NC 27624 Fifth, If you have a question call us day or night at (919) 846-2014. Sixth, we included several files. Here is a list: RC-DO-C.TXT, this file RC-DO-C.LIC, some license we ripped off the VREXX package. RC-DO-C.CMD, the program. RCCDO.RC, sample resource script. RCCDO.DLG, sample resource dialog. RCCDO.RES, sample RES file. RCCDO.H, output from DIALOG generator. RCCDO.C, C program generated from RC-DO-C. RCCDO.ICO, sample ICON file. RCCDO.EXE, sample executable. Release 0.2 notes: Added code to track non-Automatic RadioButtons and CheckBoxes. In the C code you'll find two arrays to track these two types: 1. CheckBoxes - Each checkbox is represented as an element in the cb array. If the box is checked then the element value is TRUE and if box is unchecked then the element value is FALSE. 2. RadioButtons - Each dialog is represented as an element in the rb array. If one of the dialog buttons is checked then the value of that radio button is the value of the dialogs position in the rb array. If you need to have more than one group of radio buttons in a dialog, then add a new element to enum list of dialog-radiobuttons and change the CONTROL logic in the dialog procedure. There is no logic for AutoRadioButtons or AutoCheckBoxes. Release 0.3 notes: Added code to store and read Entry Fields and Multiple Line Entry Field. In the C code you'll find one array for each Entry Field and one character pointer for each MLE. Also the MLE have a ULONG field for tracking its size. Entry fields size are pre-determined by the ylen paramter in the DLG file. Both types of fields are loaded into when the DIALOG is initialized. Well the MLE are only if the length is > 0. In the CASE CONTROL structure each type of field is tested for *_KILLFOCUS (which means the user is leaving that field for another) At that time the C code will save what the user has put in there. There is probably a better place to put this type of code. If you can think of a better place let us know. Added logic for Quit W/ Message (Option 3) for Add Control function. Look in the C code you'll find it. The message and title we send out is rather generic. It uses the YES NO push buttons with NO as the default.