Const SYSTEMSOUND = 0 Const WAVEFILE = 1 Dim CurrentSound As String Dim CurrentType As Integer Sub Form_Load () OK% = sndPlaySound("SystemStart", SND_SYNC + SND_NODEFAULT) PlaySnd.SysSoundList.AddItem "SystemAsterisk" PlaySnd.SysSoundList.AddItem "SystemHand" PlaySnd.SysSoundList.AddItem "SystemDefault" PlaySnd.SysSoundList.AddItem "SystemExclamation" PlaySnd.SysSoundList.AddItem "SystemQuestion" PlaySnd.SysSoundList.AddItem "SystemExit" PlaySnd.SysSoundList.AddItem "SystemStart" End Sub Sub PlayButton_Click () Dim Msg As String, CrLf As String, WaveError As Integer WaveError = FALSE CrLf$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) If CurrentSound$ = "" Then WaveError = TRUE Msg$ = "There is no sound selected." End If If (CurrentType% = WAVEFILE) And (Right$(UCase$(CurrentSound$), 3) <> "WAV") Then WaveError = TRUE Msg$ = "The current file: " + CurrentSound$ + CrLf$ Msg$ = Msg$ + "is not a valid waveform file." + CrLf$ Msg$ = Msg$ + "Only files with a .WAV extension" + CrLf$ Msg$ = Msg$ + "can be selected." End If If Not WaveError Then Worked% = sndPlaySound(CurrentSound$, SND_SYNC) End If If Worked% = FALSE Then WaveError = TRUE Msg$ = "Couldn't find the requested .WAV file." End If If WaveError Then MessageBeep (MB_ICONINFORMATION) MsgBox Msg$, MB_ICONINFORMATION, "sndPlaySound Error" End If End Sub Sub ExitButton_Click () OK% = sndPlaySound("SystemExit", SND_SYNC + SND_NODEFAULT) End End Sub Sub WaveFileList_Click () CurrentType% = WAVEFILE CurrentSound$ = FullPathName$(WaveFileList.Path, WaveFileList.FileName) lblCurrentSound.Caption = CurrentSound$ End Sub Function FullPathName$ (ByVal PathName$, ByVal FileName$) If Right$(PathName$, 1) <> "\" Then PathName$ = PathName$ + "\" End If FullPathName$ = PathName$ + FileName$ End Function Sub WaveFileList_DblClick () CurrentType% = WAVEFILE CurrentSound$ = FullPathName$(WaveFileList.Path, WaveFileList.FileName) lblCurrentSound.Caption = CurrentSound$ PlayButton.Value = TRUE End Sub Sub Dir1_Change () WaveFileList.Path = Dir1.Path End Sub Sub Command1_Click () End Sub Sub SysSoundButton_Click () If SysSoundList.ListIndex <> -1 Then CurrentSound$ = SysSoundList.List(SysSoundList.ListIndex) End If End Sub Sub SysSoundList_Click () CurrentType% = SYSTEMSOUND CurrentSound$ = SysSoundList.List(SysSoundList.ListIndex) lblCurrentSound.Caption = CurrentSound$ End Sub Sub SysSoundList_DblClick () CurrentType% = SYSTEMSOUND CurrentSound$ = SysSoundList.List(SysSoundList.ListIndex) lblCurrentSound.Caption = CurrentSound$ PlayButton.Value = TRUE End Sub