Privileged Operation Exceptions ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A Privileged Operation Exception message occurs when a program attempts to read, write, or execute past the end of a code or data segment. The error can also be triggered by a program which illegally tries to enter protected mode. The problem is actually detected by the microprocessor and is reported in the form of a software interrupt. 386MAX or BlueMAX intercepts the interrupt and displays the message. Though the error can be caused by bugs in an application or from a hardware conflict with 386MAX or BlueMAX, the problem can usually be attributed to a conflict between one or more resident programs. The best method to debug the problem is selected by the frequency of the error and the time at which it occurs. If the error occurs while running MAXIMIZE, isolate the resident program by scrolling through the screens displayed at bootup. The screen can be stopped by using or -. If the error occurs during the first reboot, it is possible that 386MAX or BlueMAX is mapping high DOS over the address space used by an adapter in the machine (ie, network interface cards, hard drive controllers, etc.). Such problems can be solved by using a RAM= statement to protect the affected address range. If the problem occurs during the second or third reboot in MAXIMIZE, locate the resident program which is generating the error message. The user may be able to simply change the order in which resident programs are being loaded to resolve the issue, or the error may be caused by a program which does not reside well in high DOS. If the error is persistent, regardless of the order in which the resident programs are loaded, do not attempt to load the program high. By default, MAXIMIZE will attempt to load all resident software high. A program can be selected not to load high within FULL MAXIMIZE by "toggling" the entry in the action column of the Phase 2 File Browser to LOW. If the error occurs while executing an application program, the user should strip the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files in a such manner that 386MAX or BlueMAX is the only resident program being loaded. If the error disappears, the user should add resident programs back into the files, one line at a time, until the application fails again. The situation can be resolved by not loading the resident program at all, or perhaps by not loading the program into high DOS. The address reported in the error message can also be helpful. If the address starts with a numeral from 0 to 9, error is probably occuring within conventional memory. If the address begins with a letter from A to F, the problem is likely confined to the high DOS area from 640K to 1MB. In such a case, the problem may be linked to a piece of hardware using high DOS address space which is not being recognized by 386MAX or BlueMAX. Such errors can be solved by adding a RAM= statement the 386MAX.PRO file to protect the appropriate address range. ---------- Qualitas, Inc. Main : (301) 907-6700 7101 Wisconsin Avenue Sales : (800) 733-1377 Suite 1386 FAX : (301) 907-0905 Bethesda, MD 20814-4805 BBS : (301) 907-8030 CompuServe : 73377,3307 MCI : 336-2907 ---------- 386MAX, BlueMAX, and MOVE'EM are trademarks of Qualitas, Inc. All company names and products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.