I think the two previous reports may have been false alarms. I've used Fifth Generations Untouchable, Norton's Anti-Virus 2.1 (updated thru 12/31/92), and Skulasson's F-Protect 2.06 on it and it comes out clean. I've used both of the Norton resident utilities (NAV&.SYS and NAV_.SYS) and can't get any sort of warning running any of the executables from PKZ204C.EXE. According to Hoffman's VIRSUM (12/92), Maltese Amoeba installs in the high end of available memory - if it's there, you should see a decrease in available RAM. I've checked before/after running each of the new zip executables & have seen no decrease. Below follows the log from F-PROT 2.06: Virus scanning report - 5. January 1993 6:38 F-PROT 2.06 created 2. November 1992 Virus signatures created 2. November 1992 Method: Heuristics Search: C:\DOS\PKZIP Action: Report only Targets: Boot/File Files: All files Scanning boot sector C: Analysing C:\DOS\PKZIP\PKUNZIP.EXE - Suspicious file This is a self-modifying program, which may indicate a self-encrypting virus or just unusual code. Analysing C:\DOS\PKZIP\PKZIPFIX.EXE - Suspicious file This is a self-modifying program, which may indicate a self-encrypting virus or just unusual code. Analysing C:\DOS\PKZIP\ZIP2EXE.EXE - Suspicious file This is a self-modifying program, which may indicate a self-encrypting virus or just unusual code. Results of virus scanning: Files: 15 (394 KB) Scanned: 15 (394 KB) Infected: 0 Suspicious: 3 Disinfected: 0 Deleted: 0 Renamed: 0 MBR's: 1 DOS boot sectors: 1 Infected: 0 Suspicious: 0 Disinfected: 0 Time: 0:01 MR