January 15, 1993 Dear Over_LAZ HP User: This short memo is to acquaint you with some of the features of Over_LAZ that you may find useful and interesting in your everyday life. Over_LAZ HP are printer command files used with WordPerfect 5.0 or later, WordStar, PC-Write, dBase and other software applications and HP LaserJet or compatible printers to automatically print letterheads, 'rubber stamps' and decorative borders. Although you cannot see anything unusual when you look at this document on a screen, even in printer preview mode, wait until you print it out! Before printing this document, make sure you have copied the files IOMEMO2.HP, ONE.HP, and NEWS.HP to your WordStar working directory on drive C:. For complete instructions, see the INSTALL.DOC file. Release 3 includes many new overlay files, an easy to use menu macro for WordPerfect 5.x users, and expanded documentation. Over_LAZ HP will only work with LaserJet compatible printers. It will not work with dot matrix or other printer types. A version is also available for PostScript printers. Sincerely, Herne Data Systems Ltd. p.s. Be sure to read all about our FREE customized letterhead offer in the INSTALL.DOC file.