//$$ newmatc.txt Testing Testing newmat on your compiler =============================== There are a series of files of the form tmt?.cxx included with some versions of the package. These are used to check that the package is performing correctly. They consist of a large number of matrix formulae all of which evaluate to zero (except the first one which is used to check that we are detecting non-zero matrices). The printout should state that it has found one non-zero matrix. There is an optional #define DO_FREE_CHECK in include.h. If this is activated the program will check that the new-s and delete-s are balanced. There should be no unbalanced new-s or delete-s. You need the ANSI version of the preprocessor to run DO_FREE_CHECK. The program also allocates and deletes a large block and small block of memory before it starts the main testing and then at the end of the test. It then checks that the blocks of memory were allocated in the same place. If not then one suspects that there has been a memory leak. i.e. a piece of memory has been allocated and not deleted. This is not completely foolproof. Programs may allocate extra print buffers while the program is running. I have tried to overcome this by doing a print before I allocate the first memory block. Programs may allocate memory for different sized items in different places, or might not allocate items consecutively. Or they might mix the items with memory blocks from other programs. Nevertheless, I seem to get consistent answers from most of the compilers I am working with, so I think this is a worthwhile test. Gnu 2.2 and Zortech do not pass this test. There may be good reasons for this, but I think it would be a good idea if the authors of these packages made sure they knew what was happening.