//$$ newmata.txt Documentation file Documentation for newmat06, an experimental matrix package in C++. ================================================================== MATRIX PACKAGE 1 December, 1992 Copyright (C) 1991,2: R B Davies Permission is granted to use but not to sell. Contents ======== General description Is this the package you need? Changes Where you can get a copy of this package Compiler performance Example Detailed documentation Customising Constructors Elements of matrices Matrix copy Unary operators Binary operators Combination of a matrix and scalar Scalar functions of matrices Submatrix operations Change dimensions Change type Multiple matrix solve Memory management Output Accessing matrices of unspecified type Cholesky decomposition Householder triangularisation Singular Value Decomposition Eigenvalues Sorting Fast Fourier Transform Interface to Numerical Recipes in C Exceptions Clean up following an exception List of files Problem report form --------------------------------------------------------------------------- General description =================== The package is intented for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations. Emphasis is on the kind of operations needed in statistical calculations such as least squares, linear equation solve and eigenvalues. It supports matrix types Matrix (rectangular matrix) nricMatrix (variant of rectangular matrix) UpperTriangularMatrix LowerTriangularMatrix DiagonalMatrix SymmetricMatrix BandMatrix UpperBandMatrix (upper triangular band matrix) LowerBandMatrix (lower triangular band matrix) SymmetricBandMatrix RowVector (derived from Matrix) ColumnVector (derived from Matrix). Only one element type (float or double) is supported. The package includes the operations *, +, -, inverse, transpose, conversion between types, submatrix, determinant, Cholesky decomposition, Householder triangularisation, singular value decomposition, eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix, sorting, fast fourier transform, printing and an interface with "Numerical Recipes in C". It is intended for matrices in the range 4 x 4 to the maximum size your machine will accomodate in a single array. That is 90 x 90 (125 x 125 for triangular matrices) in machines that have 8192 doubles as the maximum size of an array. It will work for very small matrices but becomes rather inefficient. A two-stage approach to evaluating matrix expressions is used to improve efficiency and reduce use of temporary storage. The package is designed for version 2 or 3 of C++. It works with Borland C++ on a PC and AT&T C++ (2.1 & 3) and Gnu C++ (2.2) on a Sun. It works with some problems with Zortech C++ (version 3). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is this the package you need? ============================= Do you 1. need matrix operators such as * and + defined as operators so you can write things like X = A * (B + C); 2. need a variety of types of matrices 3. need only one element type (float or double) 4. work with matrices in the range 4x4 to 90x90 5. tolerate a large package Then maybe this is the right package for you. If you don't need (1) then there may be better options. Likewise if you don't need (2) there may be better options. If you require "not (5)" then this is not the package for you. If you need (2) and "not (3)" and have some spare money, then maybe you should look at M++ from Dyad or the Rogue Wave matrix package. If you need not (4); that is very large matrices that will need to be stored on disk, there is a package YAMP on CompuServe under the Borland C++ library that might be of interest. Details of some other free C or C++ matrix packages follow - extracted from the list assembled by ajayshah@usc.edu. Name: SPARSE Where: in sparse on Netlib Description: library for LU factorisation for large sparse matrices Author: Ken Kundert, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, sparse@ic.berkeley.edu Name: matrix.tar.Z Where: in ftp-raimund/pub/src/Math on nestroy.wu-wien.ac.at ( Author: Paul Schmidt, TI Description: Small matrix library, including SOR, WLS Name: matrix04.zip Where: in mirrors/msdos/c on wuarchive.wustl.edu Description: Small matrix toolbox Name: Matrix.tar.Z Where: in pub ftp.cs.ucla.edu Description: The C++ Matrix class, including a matrix implementation of the backward error propagation (backprop) algorithm for training multi-layer, feed-forward artificial neural networks Author: E. Robert (Bob) Tisdale, edwin@cs.ucla.edu Name: meschach Where: in c/meschach on netlib Systems: Unix, PC Description: a library for matrix computation; more functionality than Linpack; nonstandard matrices Author: David E. Stewart, des@thrain.anu.edu.au Version: 1.0, Feb 1992 Name: nlmdl Where: in pub/arg/nlmdl at ccvr1.cc.ncsu.edu ( Language: C++ Systems: Unix, MS-DOS (Turbo C++) Description: a library for estimation of nonlinear models Author: A. Ronald Gallant, arg@ccvr1.cc.ncsu.edu Comments: nonlinear maximisation, estimation, includes a real matrix class Version: January 1991 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes ======= Newmat06 - December 1992: Added band matrices; 'real' changed to 'Real' (to avoid potential conflict in complex class); Inject doesn't check for no loss of information; fixes for AT&T C++ version 3.0; real(A) becomes A.AsScalar(); CopyToMatrix becomes AsMatrix, etc; .c() is no longer required (to be deleted in next version); option for version 2.1 or later. Suffix for include files changed to .h; BOOL changed to Boolean (BOOL doesn't work in g++ v 2.0); modfications to allow for compilers that destroy temporaries very quickly; (Gnu users - see the section of compiler performance). Added CleanUp, LinearEquationSolver, primitive version of exceptions. Newmat05 - June 1992: For private release only Newmat04 - December 1991: Fix problem with G++1.40, some extra documentation Newmat03 - November 1991: Col and Cols become Column and Columns. Added Sort, SVD, Jacobi, Eigenvalues, FFT, real conversion of 1x1 matrix, "Numerical Recipes in C" interface, output operations, various scalar functions. Improved return from functions. Reorganised setting options in "include.hxx". Newmat02 - July 1991: Version with matrix row/column operations and numerous additional functions. Matrix - October 1990: Early version of package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to get a copy of this package ================================= I am putting copies on Compuserve (Borland library, zip format), SIMTEL20 (MsDos library, zip format), comp.sources.misc on Internet (shar format). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiler performance ==================== I have tested this package on a number of compilers. Here are the levels of success with this package. In most cases I have chosen code that works under all the compilers I have access to, but I have had to include some specific work-arounds for some compilers. For the MsDos versions, I use a 486dx computer running MsDos 5. The unix versions are on a Sun Sparc station or a Silicon Graphics or a HP unix workstation. Thanks to Victoria University and Industrial Research Ltd for access to the Unix machines. A series of #defines at the beginning of "include.h" customises the package for the compiler you are using. Turbo, Borland, Gnu and Zortech are recognised automatically, otherwise you have to set the appropriate #define statement. Activate the option for version 2.1 if you are using version 2.1 of C++ or later. Borland C++ 3.1: Recently, this has been my main development platform, so naturally almost everything works with this compiler. Make sure you have the compiler option "treat enums as ints" set. There was a problem with the library utility in version 2.0 which is now fixed. You will need to use the large model. If you are not debugging, turn off the options that collect debugging information. Zortech C++ 3.0: "const" doesn't work correctly with this compiler, so the package skips all of the statements Zortech can't handle. Zortech leaves rubbish on the heap. I don't know whether this is my programming error or a Zortech error or additional printer buffers. Deactivate the option for version 2.1 in include.h. Does not support IO manipulators. Otherwise the package mostly works, but not completely. Glockenspiel C++ (2.00a for MsDos loading into Microsoft C 5.1): I haven't tested the latest version of my package with Glockenspiel. I had to #define the matrix names to shorter names to avoid ambiguities and had quite a bit of difficulty stopping the compiles from running out of space and not exceeding Microsoft's block nesting limit. A couple of my test statements produced statements too complex for Microsoft, but basically the package worked. This was my original development platform and I still use .cxx as my file name extensions for the C++ files. Sun AT&T C++ 2.1;3.0: This works fine. Except aggregates are not supported in 2.1 and setjmp.h generated a warning message. Neither compiler would compile when I set DO_FREE_CHECK (see my file newmatc.txt). Gnu G++ 2.2: This mostly works. You can't use expressions like Matrix(X*Y) in the middle of an expression and (Matrix)(X*Y) is unreliable. If you write a function returning a matrix, you MUST use the ReturnMatrix method described in this documentation. This is because g++ destroys temporaries occuring in an expression too soon for the two stage way of evaluating expressions that newmat uses. Gnu 2.2 does seem to leave some rubbish on the stack. I suspect this is a printer buffer so it may not be a bug. There were a number of warning messages from the compiler about my "unconstanting" constants; but I think this was just gnu being over-sensitive. JPI: Their second release worked on a previous version of this package provided you disabled the smart link option - it isn't smart enough. I haven't tested the latest version of this package. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example ======= An example is given in example.cxx . This gives a simple linear regression example using four different algorithms. The correct output is given in example.txt. The program carries out a check that no memory is left allocated on the heap when it terminates. The file example.mak is a make file for compiling example.cxx under gnu g++. Use the gnu make facility. You can probably adapt for the compiler you are using. --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Don't forget to remove references to newmat9.cxx in the make file | | if you are using a compiler that does not support the standard io | | manipulators. | --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed Documentation ====================== Copyright (C) 1989,1990,1991,1992: R B Davies Permission is granted to use but not to sell. -------------------------------------------------------------- | Please understand that this is a test version; there may | | still be bugs and errors. Use at your own risk. I take no | | responsibility for any errors or omissions in this package | | or for any misfortune that may befall you or others as a | | result of its use. | -------------------------------------------------------------- Please report bugs to me at robertd@kauri.vuw.ac.nz or Compuserve 72777,656 When reporting a bug please tell me which C++ compiler you are using (if known), and what version. Also give me details of your computer (if known). Tell me where you downloaded your version of my package from and its version number (eg newmat03 or newmat04). (There may be very minor differences between versions at different sites). Note any changes you have made to my code. If at all possible give me a piece of code illustrating the bug. Please do report bugs to me. The matrix inverse routine and the sort routines are adapted from "Numerical Recipes in C" by Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, Vetterling, published by the Cambridge University Press. Other code is adapted from routines in "Handbook for Automatic Computation, Vol II, Linear Algebra" by Wilkinson and Reinsch, published by Springer Verlag. Customising ----------- I use .h as the suffix of definition files and .cxx as the suffix of C++ source files. This does not cause any problems with the compilers I use except that Borland and Turbo need to be told to accept any suffix as meaning a C++ file rather than a C file. Use the large model when you are using a PC. Do not "outline" inline functions. Each file accessing the matrix package needs to have file newmat.h #included at the beginning. Files using matrix applications (Cholesky decomposition, Householder triangularisation etc) need newmatap.h instead (or as well). If you need the output functions you will also need newmatio.h. The file include.h sets the options for the compiler. If you are using a compiler different from one I have worked with you may have to set up a new section in include.h appropriate for your compiler. Borland, Turbo, Gnu and Zortech are recognised automatically. If you using Glockenspiel on a PC, AT&T activate the appropriate statement at the beginning of include.h. Activate the appropriate statement to make the element type float or double. If you are using version 2.1 or later of C++ make sure Version21 is #defined, otherwise make sure it is not #defined. The file (newmat9.cxx) containing the output routines can be used only with libraries that support the AT&T input/output routines including manipulators. It cannot be used with Zortech or Gnu. You will need to compile all the *.cxx files except example.cxx and the tmt*.cxx files to to get the complete package. The tmt*.cxx files are used for testing and example.cxx is an example. The files tmt.mak and example.mak are "make" files for unix systems. Edit in the correct name of compiler. This "make" file worked for me with the default "make" on the HP unix workstation and the Sun sparc station and gmake on the Silicon Graphics. With Borland, its pretty quick just to load all the files in the interactive environment by pointing and clicking. Constructors ------------ To construct an m x n matrix, A, (m and n are integers) use Matrix A(m,n); The UpperTriangularMatrix, LowerTriangularMatrix, SymmetricMatrix and DiagonalMatrix types are square. To construct an n x n matrix use, for example UpperTriangularMatrix U(n); Band matrices need to include bandwidth information in their constructors. BandMatrix BM(n, lower, upper); UpperBandMatrix UB(n, upper); LowerBandMatrix LB(n, lower); SymmetrixBandMatrix SB(n, lower); The integers upper and lower are the number of non-zero diagonals above and below the diagonal (excluding the diagonal) respectively. The RowVector and ColumnVector types take just one argument in their constructors: RowVector RV(n); You can also construct vectors and matrices without specifying the dimension. For example Matrix A; In this case the dimension must be set by an assignment statement or a re-dimension statement. You can also use a constructor to set a matrix equal to another matrix or matrix expression. Matrix A = U; Matrix A = U * L; Only conversions that don't lose information are supported - eg you cannot convert an upper triangular matrix into a diagonal matrix using =. Elements of matrices -------------------- Elements are accessed by expressions of the form A(i,j) where i and j run from 1 to the appropriate dimension. Access elements of vectors with just one argument. Diagonal matrices can accept one or two subscripts. This is different from the earliest version of the package in which the subscripts ran from 0 to one less than the appropriate dimension. Use A.element(i,j) if you want this earlier convention. A(i,j) and A.element(i,j) can appear on either side of an = sign. Matrix copy ----------- The operator = is used for copying matrices, converting matrices, or evaluating expressions. For example A = B; A = L; A = L * U; Only conversions that don't lose information are supported. The dimensions of the matrix on the left hand side are adjusted to those of the matrix or expression on the right hand side. Elements on the right hand side which are not present on the left hand side are set to zero. The operator << can be used in place of = where it is permissible for information to be lost. For example SymmetricMatrix S; Matrix A; ...... S << A.t() * A; is acceptable whereas S = A.t() * A; // error will cause a runtime error since the package does not (yet) recognise A.t()*A as symmetric. Note that you can not use << with constructors. For example SymmetricMatrix S << A.t() * A; // error does not work. Also note that << cannot be used to load values from a full matrix into a band matrix, since it will be unable to determine the bandwidth of the band matrix. A third copy routine is used in a similar role to =. Use A.Inject(D); to copy the elements of D to the corresponding elements of A but leave the elements of A unchanged if there is no corresponding element of D (the = operator would set them to 0). This is useful, for example, for setting the diagonal elements of a matrix without disturbing the rest of the matrix. Unlike = and <<, Inject does not reset the dimensions of A, which must match those of D. Inject does not test for no loss of information. You cannot replace D by a matrix expression. The effect of Inject(D) depends on the type of D. If D is an expression it might not be obvious to the user what type it would have. So I thought it best to disallow expressions. Inject can be used for loading values from a regular matrix into a band matrix. (Don't forget to zero any elements of the left hand side that will not be set by the loading operation). Both << and Inject can be used with submatrix expressions on the left hand side. See the section on submatrices. To set the elements of a matrix to a scalar use operator = Real r; Matrix A(m,n); ...... Matrix A(m,n); A = r; You can load the elements of a matrix from an array: Matrix A(3,2); Real a[] = { 11,12,21,22,31,33 }; A << a; This construction cannot check that the numbers of elements match correctly. This version of << can be used with submatrices on the left hand side. Unary operators --------------- The package supports unary operations change sign of elements -A transpose A.t() inverse (of square matrix A) A.i() Binary operations ----------------- The package supports binary operations matrix addition A+B matrix subtraction A-B matrix multiplication A*B equation solve (square matrix A) A.i()*B In the last case the inverse is not calculated. Notes: If you are doing repeated multiplication. For example A*B*C, use brackets to force the order to minimize the number of operations. If C is a column vector and A is not a vector, then it will usually reduce the number of operations to use A*(B*C) . The package does not recognise B*A.i() as an equation solve. It is probably better to use (A.t().i()*B.t()).t() . Combination of a matrix and scalar ---------------------------------- The following expression multiplies the elements of a matrix A by a scalar f: A * f; Likewise one can divide the elements of a matrix A by a scalar f: A / f; The expressions A + f and A - f add or subtract a rectangular matrix of the same dimension as A with elements equal to f to or from the matrix A. In each case the matrix must be the first term in the expression. Expressions such f + A or f * A are not recognised. Scalar functions of matrices ---------------------------- int m = A.Nrows(); // number of rows int n = A.Ncols(); // number of columns Real ssq = A.SumSquare(); // sum of squares of elements Real sav = A.SumAbsoluteValue(); // sum of absolute values Real mav = A.MaximumAbsoluteValue(); // maximum of absolute values Real norm = A.Norm1(); // maximum of sum of absolute values of elements of a column Real norm = A.NormInfinity(); // maximum of sum of absolute values of elements of a row Real t = A.Trace(); // trace LogandSign ld = A.LogDeterminant(); // log of determinant Boolean z = A.IsZero(); // test all elements zero MatrixType mt = A.Type(); // type of matrix Real* s = Store(); // pointer to array of elements int l = Storage(); // length of array of elements A.LogDeterminant() returns a value of type LogandSign. If ld is of type LogAndSign use ld.Value() to get the value of the determinant ld.Sign() to get the sign of the determinant (values 1, 0, -1) ld.LogValue() to get the log of the absolute value. A.IsZero() returns Boolean value TRUE if the matrix A has all elements equal to 0.0. MatrixType mt = A.Type() returns the type of a matrix. Use (char*)mt to get a string (UT, LT, Rect, Sym, Diag, RowV, ColV, Crout, BndLU) showing the type. SumSquare(A), SumAbsoluteValue(A), MaximumAbsoluteValue(A), Trace(A), LogDeterminant(A), Norm1(A), NormInfinity(A) can be used in place of A.SumSquare(), A.SumAbsoluteValue(), A.MaximumAbsoluteValue(), A.Trace(), A.LogDeterminant(), A.Norm1(), A.NormInfinity(). Submatrix operations -------------------- A.SubMatrix(fr,lr,fc,lc) This selects a submatrix from A. the arguments fr,lr,fc,lc are the first row, last row, first column, last column of the submatrix with the numbering beginning at 1. This may be used in any matrix expression or on the left hand side of << or Inject. Inject does not check no information loss. You can also use the construction Real c; .... A.SubMatrix(fr,lr,fc,lc) << c; to set a submatrix equal to a constant. The follwing are variants of SubMatrix: A.SymSubMatrix(f,l) // This assumes fr=fc and lr=lc. A.Rows(f,l) // select rows A.Row(f) // select single row A.Columns(f,l) // select columns A.Column(f) // select single column In each case f and l mean the first and last row or column to be selected (starting at 1). If SubMatrix or its variant occurs on the right hand side of an = or << or within an expression its type is as follows A.Submatrix(fr,lr,fc,lc): If A is RowVector or ColumnVector then same type otherwise type Matrix A.SymSubMatrix(f,l): Same type as A A.Rows(f,l): Type Matrix A.Row(f): Type RowVector A.Columns(f,l): Type Matrix A.Column(f): Type ColumnVector If SubMatrix or its variant appears on the left hand side of << , think of its type being Matrix. Thus L.Row(1) where L is LowerTriangularMatrix expects L.Ncols() elements even though it will use only one of them. Change dimensions ----------------- The following operations change the dimensions of a matrix. The values of the elements are lost. A.ReDimension(nrows,ncols); // for type Matrix or nricMatrix A.ReDimension(n); // for all other types, except Band A.ReDimension(n,lower,upper); // for BandMatrix A.ReDimension(n,lower); // for LowerBandMatrix A.ReDimension(n,upper); // for UpperBandMatrix A.ReDimension(n,lower); // for SymmetricBandMatrix Use A.CleanUp() to set the dimensions of A to zero and release all the heap memory. Change type ----------- The following functions interpret the elements of a matrix (stored row by row) to be a vector or matrix of a different type. Actual copying is usually avoided where these occur as part of a more complicated expression. A.AsRow() A.AsColumn() A.AsDiagonal() A.AsMatrix(nrows,ncols) A.AsScalar() The expression A.AsScalar() is used to convert a 1 x 1 matrix to a scalar. Multiple matrix solve --------------------- If A is a square or symmetric matrix use CroutMatrix X = A; // carries out LU decomposition Matrix AP = X.i()*P; Matrix AQ = X.i()*Q; LogAndSign ld = X.LogDeterminant(); rather than Matrix AP = A.i()*P; Matrix AQ = A.i()*Q; LogAndSign ld = A.LogDeterminant(); since each operation will repeat the LU decomposition. If A is a BandMatrix or a SymmetricBandMatrix begin with BandLUMatrix X = A; // carries out LU decomposition A CroutMatrix or a BandLUMatrix can't be manipulated or copied. Use references as an alternative to copying. Alternatively use LinearEquationSolver X = A; This will choose the most appropiate decomposition of A. That is, the band form if A is banded; the Crout decomposition if A is square or symmetric and no decomposition if A is triangular or diagonal. If you want to use the LinearEquationSolver #include newmatap.h. Memory management ----------------- The package does not support delayed copy. Several strategies are required to prevent unnecessary matrix copies. Where a matrix is called as a function argument use a constant reference. For example YourFunction(const Matrix& A) rather than YourFunction(Matrix A) Skip the rest of this section on your first reading. --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Gnu g++ users please read on; if you are returning matrix values | | from a function, then you must use the ReturnMatrix construct. | --------------------------------------------------------------------- A second place where it is desirable to avoid unnecessary copies is when a function is returning a matrix. Matrices can be returned from a function with the return command as you would expect. However these may incur one and possibly two copyings of the matrix. To avoid this use the following instructions. Make your function of type ReturnMatrix . Then precede the return statement with a Release statement (or a ReleaseAndDelete statement if the matrix was created with new). For example ReturnMatrix MakeAMatrix() { Matrix A; ...... A.Release(); return A; } or ReturnMatrix MakeAMatrix() { Matrix* m = new Matrix; ...... m->ReleaseAndDelete(); return *m; } If you are using AT&T C++ you may wish to replace return A; by return (ReturnMatrix)A; to avoid a warning message. --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Do not forget to make the function of type ReturnMatrix; otherwise | | you may get incomprehensible run-time errors. | --------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also use .Release() or ->ReleaseAndDelete() to allow a matrix expression to recycle space. Suppose you call A.Release(); just before A is used just once in an expression. Then the memory used by A is either returned to the system or reused in the expression. In either case, A's memory is destroyed. This procedure can be used to improve efficiency and reduce the use of memory. Use ->ReleaseAndDelete for matrices created by new if you want to completely delete the matrix after it is accessed. Output ------ To print a matrix use an expression like Matrix A; ...... cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << A; This will work only with systems that support the AT&T input/output routines including manipulators. Accessing matrices of unspecified type -------------------------------------- Skip this section on your first reading. Suppose you wish to write a function which accesses a matrix of unknown type including expressions (eg A*B). Then use a layout similar to the following: void YourFunction(BaseMatrix& X) { GeneralMatrix* gm = X.Evaluate(); // evaluate an expression // if necessary ........ // operations on *gm gm->tDelete(); // delete *gm if a temporary } See, as an example, the definitions of operator<< in newmat9.cxx. Under certain circumstances; particularly where X is to be used just once in an expression you can leave out the Evaluate() statement and the corresponding tDelete(). Just use X in the expression. If you know YourFunction will never have to handle a formula as its argument you could also use void YourFunction(const GeneralMatrix& X) { ........ // operations on X } Cholesky decomposition ---------------------- Suppose S is symmetric and positive definite. Then there exists a unique lower triangular matrix L such that L * L.t() = S. To calculate this use SymmetricMatrix S; ...... LowerTriangularMatrix L = Cholesky(S); If S is a symmetric band matrix then L is a band matrix and an alternative procedure is provied for carrying out the decomposition: SymmetricBandMatrix S; ...... LowerBandMatrix L = Cholesky(S); Householder triangularisation ----------------------------- Start with matrix / X 0 \ s \ Y 0 / t n s The Householder triangularisation post multiplies by an orthogonal matrix Q such that the matrix becomes / 0 L \ s \ Z M / t n s where L is lower triangular. Note that X is the transpose of the matrix sometimes considered in this context. This is good for solving least squares problems: choose b (matrix or row vector) to minimize the sum of the squares of the elements of Y - b*X Then choose b = M * L.i(); Two routines are provided: HHDecompose(X, L); replaces X by orthogonal columns and forms L. HHDecompose(X, Y, M); uses X from the first routine, replaces Y by Z and forms M. Singular Value Decomposition ---------------------------- The singular value decomposition of an m x n matrix A ( where m >= n) is a decomposition A = U * D * V.t() where U is m x n with U.t() * U equalling the identity, D is an n x n diagonal matrix and V is an n x n orthogonal matrix. Singular value decompositions are useful for understanding the structure of ill-conditioned matrices, solving least squares problems, and for finding the eigenvalues of A.t() * A. To calculate the singular value decomposition of A (with m >= n) use one of SVD(A, D, U, V); // U (= A is OK) SVD(A, D); SVD(A, D, U); // U (= A is OK) SVD(A, D, U, FALSE); // U (can = A) for workspace only SVD(A, D, U, V, FALSE); // U (can = A) for workspace only The values of A are not changed unless A is also inserted as the third argument. Eigenvalues ----------- An eigenvalue decomposition of a symmetric matrix A is a decomposition A = V * D * V.t() where V is an orthogonal matrix and D is a diagonal matrix. Eigenvalue analyses are used in a wide variety of engineering, statistical and other mathematical analyses. The package includes two algorithms: Jacobi and Householder. The first is extremely reliable but much slower than the second. The code is adapted from routines in "Handbook for Automatic Computation, Vol II, Linear Algebra" by Wilkinson and Reinsch, published by Springer Verlag. Jacobi(A,D,S,V); // A, S symmetric; S is workspace, // S = A is OK Jacobi(A,D); // A symmetric Jacobi(A,D,S); // A, S symmetric; S is workspace, // S = A is OK Jacobi(A,D,V); // A symmetric EigenValues(A,D); // A symmetric EigenValues(A,D,S); // A, S symmetric; S is for back // transforming, S = A is OK EigenValues(A,D,V); // A symmetric Sorting ------- To sort the values in a matrix or vector, A, (in general this operation makes sense only for vectors and diagonal matrices) use SortAscending(A); or SortDescending(A); I use the Shell-sort algorithm. This is a medium speed algorithm, you might want to replace it with something faster if speed is critical and your matrices are large. Fast Fourier Transform ---------------------- FFT(CV1, CV2, CV3, CV4); // CV3=CV1 and CV4=CV2 is OK where CV1, CV2, CV3, CV4 are column vectors. CV1 and CV2 are the real and imaginary input vectors; CV3 and CV4 are the real and imaginary output vectors. The lengths of CV1 and CV2 must be equal and should be the product of numbers less than about 10 for fast execution. Interface to Numerical Recipes in C ----------------------------------- This package can be used with the vectors and matrices defined in "Numerical Recipes in C". You need to edit the routines in Numerical Recipes so that the elements are of the same type as used in this package. Eg replace float by double, vector by dvector and matrix by dmatrix, etc. You will also need to edit the function definitions to use the version acceptable to your compiler. Then enclose the code from Numerical Recipes in extern "C" { ... }. You will also need to include the matrix and vector utility routines. Then any vector in Numerical Recipes with subscripts starting from 1 in a function call can be accessed by a RowVector, ColumnVector or DiagonalMatrix in the present package. Similarly any matrix with subscripts starting from 1 can be accessed by an nricMatrix in the present package. The class nricMatrix is derived from Matrix and can be used in place of Matrix. In each case, if you wish to refer to a RowVector, ColumnVector, DiagonalMatrix or nricMatrix X in an function from Numerical Recipes, use X.nric() in the function call. Numerical Recipes cannot change the dimensions of a matrix or vector. So matrices or vectors must be correctly dimensioned before a Numerical Recipes routine is called. For example SymmetricMatrix B(44); ..... // load values into B nricMatrix BX = B; // copy values to an nricMatrix DiagonalMatrix D(44); // Matrices for output nricMatrix V(44,44); // correctly dimensioned int nrot; jacobi(BX.nric(),44,D.nric(),V.nric(),&nrot); // jacobi from NRIC cout << D; // print eigenvalues Exceptions ---------- This package includes a partial implementation of exceptions. I used Carlos Vidal's article in the September 1992 C Users Journal as a starting point. Newmat does a partial clean up of memory following throwing an exception - see the next section. However, the present version will leave a little heap memory unrecovered under some circumstances. I would not expect this to be a problem in most circumstances, but it is something that needs to be sorted out. The functions/macros I define are Try, Throw, Catch, CatchAll and CatchAndThrow. Try, Throw, Catch and CatchAll correspond to try, throw, catch and catch(...) in the C++ standard. A list of Catch clauses must be terminated by either CatchAll or CatchAndThrow but not both. Throw takes an Exception as an argument or takes no argument (for passing on an exception). I do not have a version of Throw for specifying which exceptions a function might throw. Catch takes an exception class name as an argument; CatchAll and CatchAndThrow don't have any arguments. Try, Catch and CatchAll must be followed by blocks enclosed in curly brackets. All Exceptions must be derived from a class, Exception, defined in newmat and can contain only static variables. See the examples in newmat if you want to define additional exceptions. I have defined 5 clases of exceptions for users (there are others but I suggest you stick to these ones): SpaceException Insufficient space on the heap ProgramException Errors such as out of range index or incompatible matrix types or dimensions ConvergenceException Iterative process does not converge DataException Errors such as attempting to invert a singular matrix InternalException Probably a programming error in newmat For each of these exception classes, I have defined a member function void SetAction(int). If you call SetAction(1), and a corresponding exception occurs, you will get an error message. If there is a Catch clause for that exception, execution will be passed to that clause, otherwise the program will exit. If you call SetAction(0) you will get the same response, except that there will be no error message. If you call SetAction(-1), you will get the error message but the program will always exit. I have defined a class Tracer that is intended to help locate the place where an error has occurred. At the beginning of a function I suggest you include a statement like Tracer tr("name"); where name is the name of the function. This name will be printed as part of the error message, if an exception occurs in that function, or in a function called from that function. You can change the name as you proceed through a function with the ReName function tr.ReName("new name"); if, for example, you want to track progress through the function. Clean up following an exception ------------------------------- The exception mechanisms in newmat are based on the C functions setjmp and longjmp. These functions do not call destructors so can lead to garbage being left on the heap. (I refer to memory allocated by "new" as heap memory). For example, when you call Matrix A(20,30); a small amount of space is used on the stack containing the row and column dimensions of the matrix and 600 doubles are allocated on the heap for the actual values of the matrix. At the end of the block in which A is declared, the destructor for A is called and the 600 doubles are freed. The locations on the stack are freed as part of the normal operations of the stack. If you leave the block using a longjmp command those 600 doubles will not be freed and will occupy space until the program terminates. To overcome this problem newmat keeps a list of all the currently declared matrices and its exception mechanism will return heap memory when you do a Throw and Catch. However it will not return heap memory from objects from other packages. If you want the mechanism to work with another class you will have to do three things: 1: derive your class from class Janitor defined in except.h; 2: define a function void CleanUp() in that class to return all heap memory; 3: include the following lines in the class definition public: void* operator new(size_t size) { do_not_link=TRUE; void* t = ::operator new(size); return t; } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of files ============= README readme file NEWMATA TXT documentation file NEWMATB TXT notes on the package design NEWMATC TXT notes on testing the package BOOLEAN H boolean class definition CONTROLW H control word definition file EXCEPT H general exception handler definitions INCLUDE H details of include files and options NEWMAT H main matrix class definition file NEWMATAP H applications definition file NEWMATIO H input/output definition file NEWMATRC H row/column functions definition files NEWMATRM H rectangular matrix access definition files PRECISIO H numerical precision constants BANDMAT CXX band matrix routines CHOLESKY CXX Cholesky decomposition ERROR CXX general error handler EVALUE CXX eigenvalues and eigenvector calculation FFT CXX fast Fourier transform HHOLDER CXX Householder triangularisation JACOBI CXX eigenvalues by the Jacobi method NEWMAT1 CXX type manipulation routines NEWMAT2 CXX row and column manipulation functions NEWMAT3 CXX row and column access functions NEWMAT4 CXX constructors, redimension, utilities NEWMAT5 CXX transpose, evaluate, matrix functions NEWMAT6 CXX operators, element access NEWMAT7 CXX invert, solve, binary operations NEWMAT8 CXX LU decomposition, scalar functions NEWMAT9 CXX output routines NEWMATEX CXX matrix exception handler NEWMATRM CXX rectangular matrix access functions SORT CXX sorting functions SUBMAT CXX submatrix functions SVD CXX singular value decomposition EXAMPLE CXX example of use of package EXAMPLE TXT output from example EXAMPLE MAK make file for example --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matrix package problem report form ---------------------------------- Version: ...............newmat06 Date of release: .......December 1st, 1992 Primary site: .......... Downloaded from: ....... Your email address: .... Today's date: .......... Your machine: .......... Operating system: ...... Compiler & version: .... Describe the problem - attach examples if possible: Email to robertd@kauri.vuw.ac.nz or Compuserve 72777,656 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------