DOS 5.0 & CD-ROM Boot Disk Instructions Pro AudioSpectrum, SoundBlaster Pro, NEC CD-ROM, & Sony Laser Library ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Sierra On-Line's Technical Support department prepared the following instructions as an added service to our customers. PLEASE NOTE: NEITHER SIERRA NOR DYNAMIX MAKE ANY CLAIMS, GUARANTEES, AND/OR PROMISES THAT THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS WILL WORK ON ANY AND/OR ALL COMPUTER SYSTEMS. Many people with CD-ROM drives are having trouble finding enough free memory to run Sierra's CD-ROM games. A CD-ROM Boot disk is the most elegant, temporary way to create a simplified and optimal environment in which to run Sierra CD-ROM games. These instructions are only for 386 or 486 computers using DOS 5.0. Print out or type to the screen the current CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and note the current CD-ROM driver commands. Note any variations from the directions below. To make a DOS 5.0 CD-ROM Boot Disk, format a High Density diskette in the A: drive. (Use DOS 5.0's /F:360 or /F:720 parameter if using a low density diskette) Note: this will not work in the B: drive. Type the command as follows: FORMAT A: /S Now switch to the A: and type the following: COPY CON CONFIG.SYS (the cursor will drop down one line and blink) DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM FILES=30 BUFFERS=30 STACKS=0,0 BREAK=ON DOS=HIGH,UMB LASTDRIVE=Z DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE __________________________________ The Pro AudioSpectrum requires the following lines: DEVICEHIGH=C:\PROAUDIO\TSLCDR.SYS /D:MVCD001 /R /S:31 DEVICEHIGH=C:\PROAUDIO\MVSOUND.SYS D:1 Q:7 __________________________________ The SoundBlaster Pro uses this line: DEVICEHIGH=C:\SBPRO\DRV\SBPCD.SYS /D:MSCD001 /P:220 __________________________________ NEC CD-ROM drives require this line: DEVICEHIGH=C:\SCSI\NECCDR.SYS /D:NECCD __________________________________ The Sony Laser Library requires this line: DEVICEHIGH=C:\LASERLIB\SONY_CDU.SYS /D:SONY_001 /B:340 /Q:* /T:* /M:H Complete the file by pressing the F6 function key Now create an AUTOEXEC.BAT file by typing: COPY CON AUTOEXEC.BAT (the cursor will drop down one line) PROMPT $P$G PATH=C:\;C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS; (this line is only for use with Windows) LH C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.COM __________________________________ For Pro AudioSpectrum cards: LH C:\PROAUDIO\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MVCD001 /L:D /M:8 /V /E __________________________________ For SoundBlaster Pro Cards: SET SOUND=C:\SBPRO LH C:\SBPRO\DRV\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 /L:D /M:8 /V /E __________________________________ For NEC CD-ROM drives: LH C:\SCSI\MSCDEX.EXE /D:NECCD /M:8 /L:D /V /E __________________________________ For Sony Laser Library: LH C:\LASERLIB\MSCDEX.EXE /D:SONY_001 /L:E /M:8 /V /E Complete the file by pressing the F6 function key The MSCDEX.EXE program is the Microsoft CD-ROM extension that allows a computer to use a CD-ROM drive. Every manufacturer of CD-ROM drives must use this program. The latest version of this driver is 2.21 and is only available from Microsoft, the CD- ROM drive manufacturer, or the vendor that sells the CD-ROM drive. If the sound is choppy, or if memory is an issue, contact Microsoft, Media Vision, Creative Labs, or whoever manufactured or sold the CD-ROM drive for the update to this version. We cannot distribute this file. MSCDEX has several commands that you might want to know: /D: Device name. This name must agree between config.sys and autoexec.bat lines. If its "/D:NECCD" in the config.sys file then it must read "/D:NECCD" in the autoexec.bat file as well. /M: Memory buffers. This value may be reduced for high performance CD-ROM drives, or drives that have large read-ahead buffers built onto the drive. The Pro AudioSpectrum's SONY drive can use a little as 3 buffers. Each buffer takes up about 1K , so reducing them can save a lot of memory. /L: Logical drive. This is the CD-ROM's drive designation. It should be one drive letter above the last hard disk drive. /E EMS memory support. If the computer has Expanded memory this line will tell MSCDEX to load itself up into that Expanded memory. This will free up a significant amount of conventional memory. /V Verbose. This switch tells MSCDEX to display all of its settings when it loads. Use this setting to help trouble shoot installations. Please contact the appropriate hardware manufacturer for support on hardware and driver related issues.If you continue to experience any problems with the Boot Disk, or if you have any questions concerning any of the above steps, our technical support team will be more than happy to assist you. Please call (209) 683-8989 between 8:15 am and 4:45 PM Monday through Friday. We can also be reached by fax at (209)683- 3633 or by mail at the following address: SIERRA ON-LINE P.O. BOX 485 COARSEGOLD, CA 93614 ATTN: TECHNICAL SUPPORT Please outline the problems along with specific information about your computer system, and we will gladly respond to your fax or letter as soon as possible.