Keyboard use: arrow keys for up/down & L/R 7 - left diagonal up 9 - right diagonal up 1 - left diagonal down 3 - left diagonal down space bar:fire laser(when found) The laser will shoot in the last direction you where going. enter: fire bomb(when found) each bomb only works once. b: backup ship l: land on landing pad when Princess found p: pickup object d:drop used object [: fast left ]: fast right z: fast left diagonal down x: fast right diagonal down Joystick use: ship moves in the direction of the joystick. Button 1 fires laser, both buttons together fires the bomb. Ship moves fast in the direction the joystick is pointing while holding button 2. Keyboard still works with joystick use. To pickup object use up stick while holding button 2. To drop pull down and hold button 2. F1 Help F2 Status/Inventory F4 Turn Sound off/on F5 Save Game F6 Restore Game F8 Turn ON/Off Joystick F9 Calibrate Joystick F10 About Gamemaker You can view the princess by flying into the "view girl" TV sceen at the base of the "AVILA" building. You can replenish hit/ points by flying through the Martian plants or by shooting asteroids and quickly flying through the "shimmering" debris. You can gain a life by landing on the landing strip in space. Be care- full of the bad guys. The "boundry" space is very tricky to fly in, if you go out of control you will get "stuck". Look for the bombs on Venus. The plant life is full of energy, some plants can bite. You will need several bombs to complete the rescue. It is important to master the flying of the ship first before you try the rescue. You can scare the commuters with your laser with only one blast and they will land. If you shoot them any more they will die and points will be deducted. You must fly into a little bit of the "boundry" space once you find a planet you wish to visit. Be carefull of the reentry from this type of space. When searching for and extracting bombs on Venus use carfull flying. Use the "b" key to backup if necessary. Flying through the plant life on Mars requires accurate flying ability. The laser gun is on Mars. Shoot some of the moving plants on Venus to get the pink bombs. Fly close to them and press the "P" key to pick them up. More Hints: Some of the plants on Venus are hiding bombs that you cannot shoot. If you have more then 250 hitpoints you can kill the plant by touching it and then pick up the bomb. You can get more hitpoints by flying through the Martian plants. The laser also can be recharged in the same way.