DOES THE BEEPING DRIVE YOU CRAZY? Me too. In fact, it is so annoying that it takes all the fun out of using Kentrol in vfo mode. If it meant being forced to listen to all those beeps, computer control of the rig just wouldn't be worth it as far as I am concerned. Fortunately... YOU CAN TURN IT OFF!! Kenwood thoughtfully provides a volume control for the beep, so you can turn it right down for day-to-day operation and still be able to activate it when you want to. The adjustment instructions are in the user instruction manual for your radio. (In the TS-440S manual it's section 5-8-8 on p.25, entitled "Beep Tone Level".) Basically, you just open the top cover, locate the correct pot and adjust it with a small screwdriver. On the newer radios like the TS-850S, you can turn the beep off by using the "power-on function selection" options listed in the manual. For 850 owners, they are listed on p.35. Silence is golden. WHY IS THE BEEP A PROBLEM WITH KENTROL? Kenwood designed its radios to beep every time a front panel button is pushed or a keypad entry is completed, but not, of course, when the tuning knob is turned. When the radio receives commands from the computer via the RS-232C interface, its response mimics the effect of the equivalent front panel command. If the computer tells it to tune to a new frequency it beeps as though the frequency had been entered via the keypad; if the computer tells it to slew up a step it is silent as though the knob had been moved. Serial port communication is too slow for slewing to be a practical method of remote tuning, so Kentrol resets the frequency each time you move the tuning scroll bar. That is what makes bandspread tuning possible in Kentrol, but it also causes the radio to beep every time you touch the scroll bar. It's not a bug, but it can be a great nuisance if you don't turn the beep down.