Kentrol 3.0 has a NEW LOOK, plus lots of NEW FEATURES. First and foremost, there is a TOOLBAR. The most frequently-used commands and procedures have been moved to Toolbar buttons, so they are always available with a single click. The bar also shows the active frequency and mode. A new menu command on the Window menu lets you instantly switch between the full Kentrol display and a "toolbar only" view. Kentrol now remembers the last frequency you tuned in a broadcast band, ham band or sub-band, so when you jump back to that band you are taken to the last-tuned frequency. This is a feature that until recently was available for ham bands only on Icom rigs (called "band stacking"). Kenwood matched that on the '50 series. ONLY Kentrol 3 has EXTENDED BAND STACKING for the shortwave broadcast bands and the ham mode sub-bands (cw, rtty, ssb, sstv). And on '40 series rigs, too. You can now SCAN any open memory FILE, without having to upload it to the radio first. TS-450/850/950 rigs are supported, with ON-SCREEN S-METER and user-selectable secondary meter, software FILTER SELECTION, switchable ULTRA-FINE TUNING and other new features. A set of "Hot Spot" Buttons provides INSTANT STORAGE AND RECALL of eight frequencies (and modes) that you want to return to. In memory mode the tuning scroll bar automatically skips over empty channels. And LOTS MORE...