C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. HELP - Verify Configuration The Install program is displaying a list of the hard disks that it has determined are present in your system. If this list appears to be wrong, it may be due to one of the following reasons: * if a drive-type has already been specified in CMOS, the drive size in this list will match that reported by CMOS, not the drive's true size * the drive's data or power cables may be loose * some disks, such as RAM disks and network drives, will not appear in the list, though they will still operate in your system * only the first 8 hard disks will be displayed Press to confirm that the list is correct or press to exit the program now to correct any hardware errors before proceeding. Cancel HELP - Select Mode Manual installation lets you set the number and sizes of partitions on your hard disk. In Manual mode, you can also delete and reformat existing partitions. Automatic Installation partitions and formats each unformatted disk to the maximum size allowed by the operating system or the hard disk. It does not change partially or completely formatted disks. Options lets you configure several disk formatting options. Colors cycles between the 3 color palettes and 1 monochrome palette./ HELP - Select Option Create Primary Partition On Second Hard Disk: "No" specifies only the first hard disk in the system will be installed as bootable. "Yes" specifies that the Install program should make every disk it installs bootable by DOS. This will sometimes effect the way drive leters are assigned to your physical hard disks. Use DOS Read-Verify Type Format: "No" causes the Install program to use an accelerated format method to format the hard disk (supported only by Quantum IDE hard disks). "Yes" specifies that the Install program should read-verify the entire hard disk before initializing it. This procedure takes some time and is not necessary on error-free disks. Page 1 of 2 HELP - Select Option Use Extended BIOS Table When Setting CMOS: "No" specifies that the Install program should use only the standard BIOS drive-types when trying to find the closest match for your hard disk. "Yes" specifies that Install should also try to find extended drive-types in your computer's BIOS. Use Software Driver For Full Capacity: "No" specifies that the Install program will not use the DOS device driver IDE_DOS.SYS. The amount of your hard disk that is available for use will be determined by how closely a match for your disk can be found in the computer's BIOS. "Yes" specifies that the device driver should be used, which will allow all the hard disk space to be used by DOS, regardless of what BIOS drive-types are available. Cancel Page 2 of 2 HELP - No Unpartitioned Drives All of the hard disks in your system have been partitioned, and Automatic mode will not change partitioned disks. To make any changes to your system configuration, you will need to use Manual mode. Hard disks that are only partially partitioned cannot be changed using the Automatic mode. You must use Manual mode to make any changes to these hard disks. HELP - Select Disk The up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys move the highlight bar to each of the recognized hard disks in the system. Once the hard disk you want to work on is highlighted, press the key to proceed. If your system contains drives other than Quantum IDE drives, they will also appear in this list but they will not be selectable. In addition, selecting Options lets you configure several disk formatting options. HELP - Disk Already Partitioned If you continue from this point, and you make any changes to existing partitions, you will lose data that is already on the disk. You may continue and modify unpartitioned space on the disk without losing data. To continue working on this hard disk, press . To select another hard disk, press . HELP - Enter Volume Size Enter the size of the volume (partition) you wish to create in millions of bytes (where 1 MB = 1,000,000 bytes). Then press . The volume will then be created. Formatting of the volume will occur when you select the Commit Changes menu option on the Partition and Format menu. HELP - Enter Volume Label You can type in a volume label (up to 11 characters) or leave the label blank. Press to enter the label and continue to the next volume. HELP - No Free Space Available There is no available space on the hard disk to create a new volume. If you wish to make changes to this disk, you must first delete one or more of the existing volumes (which will result in lost data if any exists in the deleted volume or volumes). To create volumes on another hard disk, press to return to the Hard Disk Configuration menu. From there, you can either save these changes (using the Save Changes menu option), then press to return to the Select Hard Disk menu, or discard these changes using the Cancel Changes menu option. HELP - Abort Formatting You can abort the formatting of this volume. If you do, the volume will not be available for your use after the install is complete. To abort the formatting, select . To continue the formatting, select . HELP - Volume Created Your volume was successfully created. Press to return to the Create Volume menu and add additional volumes if unpartitioned space on the hard disk remains. HELP - Exit To program will now reboot your system to ensure that the changes you have made are recognized. To continue with the exit procedure, press . HELP - Insert System Disk The disk in drive A: is not the correct disk. You must insert the system (boot) disk from which you originally booted the system (or a disk with the exact same version of the operating system). If you do not insert the proper disk, you will not be able to continue with the installation. HELP - Extended Partition Warning You have an extended partition defined on the hard disk and your version of DOS does not support extended partitions. Your version of DOS only supports up to 32 MB on the hard disk. To access volumes in the extended partition you must use the Quantum IDE DOS device driver (IDE_DOS.SYS). Press to continue and use the up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys to select the CMOS Configuration option. Select the Software Driver option in the Set CMOS Configuration menu and continue with the installation. HELP - Create Volume You have used all of the possible volume IDs (C: through Z:). There are no IDs available to create any new volumes. If you wish to continue working on this hard disk, you can either view or delete these volumes, or save the changes you have made. To select another hard disk, press to return to the Hard Disk Configuration menu. From there, you can either save these changes (using the Save Changes menu option), then press to return to the Select Hard Disk menu, or discard these changes using the Cancel Changes menu option. HELP - No Free Partition Entry Available You have three or more non-DOS partitions on this hard disk, and there is not room to create another partition. If you want to create additional DOS partitions on this hard disk, you must delete at least one of the non-DOS partitions. You can use the Delete Volume menu option on the Hard Disk Configuration menu (in Manual Mode) to delete the partition. HELP - Delete Volume The up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys move the highlight bar to each of the volumes on the disk. Once you highlight the volume you want to delete, press the key to proceed. HELP - Volume Already Deleted The volume you selected is already deleted. Press to select another volume. HELP - Delete Volume Verification The volume you have selected may contain data. If you delete this volume, any data it contains will be lost. If you wish to delete the volume, press . If you do not wish to delete the volume, Press . HELP - Volume Deleted The volume you selected has been deleted. After you press , you can select another volume to delete, or return to the Partition and Format menu. Press to continue. HELP - View Volumes The bottom window displays formatted volumes and unused space on your hard disk. The columns provide you with the following information: Volume: The letter that refers to the volume when you are using the system. This may differ from the letter you actually use if there are unrecognized hard disks or RAM disks installed in your system. Size: The size in MB (1 MB = 1,000,000 bytes) of the volume or space. Operating System: The operating system with which the disk was created. Volume Label: The label for the volume. HELP - Exit To return to your previous location in the program, move the highlight bar to , then press . To continue with the exit procedure, use the up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys to move the highlight bar to and press . The exit procedure updates your system configuration with any changes you have made. HELP - Delete Volume The area you selected is not a volume. It represents non-partitioned, non-formatted space on your hard disk. There is no need to delete it. You can create a volume in this space by using the Create Volumes menu option in the Volume Configuration menu. HELP - Create Volumes You can create, delete, or view the volumes (partitions) on the hard disk you have selected. Create Volumes lets you create and name volumes of any size up to the maximum allowed by the operating system or the hard disk. To create a volume, you must have blank (unformatted) space on the hard disk you have selected. You can verify that you have blank space by first selecting View Volumes; blank areas will contain the phrase '' or '' under the Operating System column. A volume must be created in a contiguous space on the hard disk, so if you have two unformatted spaces with a formatted area between them, you cannot create a volume that is as large as the sum of the two spaces. HELP - Delete Volume There are no volumes on this hard disk to delete. On the hard disk you've selected, you can create new volumes, or you can select another hard disk to work on. To select another hard disk, press to return to the Select Hard Disk menu. From there, you can either save these changes (using the Save Changes menu option), then press to return to the Select Hard Disk menu, or discard these changes using the Cancel Changes menu option. HELP - Create Volume You have partitioned all of the space on this hard disk. There is no room to create any new volumes. If you wish to continue working on this hard disk, you can either view or delete these volumes, or save the changes you have made. To select another hard disk, press to return to the Hard Disk Configuration menu. From there, you can either save these changes (using the Save Changes menu option), then press to return to the Select Hard Disk menu, or discard these changes using the Cancel Changes menu option. HELP - Create Volume You have entered a volume size that exceeds the available unused space in this area of the hard disk, or the maximum volume size allowed by your operating system. You can either enter a smaller number in the Size column, or if you would prefer to have the Install program select the maximum possible size, press and the Install program will fill in the maximum allowable volume size. HELP - No Volume IDs Available There are no more Volume IDs available for creating volumes (C: through Z: have been allocated). If you wish to create additional volumes, you must delete or combine existing volumes. To do so, use the Delete Volume and Create Volume options in the Volume Configuration menu in Manual mode to alter your hard disk configurations. HELP - Delete Volumes You can create, delete, or view the volumes (partitions) on the hard disk you have selected. Delete Volumes removes volumes from the disk, making them no longer recognizable by the operating system. To create a single large volume from multiple smaller volumes, the smaller volumes must be deleted before the larger volume is created (note: volumes may only be created from contiguous spaces on the disk). Any data contained in a deleted volume will no longer be readable. HELP - View Volumes You can create, delete, or view the volumes (partitions) on the hard disk you have selected. View Volumes starts by displaying the configuration of the selected disk. As you make changes, it displays the configuration as if all modifications had been committed (note that the changes you make to your hard disk are not actually made until you commit them). To discard the changes and start over on the same disk, press twice to display the Hard Disk Configuration menu, choose the Cancel Changes menu option to discard the changes, respond that you wish to continue, and then select the same disk. HELP - Save Changes You can set or change the BIOS drive-type, and create, delete, or view the volumes (partitions) on the hard disk you have selected. The hard disk is not actually modified until you save your changes, at which time the disk is re-partitioned and formatted. Until you have saved your changes, your disk has not been physically changed and you can discard the changes (and keep your original configuration and data) by selecting another hard disk, or by exiting the program. HELP - Cannot Read File The Install program cannot read the file specified in the error message. Please check that the file exists. If it does, check to make sure all cables are connected and that the power to the hard disk is on. If the file is on C: and you have not partitioned hard disk #1, you must exit the Install program, re-start it, and create a volume C: on hard disk #1. HELP - Cannot Read Partition The Install program cannot read the partition table on this hard disk. Please make sure all cables are connected and that the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, you should back up the data on the hard disk (if any exists), re-start the Install program, delete and re-create all volumes on the hard disk (using Manual Mode), and then restore your data. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Write Partition The Install program cannot write to the partition. Please make sure all cables are connected and the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, delete the volume you created and re-create it. If the problem persists, you might have a defective disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Read Boot Block The Install program cannot read the boot block on your hard disk. Please make sure all cables are connected and that the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, you should back up the data on this volume (if any exists), re-start the Install program, delete and re-create the volume on the hard disk (using Manual Mode), and then restore your data. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Write Boot Block The Install program cannot write the boot block for this volume. Please make sure all cables are connected and the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, delete the volume you created and re-create it. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Write FAT Table The Install program cannot write the FAT Table for your hard disk. Please make sure all cables are connected and the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, delete the volume you created and re-create it. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Read Root Directory The Install program cannot read the root directory on this volume. Please make sure all cables are connected and that the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, you should back up the data on this volume (if any exists), re-start the Install program, delete and re-create this volume on the hard disk (using Manual Mode), and then restore your data. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Write Root Directory The Install program cannot write the root directory on your hard disk. Please make sure all cables are connected and the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, delete the volume you created and re-create it. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Write Volume Label The Install program cannot write the volume label on your hard disk. Please make sure all cables are connected and the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, delete the volume you created and re-create it. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - No Supported Drives There are no drives in your system supported by this Install program. If this differs from your expectations, it may be due to one of the following reasons: * No Quantum IDE drives are present * your adapter card is not configured appropriately * the power cables may be loose * the data cables may be loose Exit the Install program and check your adapter configuration, system configuration, and cabling. HELP - First Hard Disk not Bootable Your first hard disk (#1) is not bootable by DOS. If this differs from your expectations, it may be due to one of the following reasons: * you do not have a valid boot DOS partition on your first hard disk * the power cables may be loose * the data cables may be loose HELP - No Changes Made No changes were made during this install session. Press to return to the operating system. HELP - Memory Allocation Error A memory allocation error has occurred. You can possibly gain some additional memory by removing any TSRs or memory-resident programs that you have loaded, and re-starting your system. HELP - Automatic Installation Verification The Install program is about to automatically install your blank hard disk(s). To continue with this operation, press . The installation software will partition and format your blank hard disk(s) to the maximum size allowed by the operating system or of the disk. Manual Installation lets you set the number and sizes of partitions on your hard disks. In Manual mode, you can also delete and reformat existing partitions. Options lets you configure several disk formatting options. HELP - Delete Volume All of the volumes on this disk have been deleted. You can create new volumes by choosing Create Volumes in the Volume Configuration menu. You can save the changes by pressing to return to the Hard Disk Configuration menu and choosing the Save Changes menu option, or discard these changes using the Cancel Changes menu option. Press to return to the Select Hard Disk menu after saving the changes. HELP - Continue Automatic Installation Mode You have selected the BIOS drive-type for the hard disk that you are installing and verified that the selection you made is correct. When you continue the Automatic Installation the Install program will: - update the CMOS to the drive-type you have chosen - partition and format the hard disk - copy the system files to the hard disk (if applicable) - create or change the CONFIG.SYS file on the boot drive (if applicable) - copy the Quantum IDE DOS device driver (IDE_DOS.SYS) to the boot drive (if applicable) - prompt you to reboot the system To continue the Automatic Installation Mode, press . HELP - No Changes to Save You have not created or deleted any volumes on the selected hard disk since you selected the hard disk or since the last save, so there is nothing to save. To select another hard disk, press to return to the Select Hard Disk menu. HELP - Cancel Changes You have defined changes (set or changed BIOS drive-type and created or deleted volumes) on the selected hard disk that have not been saved. If you continue, these changes will be lost and your hard disk will not be changed. If you want to implement these changes at a later time, you will have to re-enter them at that time. If you would like to continue and lose the modifications that you have defined for this hard disk, press . If you would like to return to the Hard Disk Configuration menu to save these modifications, press . HELP - Save Changes You have defined changes (set or changed the BIOS drive-type, and created or deleted volumes) on the selected hard disk. Up until this point, the hard disk has not actually been modified; your changes have been kept track of by the installation program in program memory. If you continue, however, these changes will be saved to your hard disk. If you would like to continue and save these modifications on the selected hard disk, press . If you would like to make additional modifications or to cancel these modifications, select the appropriate menu option and press . HELP - Set CMOS Configuration Set CMOS Configuration lets you select one of the following for the Install program to use when initializing the hard disk. - the optimal drive-type from the computer's standard drive-type table - the optimal drive-type from the computer's extended drive-type table, if supported by this computer - the Quantum IDE_DOS device driver which lets you access the total capacity of the hard drive - any drive-type from the computer's drive-type table The CMOS configuration must be set before volumes can be configured. HELP - View CMOS Configuration View CMOS Configuration will display the computer's BIOS drive-type that is currently set in CMOS for this drive. It will also display the drive's true configuration (which may not match the CMOS setting). HELP- Previous Menu Previous Menu will return the program back to the menu that was displayed prior to the one currently being displayed. HELP - Insert System Disk The Install program is now updating your hard disk to make it bootable. To do this you must insert the system (boot) disk from which you originally booted the system (or a disk with the exact same version of the operating system) so that the system files may be copied from it. If you do not insert the proper disk, you will not be able to continue with the installation. HELP - Cannot Open File The Install program cannot open the file specified in the error message. Please check that the file exists. If it does, check to make sure all cables are connected and that the power to the hard disk is on. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Write File The Install program cannot write the file specified in the error message. Please make sure all cables are connected and the power to the hard disk is on. If all cables are connected and the power is on, delete the volume you created and re-create it. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Copy File The Install program cannot copy the file specified in the error message. Please check that the source file exists. If it does, check to make sure all cables are connected and that the power to the hard disk is on. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation. HELP - Cannot Find System Files The Install program cannot find the system files specified in the error message. Please check that the files exist. If they do, check to make sure all cables are connected and that the power to the hard disk is on. If the problem persists, you might have a defective hard disk. Contact your local dealer or Quantum Corporation.S HELP - Set CMOS Configuration Standard Drive-Type: Displays the drive-type from the standard BIOS drive-type table that is closest to matching the full capacity of the selected hard disk. Selecting this menu option specifies that the Install program will use the displayed standard drive-type. Extended Drive-Type: Displays the drive-type from the extended BIOS drive-type table that is closest to matching the full capacity of the selected hard disk, if this computer supports extended drive-types. If this computer does not support extended drive-types, the message None Available is displayed, and this menu option is disabled. Selecting this menu option, if enabled, specifies that the Install program will use the displayed extended drive-type. Page 1 of 2 HELP - Set CMOS Configuration ============================= Software Driver: Select this menu option to specify that the Install program will automatically install the Quantum DOS device driver (IDE_DOS.SYS) to make use of the full capacity of the hard disk regardless of the BISO drive-type used. Select Drive-Type from List: Selecting this menu option displays a table of usable selections from the standard BIOS drive-type table for you to select a drive-type from. The list will also include extended BIOS drive-types if the option "Use Extended BIOS Table When Setting CMOS" is "Yes". Use the Options key to change this setting. Cancel Page 2 of 2 HELP - Select BIOS Drive-Type From Table Use the up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys to move the highlight bar selection in the table that you wish to use and press . Drive-type selections are sorted in the table by total disk space available and percentage of total disk space used. To select a different CMOS configuration option, press to return to the Set CMOS Configuration menu. HELP - Confirm BIOS Drive-Type Selection Information regarding the BIOS drive-type you have selected to use with this hard disk is displayed. If you selected the Software Driver, the total capacity of the hard disk is displayed, and "Quantum Device Driver" is displayed for type, cylinders, heads and sectors. To confirm your decision to use the displayed selection and continue with installation, press . If you do not like the displayed selection, and you would like to make another selection, press to return to the Hard Disk Configuration menu. HELP - No CMOS Drive-Type Match Found In Tables The Install program did not find a close drive-type match for the hard disk you are initializing in this system's BIOS drive-type tables. If the "Use Extended BIOS Tables When Setting CMOS" menu option in the Select Option menu is disabled, the Install program searched the standard CMOS drive-type tables. If the "Use Extended BIOS Tables When Setting CMOS" menu option in the Select Option menu is enabled, and this computer supports extended drive types, the Install program searched the extended BIOS drive-type tables. You must now select a drive-type for the hard disk you are initializing to continue with the installation. Press to continue. HELP - View CMOS Configuration View CMOS Configuration displays two different sets of information about the current drive. The first set of information is what the drive-type value in CMOS reports about the hard disk in terms of its physical characteristics. It need not match the true physical characteristics of the hard disk as long as the total capacity of this drive-type does not exceed the true capacity of the hard disk. The "Usage" field shows how much of the hard disk will be made available with this particular drive-type. The second set of information is what the hard disk reports its true physical characteristics to be. If your computer supports a user-definable drive-type, these are the values you should use when running your computer's SETUP program to define the drive-type. HELP - Changing CMOS Configuration This screen is indicating that you have decided to change the CMOS setting of this hard disk's BIOS drive-type. If you continue from this point the drive's configuration will be changed and you will lose all data that is already on the hard disk. If you wish to save the data already on the hard disk, press until the program returns to the Select Hard Disk screen, exit the program, and back up your data before restarting the Install program. To continue working on this hard disk, and lose any data on the disk, press . HELP - CMOS Configuration Invalid The CMOS Configuration for this hard disk has not been set or is set to a BIOS Drive-Type that describes a hard disk with a larger capacity than the currently selected hard disk. You must set the BIOS drive-type to a valid Drive-Type before you can partition the volumes for this hard disk. To continue working on this hard disk, press . Then use the up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the Set CMOS Configuration option and press . HELP - Cancel Changes If you select Cancel Changes, the changes you made to the CMOS settings and hard disk volumes will be discarded. The drive will be left in the same state that it was in before you started the Install program. This is your "escape hatch" if you have changed your mind and don't want to alter the disk and/or destroy the data that was on it previously. HELP - CMOS Configuration You can set or change the CMOS configuration, set the volume configuration, and save or cancel changes made to the hard disk. CMOS Configuration lets you set the BIOS drive-type for the selected hard disk. The Install program will display the optimum drive-type from this computer's standard drive-type table and, if available, the extended drive-type table. You will also be able to select the Quantum IDE DOS device driver which lets you access the total capacity of the hard disk, regardless of drive-type, or you may make your own selection from the computer's drive-type table. HELP - Volume Configuration You can set or change the CMOS configuration, set the volume configuration, and save or cancel changes made to the hard disk. Volume Configuration lets you create and name volumes of any size up to the maximum allowed by the operating system on the hard disk. To create a volume, you must have a blank (unformatted) space on the hard disk you have selected. A volume must be created in a contiguous space on the hard disk. HELP - BIOS Drive-Type Setting Not Optimal The BIOS drive-type that is currently set for this hard disk is not the best, or optimal, selection available in this computer's BIOS drive-type table. If you wish to continue the installation and use the currently set drive-type, you will not be able to access the total capacity of the hard disk. To continue, press . To select another BIOS drive-type for use, press to return to the Hard Disk Configuration menu. Then use the up ( ) and down ( arrow keys to select the CMOS Configuration option and set another BIOS drive-type. HELP - Abort Automatic Installation You may either abort automatic installation of the currently selected hard disk, or continue the automatic installation sequence. To abort automatic installation of this hard disk, use the up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys to select the Yes option and press . If there are no other uninstalled hard disks in the system, the Install program will return you to the DOS prompt. To continue the automatic installation of this hard disk, use the up ) and down ( ) arrow keys to select the NO option and press . HELP - Continue Installing The Next Volume You may either abort this installation process, or you may continue the installation with the next hard disk volume. To abort this installation, use the up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys to select the No option and press . To continue this installation with the next hard disk volume, use the up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys to select the Yes option and press . HELP - Continue Installing The Next Hard Disk You may continue the automatic installation of the second hard disk in your system, or abort the automatic installation and return to the DOS prompt. To abort the automatic installation, use the up ( ) and down ( ) arrow keys to select the No option and press . To continue the automatic installation, use the up ( ) and down ( arrow keys to select the Yes option and press . HELP - Using The Quantum Software Driver With Windows 3.1 FastDisk If you are installing the Quantum IDE DOS device driver (IDE_DOS.SYS) and you wish to use the FastDisk feature of Windows 3.1, you must use the Quantum FastDisk device driver (IDE_WIN.386) rather than the one provided with Windows. After installing your hard disk, install Windows. Then install IDE_WIN.386 using the Quantum FastDisk installation program (SETUP.EXE).