To install Hviews application: 1) PKUNZIP the HV107.ZIP file into a directory on your hard disk. to a diskette (i.e. pkunzip c:\temp1). 2) Run the INSTALL command to unzip the DISK1.ZIP file to a floppy or hard disk. From the C:\temp1 directory... INSTALL A: or INSTALL B: or INSTALL C: etc. 2) From Program Manager Run dialog, enter A:install if a diskette or c:\hware\disk1\install if from the hard disk. 3) The install program will install all neccessary files. Note the *.txt files will not be copied to the destination directory. 4) After the files have been copied, the Hviews icon groups will be built from your current program manager groups. To deinstall Hviews application: 1) All files start with the letter H. or have the hvg file type. 2) Delete the following files: Hviews*.* Hbrow.* Hpkzip.* Hprint.* Hwait.exe Hfdump.exe *.hvg