Presentation Notes

References: All references are set in bold and are cited in square brackets in the form [<firstauthor> <year>]. All references cited in the text appear in the reference list and the index.

Special terms: New or important terminology has been set in bold face and appears in the index. A glossary appears as an appendix.

Typesetting: This document was prepared by the author using Andrew Trevorrow's ( implementation (OzTeX) of the TEX/LATEX[Knuth84]
[1] typesetting system running on a Macintosh-SE.

Graphics: All diagrams have been constructed out of text using the LATEX verbatim environment so as to allow this document to be disseminated electronically and printed using LATEX without access to the author's drawing tools.

Known typesetting problems: While every attempt has been made to give a good presentation within the time available, some shortcuts have had to be taken. In particular, the author has been unable to work out how to get LATEX to suppress blank pages at the start of chapters.