
FunnelWeb was created in 1986 and was used extensively by Ross Williams ( for three years. However, Version 1.0 was written in Ada and was not very portable (it was fairly VAX/VMS specific). David Hulse ( took the first step towards a release by translating the Ada code into C. Ross Williams then extensively reworked the C code, making it robust and portable, adding new features, and polishing it to its current form.

 Vers  Lang  Created  Released   Author          Copyright      Licensing      
 ----  ----  -------  --------   --------------  -------------  ---------      
 V1.0  Ada   1986     Never      Ross  Williams  Ross Williams                 
 V2.0  C     1989     Never      David Hulse     Public domain  No restriction.
 V3.0  C     1992     May-1992   Ross  Williams  Ross Williams  GNU release.

This manual was released for:

     * FunnelWeb       V3.0.
     * User's Manual   V1.0.
     * Hacker's Manual V1.0.
     * TeX Definitions V1.0.