... character!1.11.1
The only exception to this rule occurs where the user has explicitly changed the special character using the @= special sequence.
In FunnelWeb, these two functions are aspects of a single computer program. However, in Knuth's WEB system, the two functions are embodied in two separate computer programs called Tangle and Weave, presumably because, as everyone knows, ``it takes two to Tangle''.
... documentation1.31.3
As an example, the author used FunnelWeb to develop a largish computer program and found that on average his style of using FunnelWeb resulted in about 30% documentation and 70% macros (code) (measured by numbers of lines).
... typeset1.41.4
Here the term ``typeset'' is used loosely to refer to FunnelWeb's generation of typesetter commands for each construct in the input file. Strictly, the term should be used only to describe the actions of a typesetter program (e.g. TEX).
... infinitely,2.12.1
A special case exists where there is recursion but no content. In this case, the expansion is finite (the empty string) even though the operation of expanding is infinite. FunnelWeb does not treat this case specially.
... memory.2.22.2
If a file is included n times, FunnelWeb keeps n copies in memory.
... avoid.2.32.3
The fact that these faults are listed here does not mean that the author has eliminated them in his own work. Rather, it is mainly the author's own mistakes that have resulted in this list being compiled. The author immediately confesses to several of the faults listed here, most notably that of Pavlov documentation.
Note: This is not a criticism of 2167A, only of the way it is sometimes used.
... file.3.13.1
Other names considered for this were: generated file, expanded file, result file, program file, and tangle file.
... run.3.23.2
From the symbols of the ANSI standard C library stdlib.h. See [Kernighan88]
[1], p.252.
... option3.33.3
This option is controlled by the T command line argument because documentation files used to be called typesetter files.
... character3.43.4
This sort of character is often referred to as the ``escape character'' or the ``control character'' in other systems. However, as there is great potential to confuse these names with the ``escape'' character (ASCII 27) and ASCII ``control'' characters, the term ``special'' has been chosen instead. This results in the terms special character and special sequence.
... too.3.53.5
As far as I know, the eneo command is original.
... EOL.3.63.6
Note: A native EOL can be inserted into a text file in a portable manner simply by writing ``\n'' to the text output stream.