Cross Reference Numbering

crossreferencingcross referencenumbering sectionnumbering

When FunnelWeb produces its typeset documentation, it ınumbers each section and each macro definition and cross references the macro definitions. The exact scheme used has been carefully thought out. However, as it can be a little confusing to the beginner, it is explained here in full.

The most important thing is that there is ıno relation between the macro numbering and the section numbering. In Knuth's Web there are only section numbers. In FunnelWeb, the numbering of sections and macros is separated.

In FunnelWeb, ısections are numbered hierarchically in ascending order. For example, the second level-C section of the third level-B section of the first level-A section is numbered 1.3.2. In contrast, ımacro definitions are numbered sequentially in ascending order. For example, the first macro definition is number 1, the second is number 2, and so on. Note that it is ımacro definitions that are numbered, not ımacros. This distinction is necessary because additive macros (the ones with +=) can be defined by a collection of partial definitions scattered throughout the input file. A single additive macro may be defined in definitions 5, 67, 128, and 153.