TPOVU fffffff Forward Orbits Cursor position @Trace: Cursor Orbit @One step [@1 @2 ... ] @Many steps @Autowindow 3333333 @Angle = @Dilat = @Weight: Points = @New @Kill @Randomize @Set-up/Orbits Fixed Point # Cursor = @A @B @C @Triangle show @Make new image @Weight: @Next @Set-up/Orbits @Discard example @Put cursor at @Vert of @Image Source Triangle Transform # F(z) = F(x,y)= @New @Delete Function # G(x,y)= @Weight: XX-YY |'\' )")-):)I)N)])b)g)~) ***:*L*Q*d*r* *2+E+X+b+g+ -Z-w- -:.3/=/B/U/ 0(0-0;0J0O0^0c0h0w0|0 1.1:1M1W1e1x1 RX(1-X) Details F(x) = Skipping PlottingU Window @Lft r = @Rgt r = @Bot x = @Top x = @Zoom F(x) = U Bifurcation Menu @Graph @Skip points, @Plot points for each r-value. @Overlay X(r)= F(x) =K X(r) =U O (X,Y)-->( Z-->Z^ +A+Bi Dynamic plane Parameter plane period-checking Doing row of 8 stripe of frame 1 of U XX+YY-100000U Ctrl-@Dynamics off Ctrl-@Dynamics onU Animation Menu @Move Window @Type: @Start @Playback room for frames @Reduce: Path c = a + bi @Lo t = @Hi t = zoom promenade a(t)= b(t)= b = K DEM Menu @Escape threshhold: xx+yy = Rep max: Stack: @Boundary: @Draw @Cursor R Cursor @Trace: Cursor Orbit @One step @Many steps @Destiny of cursor: @Add to target list @Periodic points period infinity target at rep no. @Rad = or @Special 0 < D(x,y)= @New @Delete Neighborhood # Mapping The mapping has the form z-->F(z) where form (x,y)-->(F,G), where F(z)= F(x,y)= G(x,y)= G = U J @ zz+c Menu @Escape threshhold: xx+yy = @Rep Max: @Colors @DEM @Slow Draw @Mode: julia @Mode: mandelbrot @Finish @Periodicity @XY Cursor @Inverse images @Orbits Constant @Zero orbit @Animation menu :0S0c0m0r0 1$161V1`1r1 222A2`2j2 4,4@4R4d4o4 7+707?7D7S7X7]7l7q7 8'8:8D8I8n8x8 949N9 :3:l:v: ;#;2;7;F;K;P;U;d;i;n; A>X>p> ?)?G?u?z? @3AwA AIBRB\B E EaEoE F"F2F7FGFLFgF}F G'G,GLGdGnGsG H$HSH I!I9I I!JIJfJ K3K>KMKtK M M(M9MXMjM N'NHN_NdN Q3Q=QKQjQtQyQ R1R6RCRTRYR^RcRhR}R S)S3SJSZSdSiS T#T,T6TLTVTcTyT UNUZUcUmU V'VNVkV W1X>XCXSXXXhXmX}X X'YOYwY Z][g[ [7\P\B]P]_]d]s]x] ^,^6^;^N^j^z^ _6_@_R_ c"c,c:cMcWcecsc d#d2d7dFdKdZd_dndsdxd e%e*e/e