This is a brief blurb about the main product Software Concept Design derives income from. This is a blatant commercial announcement and we have no excuses for it! We have kept it short, though, with the full text available on the RamNet BBS at (607)-326-4425. Or, we can send you more information if you check off the box on the registration form. On with the show! What is RamNet? =============== RamNet is a background, memory resident program which enables you to: * Run your own Bulletin Board System -- in the background! * Have Electronic Mail (E-Mail) across the nation or across the globe today....with no hardware other than your PC and modem! * Do file transfers (both upload and download) totally in the background, so you can continue your normal processing tasks in the foreground. * Run SCRIPT files that allow you to upload and download to any other computer system. * Utilize RamNet as a "normal" communications package via a user- selectable Hot-Key. Start transfers in the foreground and switch them to the background -- only a keystroke away! The transfer continues while you work on something else. * Incoming E-Mail may be immediately printed if you desire. You'll be notified, in any case, when mail has arrived. * RamNet uses the XMODEM protocol for error free file transfer. Both Checksum (with about 99% error detection) and CRC (with at least 99.9% error detection) have been implemented. * UUCP, the protocol of choice between UNIX sites is now available between RamNet sites as well. Your RamNet site will appear as a UUCP allowing file transfers to take place between UNIX systems and your PC in "native" mode. You can send and receive UNIX mail to and from your PC -- in the between UNIX systems and your PC in "native" mode. You can send and receive UNIX mail to and from your PC -- in the background! A free update to handle UNIX News is in the works, too! * Now your PC can act as a Telex machine, too! Your incoming telex messages are stored and/or printed without requiring an expensive dedicated machine. * Use RamNet as a Source Librarian! You can specify a given download directory as a "locked directory". Files which are downloaded are "locked" from future downloads until released. * Wildcard Transfers via a special Batch file allow you to customize which files you wish to transfer in one shot. * The following Baudrates are supported: 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400. * Easily works with any modem, intelligent switch, or direct, hardwire connection. With RamNet you won't have to schedule your time with the person at the other end: if they're running RamNet, they'll just continue with their work as you continue with yours. RamNet retails for only $198, and we offer a full money back guarantee. No questions asked. You can't lose! We can be reached via MCI and BIX as 'greenber', on the RamNet BBS specified above, or on CIS as [72461, 3212]. 1