Star Trek DSN List of Lists compiled by Mark Holtz (Revised December 1, 1992) DISCLAIMER: "Star Trek", and all other related items are copyright and trademarks of Paramount Communications. Any infringement of these lists on Paramount's legitimate copyright and trademarks is purely unintentional, and will be corrected upon proper notification. These lists are for the enjoyment of the reader only, and may not be sold. This is the Star Trek DSN List of Lists. It contains a listing of all the episodes for "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" TV series, plus some added notes. (Due to length considerations, there is a separate TOS/TAS, Movies, and TNG List of Lists) This list comes out around the 1st and 16th of every month, except July and August, when it will come out on the 1st only. However, a posting may not come out due to events beyond my control. If you are wondering why I compile these lists, it is strictly out of the enjoyment of "Star Trek", and enjoy the wealth of information from fellow Star Trek fans who post on the electronic networks. After being irritated by the ever constant requests for episode lists on Usenet, I decided that, in the middle of 1990, to post a list of episodes on a regular basis. It soon grew from that, and, with the contributions of other people, these lists grew to what you see today. (And still growing). The only payment I ask is thanks and contributions. I am not making a dime off these compilations. To contact the compiler, try the following e-mail addresses: Usenet: (preferred) Compuserve: Use Usenet gateway Fidonet Netmail: Mark Holtz@1:203/90.1701 (The Itchy & Scratchy Show) US Snail: Mark Holtz c/o Valley Mfg. & Eng. Co. 11358 Amalgam Way, Unit 2 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Special Requests for Lists: This list is NOT available from the author at sactoh0. However, FTP sites, BBSs, and e-mail servers are available to requests. Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upcoming Episode Information Cast Listings Episode Listings Syndication Notes Did You Know... Thanks To... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Upcoming Episode Information REMEMBER: All information presented below is rumor mill information, and is subject to error! Sat. Date Week Of Episode Title ========= ============= ====================================================== Jan 2 93 Jan 4-Jan 10 Emissary [Tenative Title] Jan 9 93 Jan 11-Jan 17 [Episode Two] Emissary (Working Title) - The premiere may pick up where the two-part TNG episode, "Chain of Command", left off, with the Enterprise at the station. Patrick Stewart spent two days in a Borg outfit. Leonard Nimoy's wife appears as a Starfleet Admiral in this episode. Also rumored..... * One of the scenes include a baseball scene, made out to look like a 1923 Chicago Cubs training camp, scene which Cisco is teaching his son baseball, which was filmed at Oak Grove Park, which is a little south of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. * One episode (possibly the pilot itself) includes contact with the aliens who created the worm hole. We learn that the ships power sources are destructive to these aliens, and we will be told how to travel without affecting these aliens. * "Q" drops by for a visit....with Vash. * Lursa and B'Etor, the sisters of Duras from "Redemption", will be in Deep Space Nine. * Jerry Goldsmith will be composing the theme to Deep Space Nine. Dennis McCarthy and Jay Chattaway will be doing the incidental music for the episodes. * Lwaxana Troi drops by for a visit. QVC Specials ~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 5th, 3PM Eastern/Noon Pacific The guest will be Michael Piller, who is one of the current Executive Producers of TNG and DSN. The topic will be Deep Space Nine, and they may have clips from the upcoming Deep Space Nine Series. {|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|}{|} "Picture a place on the edge of infinite possibility. Envision a launching pad into the vast unknown. Imagine a project so ambitious, so awe-inspiring, it could come from only one source. Presenting a new outpost on the far reaches on the final frontier. You're looking at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine... but what you're really seeing is the future of television" - Electronic Media Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Cast Listings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avery Brooks - Commander Benjamin Sisko The commanding officer is a single human black father raising a son. He lost his wife in the Borg attack at Wolf 359 ("The Best of Both Worlds") while serving aboard the USS Saratoga, and barely escaped himself. He has hate for Locutus, and blames Picard for the death of his wife. Nana Visitor - Major Kyra Nerys A battle-weary female Bajoran Army Major who will be Cisco's liaison to the Bajoran. She feels that the Federation, who took no sides in the Cardassian/Bejoran conflict, has no business in Bajoran Space whatsoever. (This role was originally created for Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), but she turned it down). Colm Meany - Miles Edward O'Brien Rosalind Chao - Keiko O'Brien Rick Berman's Daughter - Molly O'Brien [Continued from TNG List of Lists] Miles is transferred from the Enterprise, and is in charge of maintaining the station. He will show continuing irritation at the unending ability of the station's technology to avoid being repaired. His wife, Keiko, and his daughter, Molly, will be joining him. Keiko will miss the Enterprise, but will stick by her husband's side. She will be a schoolteacher on the station. Rene Auberjonois - Odo Odo is the shapeshifting security officer who, in his natural form, resembles Jello. He was found as a child floating in a nearby asteroid field, and has no knowledge of who he is or where he came from. He was on the station when the Cardassians were in charge, but managed to conceal his shapeshifting ability. Terry Farrell - Lt. Jadzia Dax Jadzia is a Trill (TNG: "The Host"). He was originally in a body of an old man when he first met Sisko, but is now in a body of a 28-year-old woman. Sisko still refers to him as "The Old Man". Siddig El Fadil - Dr. Julian Bashir Dr. Bashir is fresh out of the Academy and medical school. Having graduated at the top of his class, he got his pick of assignments, and chose Deep Space Nine, because "he wanted to be out there, where heroes are made." Dr. Bashir will be disappointed with what he finds at Deep Space Nine, and Cisco will have plenty of opportunity to put him in his place. Cirroc Lofton - Jake Sisko Jake is the only son of Benjamin Sisko. Unlike TNG's Wesley Crusher, he will be a normal teenage kid. Armin Shimerman - Quark Quark is the ringleader of Ferengi profiteers on the station who operates all the concessions, holo-brothels, and other such "businesses" along Deep Space Nine's Promenade. - Naag Ferengi son of Quark. He will be getting Jake into lots of trouble. - Kai Opaka Kai will be a recurring character who is the Bejoran Dalai Lama, with Kai being her title. She objects to the crew regarding the new presence in the heavens, namely the wormhole, as a mere means of transport that can simply be explained by science. Episode Listings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KEY: Eps. - Episode Number according to Paramount Count. Sat. Date - The Saturday in which the episode is first sent via satellite to the various stations Week Of - Paramount's Official Week-Of for TNG broadcast PCode - Production Code Number Stardate - First given stardate in episode (if known) Episode Title - Name of the episode. ;) Season One -========- Eps. Sat. Date Week Of PCode Stardate Episode Title ==== ========= ============= ===== ======== ================================== . Jan 2 93 Jan 4-Jan 10 ??? ?????.?? Emissary [Tenative Title] [No official description is available.] . Jan 9 93 Jan 11-Jan 17 ??? ?????.?? [Episode Two] [No official description is available.] Season Two -========- 26 hour-long episodes are slated. Syndication Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ None available. Ask me again after the series starts ;) Did You Know.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . Siddig El Fadil was originally considered to be Commander Sisko after the producers viewed "A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia"? However, after the producers found that Siddig was only 24, he was instead cast as Dr. Julian Bashier. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Thanks to.... Larry Reznick - For checking for those elusive typos.... Heath Fitts, Martin Lee, Bryce Newall, Jonathan E. Quist, Mike Stailey, Eric Troup, Walter Wilbury [=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=][=] Keep circulating the List of Lists.