═══ 1. 'Help Index' ═══ For information, double-click on any of the topics listed below. 1. DisplayMaster 2. DisplayMaster Child Windows 3. Image Comments 4. Windows 5. Ring List 6. Opening Files 7. Slide Show 8. Image Options 9. Audio 10. Video ═══ 2. 'General Help' ═══ DisplayMaster is a MultiMedia resource tool that allows you to view still images and full motion video playback, and listen to audio playback. It allows you to view or listen to multiple images, videos and/or audio and gives you the capability of making comments on each resource that can be saved to a file for later review. DisplayMaster will read and write a wide variety of image formats. Presently the following popular formats are supported: TIFF Targa (TGA) GIF PCX OS/2 bitmap Windows bitmap (DIB) Kodak Photo CD (read only) Fractal Files (FIF) DisplayMaster has a number of features. For details, double-click on any of the highlighted items from the list below. 1. Image Comments 2. Ring List 3. Opening Files 4. Slide Show 5. Image Options 6. Audio 7. Video ═══ 3. 'Using Help' ═══ Help displays information on how to use DisplayMaster and is available throughout the program. You may invoke Help by either clicking on Help on the menu bar or by clicking on the Help button on a pop-up window. Clicking on Help on the menu bar displays a listbox displaying several different Help features. 1. Help Index - displays an index for the DisplayMaster Help windows. 2. General Help - displays the Help for the window presently being used. 3. Using Help - displays information on how to use the Help windows. 4. Quick Reference - displays a list of topics for immediate access to information on how to execute each specific DisplayMaster topic. 5. Product Info - displays product information, copyright, trademark, and customer service number. ═══ 4. 'Keys Help' ═══ DisplayMaster has a collection of keys and key combinations that will allow you to access the features of the program from the keyboard. The following is a list of the key combinations that are valid when the DisplayMaster parent window is active: 1. 'Ctrl+O' will activate the 'open file' dialog. 2. 'Ctrl+P' will activate the 'Kodak Photo CD file' dialog. 3. 'Ctrl+F' will activate the 'Fractal file dialog'. The following is a list of the key combinations that are valid when a DisplayMaster child window is active: 1. 'Ctrl+O' will activate the 'open file' dialog. 2. 'Ctrl+A' will activate the 'add file' dialog. 3. 'Ctrl+S' will activate the 'save file' dialog. 4. 'Ctrl+T' will activate the 'save comments' file dialog. 5. 'F3' will close the window. 6. 'F5' will activate the 'previous button' 7. 'F6' will activate the 'next button' 8. 'Ctrl+G' will activate the 'Ring List' dialog. 9. 'Ctrl+C' will activate the Comments dialog. 10. 'Ctrl+W' will activate the 'Slide Show' dialog. ═══ 5. 'Quick Reference' ═══ Double-click on any of the topics listed below for information regarding that topic. 1. Audio 2. Comment 3. DisplayMaster 4. Exit 5. Help Index 6. Image 7. List Ring 8. Open File 9. Slide Show 10. Using Help 11. Video ═══ 6. DisplayMaster ═══ The DisplayMaster window acts as a launching unit. The menu bar is a set of closed listboxes displayed across the top of the window that allows you to perform a variety of options. Clicking on a listbox displays all the options within that listbox. Click on the option of your choice. The File listbox offers several functions. 1. Open File - allows the user to open image, audio, and video files. The action of opening is determined by the type of file opened. Image files of the formats OS/2 bitmap, Windows bitmap, TIFF, Targa (TGA), PCX, GIF,an open Kodak Photo CD and Fractal File format (FIF) will cause a DisplayMaster child window to be invoked. This window will display single images as well multiple groups or rings of images. Audio files of the formats WAV, MIDI, and AVC will create an Audio window. Video files of the formats supported by the OS/2 Multimedia Presentation Manager (MMPM/2) will create a Video window. There is a limit of five (5) Video windows at any one time. If you try to open more than five video files, the first file opened will redisplay. Opening more than ten (10) audio files will cause the first audio file opened to redisplay. 2. Open Kodak Photo CD - an open dialog that allows the user to load images from a Kodak Photo CD. The dialog has options for the image resolution and image format desired. 3. Open Fractal File format - a open dialog that allows the user to open Fractal File (FIF) images. The dialog has options for the image resolution and image format desired. 4. About - displays product information, copyright, trademark, and customer service number. 5. Close All - closes all child windows and exits the program. The Options listbox offers several functions. 1. Image - displays a dialog window that allows the user to alter the size and resolution of the image. 2. Video - displays a dialog window that allows the user to choose work and presentation mode. The presentation mode offers only the video and control buttons in the Video window. The work mode offers the video, control buttons, the menu bar and the status bar, which displays the video progression. 3. Audio - displays a dialog window that allows the user to choose work and presentation mode. The presentation mode offers only the audio and control buttons in the Audio window. The work mode offers the audio, the control buttons, the menu bar and the status bar,which displays the audio progression. The Windows listbox offers several functions. 1. Cascade - arranges the child windows in a cascaded fashion. 2. Tile - tiles the child windows side by side. ═══ 7. Windows ═══ The windows listbox offers several functions. 1. Cascade - arranges the child windows in a cascaded fashion. 2. Tile - tiles the child windows side by side. ═══ 8. 'Open File' ═══ The Open File dialog allows the user to open audio, video, and image files. To open a file, the user must select the drive, the directory, and the file(s) in the normal Common User Interface fashion. Once the desired selections have been made, clicking on the OK button will cause DisplayMaster to invoke the proper action necessary to display the file. Image files of the formats OS/2 bitmap, Windows bitmap, TIFF, Targa (TGA), PCX, GIF, Kodak Photo CD and Fractal File format (FIF) will cause a DisplayMaster child window to be invoked. This window will display single images as well multiple groups or rings of images. Audio files of the formats WAV, MIDI, and AVC will create an Audio window. Video files of the formats supported by the OS/2 Multimedia Presentation Manager (MMPM/2) will create a Video window. There is a limit of five (5) Video windows at any one time. Additional attempts to open video files result in the least recent Video window to come to the front of all windows and play the desired video. The same type of action happens when Audio reaches ten (10) windows. Clicking on the Cancel button will return the user to the DisplayMaster window. ═══ 9. 'DisplayMaster Child Windows' ═══ The DisplayMaster child windows display the selected image files and allows the user to scroll through the ring of images and make comments on each image. The comments can be saved to a file that can be printed out to review your comments, or be reloaded in the future to display your comments and images in a slide show. To view other selected image files the user can click on the previous (<-) or next (->) buttons in the lower-right-hand corner of the window or press the F5 and F6 buttons, respectively. The user may also add comments to each selected image file by clicking on the comments button in the lower-right-hand corner of the window or by holding the control key (Ctrl) and pressing the C key. DisplayMaster has the following menu items: File 1. Open File - The Open File dialog allows the user to open audio, video, and image files. To open a file, the user must select the drive, the directory, and the file(s) in the normal Common User Access (CUA) fashion. 2. Add - allows the user to add an image file(s) to those in the ring without losing the already selected files. 3. Save Image - allows the user to save the current image file in the following formats: OS/2 bitmap, Windows bitmap, TIFF, Targa (TGA), PCX, and GIF. 4. Save Comments - allows the user to save the image comments. The file is saved in the format: Filename (image #1) Standard Comments (check boxes) Customs Comments Filename (image #2) ... 5. About - displays product information, copyright, trademark, and customer service number. 6. Exit - closes the DisplayMaster child window. ═══ 10. 'Options' ═══ 1. Image - displays a dialog window that allows you to control the sizing and resolution. 2. Video - displays a dialog window that allows the user to choose work and presentation mode. The presentation mode offers only the video and control buttons in the Video window. The work mode offers the video, control buttons, the menu bar and the status bar, which displays the video progression. 3. Audio - displays a dialog window that allows the user to choose work and presentation mode. The presentation mode offers only the audio and control buttons in the Audio window. The work mode offers the audio, the control buttons, the menu bar and the status bar,which displays the audio progression. 4. Previous Image - displays the previous image. 5. Next Image - displays the next image. 6. List Ring - displays the filenames of the images currently displayed upon the Image. 7. Comment - allows you to save your comments for a particular image. 8. Slide Show - allows you to control a slide show. ═══ 11. 'Ring List' ═══ The Ring List dialog shows the user the filenames of the images in the current DisplayMaster child window. The images comments are displayed in the comment box below the filename listbox. The comment in the box will represent the comment of the highlighted image file. The user can scroll thru the images comments by clicking once on the desire image file or by toggling between image files with the up and down arrow keys. Once the desired file has been found, the user can switch to that particular image by double-clicking on that file, or by clicking on the Switch To button while the desired file has been selected. ═══ 12. Comment ═══ The Comment window allows the user to add any comments to any selected image, audio, or video file. To open the Comment window you may either click on the Comment button on the toolbar or click on Options on the menu bar and select Comments. The Comment window allows you to add two types of comments: custom comments and standard comments. Custom comments are the comments you type in and save for the file. To add custom comments click in the entry field entitled Comments and type them in using the keyboard. Once all the necessary comments have been entered, clicking on OK will save them. If you do not wish to add or save any comments, click on Cancel and the Comment window will close. Standard comments are the comments that you select from the Comment window. Standard comments are comments about the quality of an image, an audio, or a video file. Clicking on the button to the left of each provided button will select that standard comment for that file. A unique feature of DisplayMaster is that during a Slide Show, the comments of each file will display along with each image displayed. This allows the user to create a slide show with its own narrative for a more effective presentation. The file is saved in the following format: Filename (image #1) Standard Comments (check boxes) Customs Comments Filename (image #2) ... ═══ 13. 'Slide Show' ═══ The Slide Show dialog will allow the user to show his collection of images and comments about those image in a slide show fashion. The user can specify the time interval between slides, the placement of the show window and the behavior of the image display -- very useful for passive demos. A slide show can be saved by simply saving the comments file. To open a comment file to be used as a slide show presentation, open the file the same way you open any image, audio or video file using the Open file dialog. ═══ 14. 'Kodak Photo CD' ═══ The Kodak Photo CD file dialog allows you to specify the resolution and format that you want the selected image(s) to be read in with. ═══ 15. 'Fractal File dialog' ═══ The Fractal File dialog allows you to specify the resolution and format that you want the selected image(s) to be read in with. ═══ 16. 'Add file dialog' ═══ The Add file dialog allows the user to add image files to those in the ring without losing the already selected files. You may add images from any directory or drive you wish. ═══ 17. 'Save Image file dialog' ═══ The Save Image file dialog allows the user to save image files in the following formats: TIFF Targa (TGA) GIF PCX OS/2 bitmap Windows bitmap (DIB) AVC image format (._IM) Fractal Files (FIF) ═══ 18. 'Previous Button' ═══ The Previous button will page the ring of images backward one image. If the ring only has one image (therefore not a ring), the previous, next, and slide show buttons will be diabled. ═══ 19. 'Next Button' ═══ The Next button will page the ring of images forward one image. If the ring only has one image (therefore not a ring), the previous, next, and slide show buttons will be disabled. ═══ 20. 'Save Comments File Dialog' ═══ The 'Save Comments file' dialog allows the user to save the comments made for each image into a file that can be used for a variety of DisplayMaster utilities ═══ 21. Audio ═══ Audio playback allows the user to control the playback of all audio files selected from the Open File window. The Audio toolbar contains all the standard button controls for controlling the audio playback. 1. Pause - pauses the audio presentation. 2. Stop - stops the audio presentation and closes the Audio window. 3. Rewind - returns the audio presentation to the beginning. 4. Play - starts the audio presentation. 5. Comment - allows the user to make a comment in the same fashion as the DisplayMaster child window comment button. 6. Volume Bar - allows the user to control the volume level of the soundtrack by either clicking on the left and right volume arrows (quiet to loud, from left to right respectively) or by dragging the volume button into position with the mouse. ═══ 22. Video ═══ Video playback allows the user to control a motion video presentation of each video file selected from the Open File window. The Video toolbar displays the buttons necessary for controlling the Video presentation. 1. Pause - pauses the video presentation. 2. Stop - stops the video presentation and closes the Video window. 3. Rewind - returns to the beginning of the video. 4. Frame Advance - a single click forwards the video one frame. Holding down the mouse button forwards the video frame by frame in slow motion. 5. Comment - allow user to make a comment in the same fashion as the DisplayMaster child window comment button. 6. Volume Bar - allows the user to control the volume of the audio track (when an audio track is available with a video file). The volume bar may be controlled either by clicking on the left and right volume arrows (quiet to loud, from left to right respectively) or by dragging the volume button with the mouse. The Video menu bar displays three listboxes. File 1. Open - opens the file window. 2. About - displays product information, copyright, trademark, and customer service number. 3. Exit - closes the Video window. Options 1. Pause - pauses the video presentation. 2. Stop - stops the video presentation and closes the Video window. 3. Rewind - returns the video to the beginning. 4. Play - starts the video presentation. 5. Frame Advance - forwards the video presentation on frame at a time. Windows 1. Cascade - layers the program windows upon each other. 2. Tile - displays the program windows side by side. 3. Hide Frame Controls - displays the Video without the menu bar. ═══ 23. Exit ═══ To exit DisplayMaster return to the DisplayMaster window, click on File and select Close All. This will close all child windows and end the program.