ddlnch Drag Drop Launch 3333333333? p33333333330 p2""""""""""# p33333333 000000 Form1 AboutButton About CMDialog1 CommonDialog ExitButton DoneButton List1 MS Sans Serif Label1 The INI file did not contain the section you specified on the command line. The following things are in the INI file. Please select one of them, or EXIT to quit. Form_Loade TotFiles PM_NOREMOVE4 PM_NOYIELD wRemoveMsg DragDropFormL Handle FileNum| DragAcceptFilesL PeekMessage NewMessage+ DragQueryFile wparam NameOfFileW Counter[ List1 label2 CaptionA DragFinish DDLNCHV DDWhatAmI DDNameN DDCmdString DDType Label1_Click FirstTimeb WindowState MINMIZEDj NORMAL List1_Clicku Listinde ListIndex9 DoneButton_Clickn ExitButton_Click~ MINIMIZED Load| FileList TempString StringLenf ProgName PartialCmds( FilePointer DirPointer DirMaskk FileSelect CMDialog Action DLG_FILE_OPEN DefaultExt2 DirExt DialogTitle; Filter Flags OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT OFN_HIDEREADONLY OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN MYFLAGSET| InitDir| TempString1 NumItems^ GetPrivateProfileInt INIFILE MB_OKd GetPrivateProfileString StartupCmd FileMarker/ DIRMARKER= DIRMARKER1^ DIRMARKER2 DIRPOINTER1 LENDIRPOINTER1 DIROINTER LENDIRPOINTER LENDIRMARKER LENFILEMARKER LENFILEMAKER DirMaskStart Dirmaskend FileMarkerStartQ FileMarkerStop FileMarkerEnd DirMarkerStart1 DirmaarkerEndw DirMarkerEnd LDDCmdString CMDialog1 POINTAPIZ message3 lParam8 time} Accept$ lpMsgp wMsgFilterMinm wMsgFilterMaxx hdrop indexFilenum lpFileName buffsize lpApplicationName lpKeyNameM lpDefault lpReturnedString nSize nDefault MAXIMIZED DLG_FILE_SAVE DLG_COLOR DLG_FONT DLG_PRINT DLG_HELP OFN_READONLY OFN_NOCHANGEDIR OFN_SHOWHELPR OFN_NOVALIDATE OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT OFN_EXTENTIONDIFFERENT) OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST> OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST OFN_CREATEPROMPT3 OFN_SHAREAWARE Pring INFILEc mispelled! DirmarkStart Dummy Visible DMEndS LDirMask LENDIRMARKER1 LENDIRMARKER2 Filename List1_DblClick LoopON DirChgFlagA ChgDir ChgDirFlagI Path= NewDir( StripandFind StinngLen- PathName Last_x Length TempStringg ShortFileName FilePath WinExec ErrorMessage ErrorMess AboutButton_Click VERSION IniPathFile IniFilePath Spacer endirN AboutButton_Click Version Written by Robert Castle CIS 70337,605 Free Use to All Drag Drop Launcher DDWhatAmI get from the ini file, what I am supposed to do. try current dir Number let windows try the Windows Dirn Number INI file is invalid or missing DDLnch parse the command string nothing on command string, bring up form make up list box, then exit, form load will take itl this so the form load procedure will know what to do CmdString nothing found, complain and exit Command Line not Found under ChgDir parse the command string.y I will parse, and set two pointers up as well as an array of strings.- the FilePointer will either be 2,3, or 4, depending on where the file- names should be inserted in the command string.d the DirPointer will likewise be either 2,3,4 depending on where the destinationm file is to be inserted.e The array of PartialCmds will be filled in with data from the command string FIRST Char AFTER note that BOTH dirmarkerEnds may be larger than the length of the string FMStart= FMEnd= DMStart= first AFTER 0 Then 'strip all but last TempString = Right$(DirMask, Len(DirMask) - x) TempString = DirMaskD End If If Len(TempString) > 0 And Len(TempString) < 4 Then CMDialog1.DefaultExt = TempString End If equal to &H8804& Form_Load set up error message strings Out of Memory File not found Path not found Attempt to dynamically link to a task Library requires separate data segments for each task Insufficient Memory Incorrect Windows version Invalid EXE file O/S 2 App DOS 4.0 App Unknown .EXE Type .EXE created for earlier version of Windows Attempt to load 2nd instance (mult data segments) Attempt to load 2nd instance (nonshareable DLLs) Protected mode app in real mode Attempt to load compressed EXE DLL required for this app is invalid Requires 32 bit extensions get what I'm supposed to do as a result of a DD eventM parameters for PeekMessage callf identify form as able to accept d/d messages Dummy = DoEvents() determine if a d/d message is waitingo if a dd message is waiting calling DragQueryFile with a -1 value for FileNum returns # of files dropped Clear from last call for each file dropped calling with a value greater than -1 returns name of corresponding fileo add NameOfFile to List last file or only onel get next file' now build command string and sende if command line needs a destination file prompt" user didn't select anything Command Line TOO Long. Can't do This. DDLnch Message Error Occurred - DDLnch Error List1_DblClick StripandFind strip the file name to base name and put the path in " the PathName variableo