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The "Y" option doesn't perform as advertised (it's a bit buggy) The ÿdata contained here is in straight ascii. ÿIt is historical ÿand educational ÿand ÿalthough ÿthe ÿamount ÿof hours ÿI ÿhave ÿworked ÿat compiling this is uncountable, I ÿdo NOT ask/beg for any renumeration. Use and enjoy it! The data now takes about 4.4 meg! To display the data, you will either need "TODAY" a program by Patrick Kincaid, ÿor my preference "NEWDAYPC" by Mike Ratledge. They are both available ÿvia ÿshareware. ÿI ÿhave even seen ÿsome ÿlesser ÿproducts available. ÿIf you don't have these programs, you can still enjoy it, through a word processor. Version 9.07 is released onÿ Oct 25, 1992, it adds orÿ corrects over 18,000 items. Majorÿ importÿ comes from John T S Brouwer de Koning who keeps a Dutch version. He also sent me a list of sci-fi authors which is implemented in this version. I have begun to incorporate 3 new features. Highest and lowest temperatures in NYC (NY Daily News), Day into the year and days left (based on standard years, it will be okay from Jan 1, 1993 - Dec 31, 1995). The other new feature is the numerology #. This is based by adding the numbers in the date to get a single digit (ie 0928 Sept 28 equals 9/28 which is 9+2+8=19; 19 becomes 1+9 = 10; 10 becomes 1+0=1). Also included in this go round are dates that TV stations begin transmitting. Missing this time is my collabrator Robert Braunwart, who, last I heard, moved from Washington to Mexico. I think he is no longer innterested in this project. Believe it or not I still have a ton of his stuff (that should have been included in 9.04) still to include. Talk of growing by leaps and bounds, the data is now past 67,000 items (about 200 a day). Version 9.06 is released onÿ April 17, 1992, it adds orÿ corrects over 2,500 items. Majorÿ importÿ came from Mikeÿ Ratledge's disasterÿ data and Jerry Lee's black history data. The space program has been update ÿto reflect ÿall US manned ÿmissions including ÿbirth dates ÿof the new ÿ1992 crop of ÿastronauts. ÿThe data has ÿgone beyond 50,000. There ÿis ÿDAY906-U.ZIP, ÿÿwhich ÿcontains ÿeverything ÿ(except ÿÿword processor) to up date, from 9.05 with just some editing from yourself. Version 9.05 ÿreleasedÿ March ÿ20, 1992 ÿadds or corrects ÿover 11,000 items. I still have ÿBraunwart's data to go ÿthrough. Major additions came from ÿ"Complete ÿDirectory ÿto Prime Time ÿTV Stars." There ÿare nearly 50,000 items in the database. Version 9.04 released March 30, 1991 - ÿA ÿtragic thing happened on my way to version 9.04. ÿIn December of 1989, ÿI ÿstarted adding several thousands (tens of thousands) ÿof changes and additions Many thanks to my collabarator Robert Braunwart. ÿI ÿthen purchased a spiffy new 386 machine with a spacious 85 ÿmeg hard SCSI Segate drive. ÿAround April or so, I had completed editing and compiling all of version 9.04, save December. ÿÿI ÿÿwas ÿmore than 3/4 ÿdone with December, ÿand ÿthen ÿit happened. DOS said "NO SCSI DRIVE FOUND." After making attempt after attempt to revive the (of course not backed up data) ÿdrive, ÿall hope was lose. I did get a replacement drive, but it took the heart out of doing the compilation. Any way I got my dander back and viola, ÿadded some 9,000 new entries (or corrections) and version 9.04 is ready. In an effort to get this out sometime, ÿI ÿhave not gone through much ÿof Robert Braunwarts additional data. (Just Jan & Feb). I am sure since then he has added even more data. I will get to it, I promise! Version 9.03 released Nov 6, ÿ1989 ÿadds or corrects over 7,500 items. Including almost every Pro Hockey Stanley Cup final game, Pro Football and ÿNBA ÿchampionship contests. ÿMany astronaut birthdays have ÿbeen added ÿtoo. ÿMost of the ÿ7,500 ÿÿitems are additional information ÿto previously existing items. Version ÿ9.02 ÿÿbecame ÿavailable on May 25th it ÿcontained over ÿ1,100 changes. ÿThe data set now includes almost all ÿmajor league ÿbaseball no-hitters ÿsince ÿ1900 ÿand the final games of ÿevery ÿbaseball ÿWorld Series. DAY ÿ9.00 ÿwas released on Feb. ÿ19, ÿ1989, ÿand in less than 45 ÿdays, version ÿ9.01 ÿ& ÿ9.01a were released. ÿWith almost 2500 ÿchanges (1900 additions, 200 deletions and 400 changes). UPDATE ÿÿexplains ÿhow to update V9.05 ÿto V9.06. A BIT OF HISTORY In ÿJuly, ÿ1986, ÿPatrick Kincaid released for public usage ÿa ÿprogram called ÿToday. ÿÿIt's ÿbased on a mainframe program designed ÿby ÿMike Butler. Along with the master program he had data files for each month. Each monthly data file was approximately 15K in length. ÿÿAfter ÿa ÿfew months ÿI ÿhad added a lot of new data and released my ÿupdate ÿof ÿthe Today monthly files. Eventually, Robert Braunwart, put out his updates and ÿÿapproached ÿme ÿon ÿa ÿcalibration ÿof ÿour ÿÿwork. ÿÿÿDespite, abbreviations and other attempts at shortening the data, the 12 monthly files of over 30,000 items has swelled to almost 2 megs. Mike Ratledge, ÿlike myself ÿand many others have gotten much enjoyment out of this program, ÿbut found some short comings. ÿTODAY ÿwould ÿnot read a file over 50K and would only display ÿabout ÿthe first 50 ÿfinds for a date. He also wanted it to run on a BBS (T-Comm). So he rewrote the program in turbo-pascal (TODAY.EXE was written in C). As ÿof this writing, ÿRatledge's latest version 4.5 ÿÿdecidedly ÿbeats Kincaid's latest version 2.3 for features. I believe NEWDAY duplicates every feature of TODAY, but also allows for randomness, ÿÿmore categories, ÿmore color, ÿremark ÿstatements, ÿÿdate scanning and date aging. In ÿthe data files you will find "(BG)," ÿon some occasions. ÿÿAlthough coincidentally those are my initials, ÿthey are actual those of William Baring-Gould. ÿLes Moskowitz who compiled Sherlock Holmes' dates ÿused (BG) ÿÿto ÿindicate that those dates ÿwere ÿproposed ÿby ÿBaring-Gould. Baring-Gould is a Sherlock Holmes' authority and his dates are reckoned as opposed to being in the actual text. MEET MY COLLABORATOR Robert Braunwart 4132-11th NE #6 Seattle Washington 98105 Robert uses PC FILE III, ÿto maintain his listings. Robert has included category columns so that speciality ÿlists ÿcould be made. You may want to contact him concerning that. HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE RIGHT? As to data correction, ÿit is sometimes ÿdifficult to verify a specific date when two equally ÿgood ÿsources ÿhave different information. ÿOne problem arises in the change of calendars ÿfrom Julian to Gregorian and the ÿInternational ÿdateline does present ÿa problem. ÿÿIt ÿmay ÿbe ÿa different day in California than ÿFrance. (Fortunately in the future we should have no problem - ÿStar ÿdate 8801, ÿcaptain). ÿI ÿread in ÿone particularly enjoyable source (don't recall the title) ÿthat ÿcontained celebrities ÿbirthdays, ÿÿthat ÿwhenever a doubt arose ÿthey ÿtook ÿthe earliest date. ÿÿIt is rare that a person would make themselves older. ...and when in doubt blame it on typos. ...AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR This is Noncents-ware. You can modify, spindle, fold, erase or do just about anything you want to these files, but if you give them to anyone, document your changes. If you have any changes, additions, ÿdeletions, suggestions ÿor ÿwhatever I would like to hear about them. ÿI ÿcan ÿbe reached ÿat the above address and many of the major PC BBS in 212, ÿand and 718 area code. I ÿplan ÿto ÿcontinue updating, ÿI ÿÿwill ÿinclude deletions, additions and changes. The ÿupdates will use the following filespec "DAY907.ZIP" ÿfor ÿversion 9.07, "DAY908.ZIP" ÿfor version 9.08. This should allow us to continue with version 9 for many years! SPECIAL THANKS To Tom Gallagher, who was able to identify and clarify many names. My neice and nephews Alyse, Marc & Richard Cutler for continuing assistance BIBLIOGRAPHY 1992 Calendar--Run! (copyright 1991, Jack Geschidt) 2 holiday and 1 almanac program from a Carolina TBBS 20th Century Timeline 24 Space event files from STARPOINT BBS in Connecticut Actors, Artis, Authors & Attempted Assasins - Susan Stetler Adult Movies Almanac of American Politics (1974) American Authors & Books (1640 to present) (3rd edition) Archie & Edith, Mike & Gloria (All in the Family) As they Were Too Associated Press' dates in history (Newsday BBS) Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 7th edition Bare Facts Baseball 1991 Almanac Bdaycal.zip BIKENRUN.ZIP Billboard 1990 Trivia Calendar Biographical Dictionary of Scientist - Trevor Williams Biography Almanac - 1st Edition Biorhythm Sports Forecasting Book of Winners (1978) Book of Rock Lists Book of Lists (1,2,3) Boston Bruins Yearbook Boston Red Sox Yearbooks Broadcasting Yearbook (1973) CAL.ZIP CBS-FOX Video Store 1990 Calander (Thanks to Ronald Cohen) Celebrity Book of Lists Celebrity Almanac - Ed Lucaire Celebrities birthdays Celebrity Sleuth Vol 2 # 2 - Ingenudes Celebrity Sleuth Vol 2 # 3 - Tele-visions Celebrity Sleuth Vol 2 # 4 - Selects Celebrity Sleuth Vol 2 # 5 - Oh, Oh, Seven Celebrity Sleuth Vol 3 # 1 - Ingenudes 2 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 3 # 2 - Women of Fantasy Celebrity Sleuth Vol 3 # 3 - Tele-visions 2 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 3 # 4 - Anatomy Awards 2 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 3 # 5 - 25 Sexiest Women of 1990 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 3 # 6 - Ingenudes 3 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 1 - Wives & Lovers Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 2 - Women of Fantasy 2 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 3 - Tele-visions 3 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 4 - Good Sports Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 5 - Anatomy Awards 3 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 6 - Ingenudes 4 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 7 - Devilish Daughters Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 8 - 25 Sexiest Woman of 1992 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 4 # 9 - Tele-Visions 4 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 5 # 1 - Women of Fantasy 3 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 5 # 2 - Readers' Choice Celebrity Sleuth Vol 5 # 3 - Soap Dishes Celebrity Sleuth Vol 5 # 4 - Sisters Under the Skin Celebrity Sleuth Vol 5 # 5 - Beauty Queen Celebrity Sleuth Vol 5 # 6 - Good Sports Celebrity Sleuth Vol 5 # 7 - Ing‚nudes 5 Celebrity Sleuth Vol 5 # 8 - Noble Nudes Chambers's Biographical Dictionary Chase's annual Event 1985 Chronicle of the Year 1988 Coin World Almanac Complete Book of the Olympics (1992) Complete Directory to Prime Time Network TV Shows (1992) Complete Directory to Prime Time TV Stars (1987) Complete Encyclopedia of Television Programs (1947-1976) Complete Mission Impossible Dossier - Patrick J White Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary Concise Dictionary of American Biography - 3rd Edition Current Biography magazine Cycling--1992 Calendar (Pomegranate Calendars & Books) DISNEY.ZIP Daily News TV Week Detroit Yearbooks Dunlop Illustrated Encyclopedia of Facts East Coast Rocker Encyclopedia of Hockey Encyclopedia of Pro Football Encyclopedia of Rock Entertainment Tonight - Daily Birthday check Estrenos (Spanish entertainment show) Ethnic Almanacs Executive's Travel Planner Facts About the Presidents Facts and Dates of American Sports - Gordon Carruth Green Bay Packers Yearbook Guardian (British Newspaper) Guinness Illustrated Encyclopedia of Facts Guinness Book of Olympic Records (1984) HISTORY.ZIP (A.E.S.C. BBS, Atlanta Georgia) Hammond Almanac (1982) Harmony Encyclopedia of Rock History.zip Home Video Guide Illustrated Encyclopedia of World's Great Movie Stars Independence (British Newspaper) Information Please Almanac (1989) International Cyclopedia of Music & Musicians International Dictionary of the 20th Century Biography Isaac Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science & Tech Israelli History JCAL verson 7.03 Jewish Press - Time Capsule by Jeff Reznak Larousse Encyclopedia of Music Leonard Maltin's TV Movies & Video Guide (1989) Manned Space flights Miss America Pageant 1990 - 70th Anniversary edition Movies on TV (Steven Sheur) NASA Space Link BBS New Columbia Encyclopedia New Encyclopedia of Jazz New England Patriots Yearbook New Kobbe's Complete Opera New Orleans Saints Yearbook Newsday BBS NFL Media Information Book (1981) NHL Official Guide & Record Book (1987-88) NJ Devils Yearbooks NOVSCI.TXT NY Times history books NY Knicks Yearbooks NY Rangers Yearbooks NY Times Directory of the Film (Knight) NY Giants Yearbooks NY Yankees Yearbooks NY Times Sports Encyclopedia NY Jets Yearbooks NY/NJ Nets Yearbooks Newsmaker 88 volume 2 New Video (Summer, 1987) NHL Official Guide & Record Book Official Honeymooners Treasury Official Encyclopedia of Baseball Olympic Handbook (1984) Oxbridge Omnibus of Holiday Observances around the World (1977) Oxford Companion to English Literature (5th Edition) Oxford Companion to French Literature Oxford Companion to Music Parade Magazine Pears Cyclopedia (78th edition) People's Almanac (1,2,3) Philadelphia Phillies Yearbooks Pittsburgh Penguin Yearbooks Playboy Magazine Pro Football 1978 Prodigy BBS Random House Dictionary Reader's Digest Almanac & Yearbook (1980) Reading For Pleasure (BBS - 1-301-694-7108) Rhino 1990 Rock and Roll Calendar (Thanks to Glen Gordon) Rock & Roll Birthday Book Rock On Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll San Diego Chargers Yearbook SAINTS.ZIP SEPTSCI.TXT Screen World (Vol 34-37) SFAUTHOR.ZIP Sh-Boom Magazine Sleep at Last Smash Hits 1989 Yearbook Soap Opera Digest - 1989 Soap Super Calendar Soap Opera Encyclopedia Spacelink BBS (1-205-895-0028) Special Days Sports Encyclopedia Pro Football (Neft & Cohen) Sports Encyclopedia of Baseball (Neft & Cohen) Sports Magazine St Joseph Almanac 1991 Calendar Stacnet BBS 1-718-746-2006 (Day in Science) Star tabloid Star Shots Suburban People Sun tabloid Thoroughbred Racing Action TODAYMUS.TXT - Music TODAY-SH - Sherlock Holmes (Les Moskowitz) TODAYDOB.ZIP (Jim Robeson, Pacific Grove, CA.) TODAYCSA - W.E. Smith (Civil War) TODAYANG, TODAYRC & TODAYOW2 - Bill Kelsey (Religion) TODAY.NEW - National Parks TODAYNEW.ZIP (Randy Ross, Marin-Somers BBS, S.F.) TODAYJUN.ZIP TODAYAPR.ZIP (Invention Factory, New York) TODAYLEE.ZIP TODAY.SPC - Space Teen Beat Magazine Television landmarks Tennis Championship Magazine - US Open (1985-88) This Day in NY Yankee History This Day in Sports Timelines - Paul Dickson Total Television including Cable - Alex McNeil TV Encyclopedia - David Inman USA Today Weekend Variety Who's Who in Show Business (1983) Video Business Video Movie Guide 1989, 1990, 1991 Video Directory Video Store Magazine Virginia Slims Magazine WPLJ-FM, NY - Daily Birthday check Weekly Executive Planner What Happened When - Gordon Carruth Who's Who in TV (2-8) Who's Who in Country Music Who's Who in Daytime TV - April 1991 Who's Who in Horror & Fantasy Fiction Who's Who in Baseball (1976-90) World Almanac Fact-a-day 1991 calendar (Thanks to Carol Halper) World Almanac of Dictionary of Dates World Authors 1950-70 World Book Diary World Almanac (1989) Yearbook Book Z-100-FM (WHTZ), NY - Daily Birthday check - Also Randolph Ross, John Francis, Tony Tortorelli and Ned Wilson As always more dates are requested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boards I get to with some frequency (NY) JIM'S PC PARADAISE - 718-458-0502 (NYC) COMPUTER AND DREAMS - 212-888-6565 (NYC) MOVIE BBS - 718-939-5462 CONSULTANT - 718-837-7606 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key distribution boards (all 9600 baud) JIM'S PC PARADAISE - 718-458-0502 (NYC) COMPUTER AND DREAMS - 212-888-6565 (NYC) M & M BBS - 914-SET-NULS (914-738-6857) - TBBS board (NY) MASS COMM OF BLIND - 617-451-5327 (Mass) CHARLATAN'S CABIN - 213-654-7337 (Calif) EAST BAY X-CHANGE - 803-556-7485 (NEWDAY.EXE homeboard) (SC) EXECUTIVE NETWORK - 914-667-4651, 914-667-4567 & 914-667-4684 (NY) MARIN-SOMERS - 415-927-1216 (TODAY.EXE's homeboard) (Calif) LINKING RINGS - 318-442-5694 (Mega board in Louisiana)