Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: Feb 4, 1992
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pass.chk - Checks for poor passwords in a password file.  


pass.chk [ options ]  


By default pass.chk only checks for accounts with passwords the same as the login name. The following options add more extensive checking. (The tradeoff is cpu time -- with all options enabled it can run into the 100's of MINUTES.) Any argument that does not begin with a "-" is assumed to be a file name. (A single '-' means stdin.) If no file name is given, /etc/passwd is used.

Options are:

verbose -- list all guesses on stdout
output the username on the line of the password file currently being checked. If the program stops abruptly you will then know how far it got.
-w file
use the list of words contained in "file" as likely passwords. Words in the file are one to a line. A variable, "ARB_CONST", on line 6 of the source file, "pass.c", determines how many words can be in the dictionary file. Default is 32000.
check all guesses backwards too
use the Full Name portion of the gecos field, the user's .plan, .forward, and .signature files to generate more guesses
check the single letters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 as passwords
with each guess, check for all lower case and all upper case versions too.
complain about null passwords (default is to keep quiet)
print the password when guessed
-P file
use an alternate password file

If used on a Sun or Sun compatible, compiling with the -DC2 flag will enable C2/shadow passwords to be cracked (it must be run as root, however, to read the shadow password file.)  






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