
COPS is structured as a dozen sub-programs invoked by a shell script. That top-level script collects any output from the subprograms and either mails the information to the local administrator or else logs it to a file. A separate program that checks for SUID files is usually run independently because of the amount of time required for it to search through the filesystems. All of the tools except the SUID checker are not meant to be run as user root or any other privileged account.

Please note that the descriptions of the tools provided here do not contain any detailed explanation of why the tools check what they do. In most cases, the reason is obvious to anyone familiar with UNIX. In those cases where it is not obvious, the bibliographic material at the end of this paper may provide adequate explanations. We apologize if the reasons are not explained to your satisfaction, but we do not wish to provide detailed information for potential system crackers who might have our system.

These are the individual the programs that comprise COPS:

dir.check, file.chk These two programs check a list of directories and files (respectively) listed in a configuration file to ensure that they are not world-writable. Typically, the files checked would include /etc/passwd, /.profile, /etc/rc, and other key files; directories might include /, /bin, /usr/adm, /etc and other critical directories.

pass.chk This program searches for and detects poor password choices. This includes passwords identical to the login or user name, some common words, etc. This uses the standard library crypt routine, although the system administrator can link in a faster version, if one is available locally.

group.chk, passwd.chk These two tools check the password file (/etc/passwd and yppasswd output, if applicable) and group file ( /etc/group and ypgroup output, if applicable) for a variety of problems including blank lines, null passwords, non-standard field entries, non-root accounts with uid=0, and other common problems.

cron.chk, rc.chk These programs ensure that none of the files or programs that are run by cron or that are referenced in the /etc/rc* files are world-writable. This protects against an attacker who might try to modify any programs or data files that are run with root privileges at the time of system startup. These routines extract file names from the scripts and apply a check similar to that in file.chk.

dev.chk checks /dev/kmem, /dev/mem, and file systems listed in /etc/fstab for world read/writability. This prevents would-be attackers from getting around file permissions and reading/writing directly from the device or system memory.

home.chk, user.chk These programs check each user's home directory and initialization files (.login, .cshrc, .profile, etc) for world writability.

root.chk This checks root startup files (e.g., /.login, /.profile) for incorrect umask settings and search paths containing the current directory. This also examines /etc/hosts.equiv for too much accessibility, and a few miscellaneous other tests that do not fit anywhere else.

suid.chk This program searches for changes in SUID file status on a system. It needs to be run as user root for best results. This is because it needs to find all SUID files on the machine, including those that are in directories that are not generally accessible. It uses its previous run as a reference for detecting new, deleted, or changed SUID files.

kuang The U-Kuang expert system, originally written by Robert W. Baldwin of MIT. This program checks to see if a given user (by default, root) is compromisable, given that certain rules are true.

It is important to note once again that COPS does not attempt to correct any potential security hazards that it finds, but rather reports them to the administrator. The rationale for this is that is that even though two sites may have the same underlying hardware and version of UNIX, it does not mean that the administrators of those sites will have the same security concerns. What is standard policy at one site may be an unthinkable risk at another, depending upon the nature of the work being done, the information stored on the computer, and the users of the system. It also means that the COPS system does not need to be run as a privileged user, and it is less likely to be booby-trapped by a vandal.