
The task of making a computer system secure is a difficult one. To make a system secure means to protect the information from disclosure; protecting it from alteration; preventing others from denying access to the machine, its services, and its data; preventing degradation of services that are present; protecting against unauthorized changes; and protecting against unauthorized access.

To achieve all these security goals in an actual, dynamic environment such as that presented by most UNIX 2systems can be a major challenge. Practical concerns for flexibility and adaptability render most formal security methods inapplicable, and the variability of system configuration and system administrator training make ``cookbook'' methods too limited. Many necessary security administration tasks can be enhanced through the use of software and hardware mechanisms put in place to regulate and monitor access by users and user programs. Those same mechanisms and procedures, however, constrain the ability of users to share information and to cooperate on projects. As such, most computer systems have a range of options available to help secure the system. Choosing some options allows enhanced sharing of information and resources, thus leading to a better collaborative environment, where other settings restrict that access and can help make the system more secure.

One of the tasks of a system and security administrator is to choose the settings for a given system so that security is at an appropriate level—a level that does not unduly discourage what sharing is necessary for tasks to be accomplished, but that also gives a reasonable assurance of safety. This often leads to problems when a system has a very wide range of possible settings, and when system administrators lack sufficient training and experience to know what appropriate settings are to be applied.

Ideally, there should be some kind of assistance for system administrators that guides them in the application of security measures appropriate for their environment. Such a system needs to be configurable so it provides the appropriate level of assistance based on the perceived need for security in that environment. That system should be comprehensive enough so that an untrained or inexperienced administrator is able to derive a high degree of confidence that all appropriate features and weaknesses are identified and addressed.

Unfortunately, such a tool may also present a danger to that same system administrator. For instance, there could be a danger if the tool were to fall into the hands of a potential attacker. The tool could be used to analyze the target system or to provide clues for methods of attack. A second potential danger is that the tool can be modified by an unfriendly agent so that the information it reports and the actions that it takes serve not to enhance the security of the system, but to weaken it. A third possibility is that the tool is not comprehensive enough, or that changes in system operation are such that the tool does not expose the security flaws made present by those changes; the security administrator, by relying on the tool, fails to be aware of the new dangers to his or her system.

A good example of all three dangers might be the development and use of a tool that examines passwords to see if they can be easily guessed by an attacker. Such a tool might consist of a fast implementation of the password encryption algorithm used on a particular machine. Provided with this tool would be a dictionary of words that would be compared against user passwords. Passwords that match a word in the dictionary would be flagged as weak passwords.

Such a tool would enable a system administrator to notify users with weak passwords that they should choose a password that is more difficult for an attacker to guess. However, such a tool is a danger to the very same system it is designed to protect should it fall into the hands of an attacker: the tool could be used to very rapidly search through the dictionary in an attempt to find a password that could be compromised.

A second potential danger is that an attacker with sufficient privilege might alter the encryption algorithm or the internal workings of the program such that it would appear to run correctly, but would fail to match certain passwords or certain accounts. This would allow a determined attacker to plant an account with a known simple password that would not be detected by the program. Alternatively, an attacker might modify such a program to send its output to not only the administrator, but to the attacker as well.

The third problem is that the system administrator may grow complacent by running this password tool if it continually reports that there are no weak passwords found. The administrator may not make any effort to enhance the quality or size of the dictionary, or to provide other tracking or audit mechanisms to observe individuals who may be attempting to guess passwords or break into accounts.

For all of these reasons, such a tool might be considered to lessen the overall security of the system rather than to enhance it. That should not prevent us from developing security tools, however. Instead, the challenge is to build tools that enhance security without posing too great a threat when employed by an enemy.