
  1. Aho, Alfred V., Brian W. Kernighan, and Peter J. Weinberger, The AWK Programming Language, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1988.

  2. Authors, Various, UNIX Security Mailing List/Security Digest, December 1984-present.

  3. Baldwin, Robert W., Rule Based Analysis of Computer Security, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1987.

  4. Grampp, F. T. and R. H. Morris, ``UNIX Operating System Security,'' AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, October 1984.

  5. Kaplilow, Sharon A. and Mikhail Cherepov, ``Quest—A Security Auditing Tool,'' AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, May/June 1988.

  6. Smith, Kirk, ``Tales of the Damned,'' UNIX Review, February 1988.

  7. Spafford, Eugene, Kathleen Heaphy and David Ferbrache, Computer Viruses: Dealing with Electronic Vandalism and Programmed Threats, ADPASO, 1989.

  8. Spence, Bruce, ``spy: A UNIX File System Security Monitor,'' Proceedings of the Large Installation Systems Administration III Workshop, Usenix Association, September, 1988.

  9. Thompson, Ken, ``Reflections on Trusting Trust,'' 27 (8), Communications of the ACM, August 1984.

  10. Wood, Patrick and Stephen Kochran, UNIX System Security, Hayden Books, 1986.

  11. Wood, Patrick, ``A Loss of Innocence,'' UNIX Review, February 1988.