
Dan Farmer is a member of the CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) at the Software Engineering institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He is currently designing a tool that will detect known bugs on a variety of UNIX systems, as well as continuing program development and design on the UNIX system.

Gene Spafford is an assistant professor at Purdue University in the Department of Computer Sciences. He is actively involved with software engineering research, including testing and debugging technology. He is also actively involved in issues of computer security, computer crime, and professional ethics. Spaf is coauthor of a recent book on computer viruses, is in the process of coauthoring a book on UNIX security to be published by O'Reilly and Associates, and is well-known for his analysis of the Morris Internet Worm. Besides being a part-time netgod, Gene is involved with ACM, IEEE-CS, the Computer Security Institute, the Research Center on Computers and Society, and (of course) Usenix.