The Command Line Utilities Version 1.99 by Erik Skamser 1406 S. Marengo Avenue Forest Park, Illinois 60130 ph. (708) 771-8931 CompuServe 70521,260 (c)1989, 1990, 1991 All Rights Reserved INTRODUCTION ------------ The Command Line Utilities is a set of some simple programs that make working on personal computers -- at the DOS command line -- just a little easier. At the time of my first release of The Command Line Utilities, the popular GUI's such as Microsoft Windows and OS/2 were still inadequate for getting real work done. Today Windows v3.1 has changed all that; however, there are still computer users who prefer the DOS command line and there are certainly also many, many very useful PC's too old and underpowered for Windows which will remain in service for a long time to come. This is version 1.99 of The Command Line Utilities (I have fixed some bugs and added some enhancements from user suggestions since version 1.0 was introduced in November 1989). These utilities were created with the idea that often the simplest programs are the best. They are meant to be useful and intuitively obvious, so that recourse to the manual (such as it is) will seldom be necessary. MOVE.EXE -------- Have you ever understood why there isn't a DOS file called MOVE? I haven't. So I wrote a MOVE utility; actually two of them (see MOVESAFE.EXE). MOVE.EXE does just what you'd think it would; you just type MOVE [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename and the file(s) are moved. The DOS wildcards * and ? are supported. If you wish to move a file into the current (default) directory, there's no need to repeat the filename; the file will be copied into the current directory and the original file deleted, if and only if the copy is successful. Further, MOVE.EXE will only overwrite a file with a file the same age or newer. It checks the file creation dates to be sure you're not replacing a newer file with an older one. But be careful not to move a file from and to the current directory. "MOVE filename.ext" (when filename.ext is already in the current directory) will copy AND THEN DELETE the file! It does warn you first; if you see the "Careful!..." error message, please do be careful. This is the situation it refers to. Simply press the letter C while holding down the Ctrl key to abort the process -- and save your file. The usual DOS rules for copying and deleting apply. So be careful; I once did this: MOVE filename.ext \utils but I misspelled the name of the directory (it was \util). I ended up with my file in the root directory of the current drive, renamed "utils"! MOVESAFE.EXE ------------ I wrote MOVESAFE.EXE out of a fear that I might have two completely different files with the same name; it does happen sometimes. How many READ.ME files have you seen, for example? MOVESAFE.EXE takes the safety feature of MOVE.EXE (overwriting files only with newer versions) one step further and refuses ever to overwrite any file with the same name. However, there's a price to pay for this; you must always specify the target filename with MOVESAFE.EXE. If you don't specify two complete filenames, MOVESAFE.EXE will refuse to do anything at all. So if you don't mind a little extra typing, MOVESAFE.EXE will provide that little bit of added security. As with MOVE.EXE, the syntax is: MOVESAFE [d:][path]filename [d:][path]filename You may want to rename MOVESAFE.EXE to MOVE.EXE (or just M.EXE) for convenience. EXTRACT.EXE ----------- Have you ever had trouble remembering the syntax to use in extracting a .ZOO file as opposed to a .ZIP file as against a .PAK file? How about a file you've just downloaded from your favorite BBS which has an .SDN extension? Well all of the programs needed to make these compressed files functional with all of their different command-line switches can be confusing. So I wrote EXTRACT.EXE which does it all for you! EXTRACT.EXE works with the appropriate shareware programs to automatically extract .ARC, .ZIP, .PAK, .SDA, .SDN, .DWC, .LZH, and .ZOO files. All you have to remember now is that you must type: EXTRACT [d:][path]filename or, if you want to extract the contents of the archive to a different drive and/or directory: EXTRACT [d:][path]filename d:\path and be sure not to use the filename extension, since EXTRACT.EXE determines that for you. That's it! EXTRACT.EXE doesn't do all the work of extracting these files by itself; it relies on the programs written by the authors of the various compression formats to work with it to do the job. The file names required to be in a subdirectory listed in your PATH along with the complete shareware files that contain them are as follows for each format: Extension File Name Parent File --------- --------- ----------- .ARC PAK.EXE and PAK.CNF PAK251.EXE .ZIP PKUNZIP.EXE PKZ110.EXE .PAK PAK.EXE and PAK.CNF PAK251.EXE .SDA PAK.EXE and PAK.CNF PAK251.EXE .SDN PAK.EXE and PAK.CNF PAK251.EXE .ZOO LOOZ.EXE LOOZ210.ZIP .DWC DWC.EXE DWC501.EXE .LZH LHA.EXE LHA213.EXE .ARJ ARJ.EXE ARJ222.ZIP Please note that if the appropriate shareware files are not in your path you will get a "Bad command or filename" error message when using EXTRACT.EXE and your file will not be extracted. PRINTIT.EXE ----------- By first logging onto the drive and directory that contains The Command Line Utilities (in particular, PRINTIT.EXE and MANUAL.TXT) and typing PRINTIT, the manual will automatically print out on your printer. REGISTRATION ------------ Please register your copy of The Command Line Utilities if you find one or more of them useful. A good rule of thumb is that if you find yourself using them even occasionally after 30 days, register. If, however, you've deleted them from your hard drive... well, then don't register. Registration is $5.00 for the complete set, and will get you (optionally) a disk with the most recent version of all the utilities plus the on-disk manual. If you would also like the shareware file extraction utilities listed above, enclose an additional $2.00 and I will send them to you as well. I have no connection whatsoever with the authors of those shareware programs and I provide them in their original forms simply as a convenience to you. There are additional registration fees connected with these programs. You may fill out the form at the end of this manual as an easy way to register. DISCLAIMER ---------- The Command Line Utilities are provided as-is, with absolutely no guarantee or warranty of any kind. There is no verbal or implied warranty and none should be inferred. The author cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use of any of The Command Line Utilities. REGISTRATION FORM ----------------- =============================================================================== REGISTRATION FORM The Command Line Utilities Version 1.99 _____ I enclose $_____ for _____ copies of The Command Line Utilities @ $5.00. _____ $2.00 is also enclosed for one copy of all of the shareware extracting utilities PK361.EXE, PKZ110.EXE, PAK251.EXE, DWC501.EXE, LHA213.EXE, ARJ222.ZIP and LOOZ210.ZIP (or newer versions). Send me [] two 360K 5.25" or [] one 1.2M 5.25" or [] one 720K 3.5" disk(s) NAME ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________ CITY_____________________________________STATE_______________ZIP_____________ Please make your check or money order payable to Erik Skamser and mail to: Erik Skamser 1406 S. Marengo Avenue Forest Park, IL 60130 Where did you learn about The Command Line Utilities? (Please be specific): Comments: ===============================================================================