Mosaic Preferences

Preferences File (v1.1 or later)

You can now control some of the initial behavior of Amiga Mosaic with a preferences file and environment variables. During startup, AMosaic will read the file env:mosaic/prefs, which contains a list of parameters and values. The file consists of lines containing two strings: the parameter and the value, separated by spaces or tabs. For example, my file currently looks like this:

DelayImageLoads		true
ImageCacheSize		500
This tells Amiga Mosaic not to load inlined images by default, and to set the size of the image cache to 500K. You should save this file in both the ENV: and ENVARC: directories. When your Amiga is booted, the ENV: directory is cleared, and the contents of ENVARC: are copied into it.

You may override settings in the prefs file with environment variables. For example, setenv Mosaic/ImageCacheSize 200 will create an environment variable Mosaic/ImageCacheSize with value 200. Mosaic will load this variable and set the image cache size to 200K.

Here is a list of all supported parameters, and what type of value they require:

Parameter name		Value type	Default value
------------------	-------------	----------------------------------
DelayImageLoads		true/false	true
ImageCacheSize		integer (Kb)	400
HomeDocument		URL string
Font			string		times/13
ItalicFont		string		times/13/italic
BoldFont		string		times/13/bold
FixedFont		string		courier/13
H1Font			string		times/24
H2Font			string		times/18
H3Font			string		times/15
H4Font			string		times/13
H5Font			string		times/11
H6Font			string		times/11
AddressFont		string		courier/13
PlainFont		string		courier/13
RexxMacro1		string		Add to Hotlist
RexxMacro2		string		Jump to Hotlist
   ...			 ...
RexxMacro10		string

© 1994 Michael Fischer