Windows95 Utilities

Mpeg datatype problems

I am in trouble! I have an A1200 with 68030 and 68882 plus 16Mb Simm memory. I want to run Mpeg animations in a Workbench window. The easiest way of doing this is find an Mpeg data type I could use with MultiView. This I did, getting the Mpeg data type from Aminet. After reading the documentation I now find that I need the following:


I believe that all these files are part of the Workbench 3.1 release. I only have Workbench 3.0, so where can I get these files from?
Jim McHugh,

It seems you have diagnosed your own problem. As the Mpeg data type is a subset of the animation data type class, you need this before you can use the Mpeg player. The tape deck library handles drawing the control tool bar that it uses and the real time library, I think, handles the spooling of animation data from the hard drive.

Unfortunately, the only legal way to get hold of these files is to buy the Workbench 3.1 upgrade kits as they were never released separately. The bad news is that these kits are not cheap, the even worse news is that current stocks are very low.

Seeing however, that Gateway has now taken over Amiga Technologies, perhaps we could see a Workbench 3.1 upgrade kit for current 3.0 users, and perhaps the bugs in the original version can be taken out too. Otherwise the only other way is if you had a friend who had the 3.1 disks, and they were to perhaps loose those disks for a while......