Bogle ! RULES This game is based on the Milton Bradley game of almost the same name. (A coincidence , surely!). The object of the game is to spell as many words as possible with letters given in a four by four matrix. Each letter in the word must be next to the preceding letter. For example in the following grid: A S T R Q W X Y R R T U B E C F Starting with the letter "W" you can go to the letter "A", from "A" you can go to "S" to finally spell "WAS". You may start a word with any letter in the grid. Other words you could create using this grid include "CUTE", "CUTER","SAW"... Note that you could NOT spell the word "SWAT": you can go from "S" to "W" to "A" but that "T" is not next to the "A". MOUSE CONTROL Just click on any letter using the right mouse button to start your word. The next letters available to you will be high lighted. Keep clicking on letters until you have formed a word then press either of the "Enter Word" buttons. Alternatively, you could have clicked on the LAST letter of your word using the RIGHT mouse button or DOUBLE CLICKED on it: this has the same effect as clicking on the last letter and clicking on the "Enter Word" button. Do not click on the last letter with the left mouse button and then the right button this will have no effect, click the last letter ONLY with the right mouse button, instead of clicking with the left button and then the "Enter Word" button. If for some reason you have entered a wrong letter, you can go backwards by clicking on the "Erase Last Letter" button. If you should wish to delete a previously made word from your list, just highlight it and click the "Erase Highlited Word" button. Note that the last word entered is always the default highlighted word. If you wish to end your game before the timer runs out just click on the Stop icon. The game will count how many correct words you have and move you to the next round. EDIT Fonts: This allows you to change the font used in the dice set. The lower square with the letter "B" in it shows you what each square will look like with the font selected. Click on OK to choose that font. Dictionary: This will allow you to remove certain words that you either do not like or were incorrectly entered. OPTIONS Lines: Some people like to see "lines" connecting each consecutive letter. If you are one of these types of people, select the "Lines" option in any Option menu. Rounds: The game normally consists of four separate rounds. This can be changed anywhere from 1 to 6 rounds. Time: Each round normally lasts 3 minutes. This can be changed to any number between 1 and 6 minutes.