Windows 95/98: Productivity Tools: Workgroup Management Tools

Windows 95/98 Workgroup Management Tools

Click Here for FREE Download OfficeBoard
Version 1.1   Online Registration Not Yet Available
14-May-98 1,070K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
13 min at 14.4K 7 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
Provides an instant bird's eye view of the whereabouts of the people in your organization, and instant Email-like While You Were Out phone pad messaging. Features include E-Mail Notification, Employee Directory, Caller Phonebook, Sticky Notes, and more, in one elegant program. For TCP/IP networks (including the Internet!) composed of Win95/NT computers.
Published by Juniper Street Software OfficeBoard Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Time Stamp
Version 2.00 Getit! No Registration Required
05-May-98 597K Win 95/98/NT Freeware Never Expires Install & Uninstall
7 min at 14.4K 4 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
Easily track time spent on a project. It enables you to time how long you spend on a task, including features that let you take "slack time" for a phone call or break. Times for various tasks can be linked to an hourly charge rate for accurate billing, and printed reports are available.
Published by William Rouck Time Stamp Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download TaskMaster 98 Professional
Version 1.3.25   Online Registration Not Yet Available
01-May-98 913K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expires after 30 Days Install & Uninstall
11 min at 14.4K 6 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
Designed specifically to be as unobtrusive as possible to the user. The belief is that you cannot get employees to use a tool effectively if they find it frustrating or cumbersome. With only a few mouse clicks, users can capture their time information in seconds. TaskMaster 98 not only allows your business to increase productivity through fast, efficient time recording, but it also helps your organization manage project costs, and determine what areas might need improvement. By using the powerfulReport Wizard you can create your own custom analysis, drill-down or group data so that you’re only looking at what you’re interested in. With TaskMaster 98 Professional, you will be able to analyze where time is being spent and make real, measurable change to your bottom line.
Published by Indigo Technologies Ltd. TaskMaster 98 Professional Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Scotland Yard
Version 3.02   Online Registration Not Yet Available
28-Apr-98 1,690K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expires after 30 Days Install & Uninstall
21 min at 14.4K 11 min at 28.8K 2 min at ISDN 128K
An electronic sign in/out board that helps you track the location of your employees. Each person uses a sign-out screen to enter his or her status, whether in or out, at meetings or lunch, sick or vacation. Do-not-disturb notes and important memos can be attached. Need to find someone? Just launch the Employee Detective to get the status of individuals, departments, or all employees. Receptionists can even leave phone messages for employees. Scotland Yard is suitable for any size office and will let you quickly find the people you need. A clear interface and solid Help ensure this sign-out board will be used. Register once for unlimited use for your entire company!
Published by Yale & Assoc. Inc Scotland Yard Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Boss Everyware
Version 1.00   Online Registration Not Yet Available
21-Apr-98 445K Win 95/98 Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
6 min at 14.4K 3 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
Assembles data about computer usage and user work time: which software the users/employees are using and when and how long the users have interacted with each software/window. The 40K hidden program reports user's actions into a text or encrypted file. Report files can be easily imported by MS Excel or a DB-management system or viewed and handled by a supplied utility. It is possible to integrate reports from several LAN-stations into one report file at run-time. Doesn't affect the normal functioning of the system. No additional DLLs required.
Published by Alexander Jmerik Boss Everyware Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download OfficeView Pro
Version 1.06   Online Registration Not Yet Available
13-Mar-98 770K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
10 min at 14.4K 5 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
An in/out board that displays standard or customized remarks, such as: in, in but unavailable, on vacation until..., etc. In addition to knowing where your co-workers are, your receptionist can give well-informed responses to phone calls and alert you to the arrival of clients. The program also includes a messaging system and a screen that displays employee information such as telephone, fax, pager numbers, and a notepad to display lengthy, more detailed information.
Published by Len Phillips OfficeView Pro Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Digital Suggestion Box
Version 3.1   Online Registration Not Yet Available
08-Mar-98 174K Win 95/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
2 min at 14.4K 1 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
A LAN tool designed to assist in the communication and handling of office improvement suggestions. It allows the person making the suggestion to know what happens to it and allows others to view and add to it, possibly improving it, taking it for action, or spawning additional improvements. Lack of communication has been the downfall of many improvement programs.
Published by Robert Hodges Digital Suggestion Box Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Roll Call
Version 1.80   Online Registration Not Yet Available
02-Mar-98 1,920K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
24 min at 14.4K 12 min at 28.8K 2 min at ISDN 128K
A LAN-based in and out board and centralized email address book. The main fallacy of in and out boards is people forget to change their status. With Roll Call, you only need to remember to change it when you leave your desk, not when you return. When you touch your mouse or keyboard for the first time after being away from your desk, Roll Call will automatically change your status to "desk". If you happen to leave your desk and forget to change your status, Roll Call will change it to "idle" after a given amount of time. This last feature is optional. Roll Call saves you time when you do remember to change your status by defaulting to a reasonable return time. If "lunch", the current time plus the typical amount of time you take for lunch. If "home", the next business day at your typical arrival time. The calculation of the next business day considers company holidays that you provide and weekends. Roll Call provides additional information. Associated with each employee record is a notes section, group list, email address and a phone list. The notes section can be used to advise others of your future plans to be out of the office or away from your desk. Groups are useful because Roll Call can be filtered to only show employees associated with a particular group. Therefore, when a potential customer calls, the receptionist can use Roll Call to quickly determine which sales person is available.
Published by David Westbrook Roll Call Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Group OfficeView
Version 2.42   Online Registration Not Yet Available
18-Feb-98 230K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install
3 min at 14.4K 1 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
LAN based Group OfficeView is an In/Out Board that displays standard or customized remarks, such as: in, in but unavailable, on vacation until..., etc. In addition to knowing where your co-workers are, your receptionist can give well-informed responses to phone calls and alert you to the arrival of clients. The program also includes a messaging system and a screen that displays employee information such as telephone, fax, pager numbers, etc. and a notepad that displays lengthy, more detailed information. Group OfficeView comes in 300 and 1000 names sizes. The names can be displayed in groups/organizations. The alphabetical search feature helps you find a name before you've finished typing it.
Published by Len Phillips Group OfficeView Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download ScheduleIT
Version 1.0.3   Online Registration Not Yet Available
17-Feb-98 3,640K Win 95/98 Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install
45 min at 14.4K 23 min at 28.8K 4 min at ISDN 128K
The answer to your scheduling needs. Want to schedule employee projects? Want to schedule the use of a conference room? Want to schedule when people can use the bathroom? It doesn’t matter with ScheduleIT⌐. You choose what resource to track and for how long and ScheduleIT⌐ generates a graph instantly.
Published by Complete Software Solutions, Inc. ScheduleIT Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Employee Scheduler
Version 1.0.1   Online Registration Not Yet Available
02-Feb-98 3,995K Win 95/98 Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install
50 min at 14.4K 25 min at 28.8K 4 min at ISDN 128K
This program will allow you to schedule your employees effectively as well as print a schedule that may be posted for employee use and/or review. Employee scheduler will show you any holes in your schedule with a color coded graph.
Published by Complete Software Solutions, Inc. Employee Scheduler Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download KeyLogic TeamLeader Team Manegement Software
Version 5.09   Online Registration Not Yet Available
01-Feb-98 8,000K Win 95/98/NT Demo
Expires after 30 Days No Install
100 min at 14.4K 50 min at 28.8K 9 min at ISDN 128K
Manage teams better. Assign, manage, attach, and track work within your organization. Supports routing, document management, scheduling, web page attachments, searching, etc.
Published by KeyLogic Systems, Inc. KeyLogic TeamLeader Team Manegement Software Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Message Center 32
Version 4.5   Online Registration Not Yet Available
07-Jan-98 3,694K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
46 min at 14.4K 23 min at 28.8K 4 min at ISDN 128K
A phone message/call database entry and retrieval system, designed to enhance the accountability of incoming, and systematic efficiency of returning, phone calls. This application is completely networkable and capable of configuration for 20 users. It is specifically designed to act as a call center database, while serving several additional office and communication features. Completely functional version (non-configurable).
Published by Manuel Pereira Message Center 32 Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download HourTrack 98
Version 3.0 Getit! Online Registration Not Yet Available
19-Dec-97 12,781K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expires after 30 Days Install & Uninstall
160 min at 14.4K 80 min at 28.8K 14 min at ISDN 128K
An impressive time and attendance system that tracks hours worked, sick days, holidays, tardiness, and absences for each employee and can generate reports based on the data. Employees clock in and out using a computer on a LAN, or, if higher security is needed, using an optional magnetic card system or fingerprint verification system. Management tools include detection of tardies, schedule enforcements, visual scheduling, and employee self-review of hours. The scheduling system can create shift templates, calculate work loads, rotate schedules, and more. Human resources management will be pleased with custom fields, wage data tracking, the ability to send messages to employees, and many other features, including graphical reports, detailed time cards, and summary, wage calculation, exception, and other reports. HourTrack 97 includes a thorough help file and is priced based on the number of employees to be managed.
Published by Vitrix, Incorporated HourTrack 98 Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Out'n About!
Version 4.3   Online Registration Not Yet Available
15-Dec-97 556K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
7 min at 14.4K 3 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
An electronic IN/OUT board and phone messaging system for any size company. Out'n About! has been created to take full advantage of today's interconnected office structure, and track the status of employees for you automatically based on computer usage! It's easy - as computer terminals are activated throughout the company, Out'n About! logs employee arrivals - as computer terminals are shut down, Out'n About! signals employees to check out. Your job just got a little easier! No need to wonder if the employees have remembered the status board, and no need for you to remember every employee's instructions.
Published by Intelligent Concetps and Solutions Out'n About! Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download NetNote Administration Tool
Version 1.0 Beta 2   Online Registration Not Yet Available
04-Dec-97 300K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown No Install
4 min at 14.4K 2 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
Very useful for all NetNote administrators. They can see more than 10 different informations on each user and apply some actions at distance (silent upgrades, restrictions/force on some features, etc.)
Published by Laurent Vetterhoeffer NetNote Administration Tool Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Web TimeSheets
Version 1.0   Online Registration Not Yet Available
10-Nov-97 182K Win 95/98/NT Demo Expiration Unknown No Install
2 min at 14.4K 1 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
A server-side program designed for Human Resources/ Accounting departments to help track the time employees spent on specific tasks. Employees can be located locally or anywhere in the world as soon as they have access to the company's Internet or Intranet Web server.
Published by Alexander Raibokris Web TimeSheets Home Page

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