Electronic mail submissions

Original submissions that involve machine readable files of the manuscript and an electronic mail system are electronic mail submissions. See Fig. 2.

All such submissions and inquiries should be addressed to tex@apsedoff. Manuscript submissions must include a covering message stating to which journal the paper is submitted and must provide a conventional mailing address.

Figures must be forwarded by FAX at the same time that the manuscript is sent by electronic mail. The FAX number is (516) 924-5294; the FAX transmission should be marked for the attention of Debbie Stuart. Readable FAX copies of figures are sufficient for reviewing purposes only. Original figures should be forwarded by conventional or overnight mail as soon as possible.

The file must be in ASCII and not contain any control characters. Line lengths should be kept to 70 characters or less.

If the transmissions of the TEX file and figures have been successful, an acknowledgment will be sent by electronic mail. If any problems are encountered by Editorial Services staff, the author will be contacted immediately via electronic mail and informed of the problem. If no acknowledgment is received within 24 hours, it should be assumed that the file was not received.

Copies of the manuscript must not be sent by conventional mail. Only original figures should be sent via conventional mail.

A copy of the manuscript that has been generated by Editorial Services staff will be forwarded to the author.