Welcome to the Watcom Internal CD-ROM. How to run the CD-ROM without copying any files to the local hard disk drive: 1) Start Microsoft Windows and display Program Manager Window. 2) Insert the Powersoft Infobase CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. 3) Chose New from the Program Manager File Menu. 4) The New Program Object dialog box displays. Select Program Item and click OK 5) The Program Items Properties dialog box displays. Fill in the properties as displayed below. In this example "D" is the CD-ROM drive letter. Substitute your CD-ROM drive letter for "D". Click OK. Description: Watcom Infobase CD-ROM Command Line: D:\bviews.exe mainmenu.nfo Working Directory: D:\ Once you have used the CD, please let us know what you like or dislike and what you would like to see in future releases. We need your feedback to make sure that the Powersoft Infobase provides the information you need. How you can reach us: Mail: Technical Support/Automated Technical Services Group(ATS) Powersoft Corporation 561 Virginia Road Concord, MA 01742 Fax: (508) 369-4992, Attn: Technical Support/ATS CompuServe: Powersoft Forum (GO POWERSOFT) How to obtain technical support: For CD set-up and installation assistance you may call Powersoft Technical Support at (508) 287-1750 between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. EST. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Before you call, please take the time to write down the following information, which will help expedite the resolution of the problem: computer type, version of DOS and Windows, amount of RAM in you system, CD-ROM type, Powersoft Infobase CD-ROM version (month and year); and a detailed description of the problem.