Tcl/Tk is becoming an extremely popular way to develop large applications rapidly. Tcl (tool control language) is a general purpose, extensible, scripting language supplied as a C library. Tk is toolkit specifically designed to develop X Windows applications. This CDROM contains over 100 megabytes of Tcl/Tk code, along with executables that are ready to run. On this CDROM, you get a complete copy of the main tcl internet archive sites at and You get source code for Tcl 7.3 and Tk 3.6 patch level 1. The sources are easy to install directly from the disc to any Unix system. You also get precompiled binaries for SunOS 4.1.3 and Solaris. You even get tcl ports to MSDOS, Windows and the Macintosh. 40 megabytes of archives of the usenet newsgroup comp.lang.tcl, along with other tcl documentation round out your tcl education. The Tcl/Tk disc is an invaluable resource for any forward-thinking programmer.