This disc contains a colletion of public domain English language literature and historical documents from the Project Gutenberg. This collection represents some of the most commonly used and referenced works of literature. This one disc will replace hundres of bound volumes on your shelf. The Project Gutenberg CDROM is in the ISO 9660 format. All of the files are in plain ASCII format which makes this collection accessible to virtually any computer. Simply use your favorite word processor or text editor to open any of the files in this collection. This disc contains the etexts of Project Gutenberg for 1991, 1992, 1993, and most of 1994. The etexts on the disc include classic literature such as Aesop's Fables, Alice in Wonderland, Moby Dick, and Paradise Lost; historical documents such as the Magna Carta, U.S. Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Inagural Addresses and the NAFTA documents; references such as Roget's Thesaurus, almanacs, census data, the CIA World Fact Book, "Surfing the Internet", mathematical constants, and select philosophical papers from the International Philosophical Preprint Exchange; religious documents such as the King James Bible, and the Book of Mormon.