Options Menu Lets you set various compression options. Your choices are not saved when MacCompress quits; however, you can configure MacCompress by editing the 'STR#' resource with ID 0 using ResEdit. NOTE THAT I EXPLICITLY PROHIBIT DISTRIBUTION OF ALTERED VERSIONS OF MACCOMPRESS. This resource has four strings in it, all of which are case-sensitive. The strings should look like: maccompress map restore dosubfolders beep when done 16 TEXT KAHL Changing the first one to “unix” will make the default file format be Unix format. Changing “map” to “nomap” will default to no mapping between carriage returns and line feeds. Changing “restore” to “no restore” will change the default to not restore file creation and modification dates. Changing "dosubfolders" to "nodosubfolders" will default to non-recursive compression. Changing “beep when done” to “no beep when done” will change the default to not beep when done. "16" can be changed to any of {12, 13, 14, 15}; this will be the default number of bits/code upon startup. Changing "TEXT" to any other file type will cause decompressed files from Unix machines to have that file type. If the type is not exactly 4 characters, "TEXT" will be used. Changing "KAHL" to any other application type will cause decompressed files from Unix machines to have that file creator. If the type is not exactly 4 characters, "KAHL" will be used. If a bad value is found in any of these fields, the built–in setting will be used.