BORDER [DUAL MODE, NOT WINDOW COMPATIBLE] NAME BORDER - changes the border color. SYNTAX border [BLACK|RED|GREEN|YELLOW|BLUE|MAGENTA|CYAN|WHITE|DEFAULT] [LIGHT_BLACK| LIGHT_RED|LIGHT_GREEN|LIGHT_YELLOW|LIGHT_BLUE|LIGHT_MAGEN TA|LIGHT_CYAN|LIGHT_GREY] [DARK_BLACK| DARK_RED|DARK_GREEN|DARK_YELLOW|DARK_BLUE|DARK_MAGENTA|DA RK_CYAN|DARK_GREY] USAGE Border is used to change the border color. Border is the outside of the actual screen, which can be written to. Border accepts the same colors as color or clear, but it can also be given an integer, which represents the desired attribute. These integers can be in the range 0- 63. You can give other integer also, but they always map to one of the 64 possible colors. SEE ALSO color, clear, normal