####### # # # # # #### # # # # # # ##### # # # # #### # # # # # # # # # # # # # ####### ###### ## # #### - a clone of vi/ex - version 1.5 Author: Steve Kirkendall 14407 SW Teal Blvd., Apt C Beaverton, OR 97005 E-Mail: kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu Phone: (503) 643-6980 March 23, 1992 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION What ELVIS does, Copyright, How to com- pile ELVIS, Overview .................................. 1 VISUAL MODE COMMANDS Normal interactive editing, Input mode, Arrow keys, Digraphs, Abbreviations, Auto-indentation ...................................... 2 COLON MODE COMMANDS Line specifiers, Text entry, Cut & paste, Display text, Global operations, Line edit- ing, Undo, Configuration & status, Multiple files, Switching files, Working with a compiler, Exiting, File I/O, Directory & shell, Debugging ................ 3 REGULAR EXPRESSIONS Syntax, Options, Substitutions, Examples .............................................. 4 OPTIONS Autoindent, Autoprint, etc. .................. 5 CUT BUFFERS Putting text into a cut buffer, Pasting from a cut buffer, Macros, The effect of switching files ................................................. 6 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ELVIS AND THE REAL VI/EX Exten- sions, Omissions ...................................... 7 INTERNAL For programmers only, The temporary file, Implementation of editing, Marks and the cursor, Colon command interpretation, Screen control, Porta- bility ................................................ 8 CFLAGS ................................................ 9 TERMCAP ............................................... 10 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ................................. 11 VERSIONS .............................................. 12 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ................................... 13 UNIX-style "man" pages appear at the end of this manual. March 23, 1992 1. INTRODUCTION Elvis is a clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor. Elvis supports nearly all of the vi/ex commands, in both visual mode and colon mode. Like vi/ex, Elvis stores most of the text in a tem- porary file, instead of RAM. This allows it to edit files that are too large to fit in a single process' data space. Also, the edit buffer can survive a power failure or crash. Elvis runs under BSD UNIX, AT&T SysV UNIX, Minix, MS- DOS, Atari TOS, Coherent, OS9/68000, VMS and AmigaDos. The next version is also expected to add MS-Windows, OS/2 and MacOS. Contact me before you start porting it to some other OS, because somebody else may have already done it for you. Elvis is freely redistributable, in either source form or executable form. There are no restrictions on how you may use it. 1.1. Compiling See the "Versions" section of this manual for instruc- tions on how to compile Elvis. If you want to port Elvis to another O.S. or compiler, then you should start by reading the "Portability" part of the "Internal" section. 1.2. Overview of Elvis The user interface of Elvis/vi/ex is weird. There are two major command modes in Elvis, and a few text input modes as well. Each command mode has a command which allows you to switch to the other mode. You will probably use the visual command mode most of the time. This is the mode that Elvis normally starts up in. In visual command mode, the entire screen is filled with lines of text from your file. Each keystroke is inter- pretted as part of a visual command. If you start typing text, it will not be inserted, it will be treated as part of a command. To insert text, you must first give an "insert text" command. This will take some getting used to. (An alternative exists. Lookup the "inputmode" option.) The colon mode is quite different. Elvis displays a ":" character on the bottom line of the screen, as a prompt. You are then expected to type in a command line and hit the key. The set of commands recognized in the colon mode is different from visual mode's. March 23, 1992 2. VISUAL MODE COMMANDS Most visual mode commands are one keystroke long. The following table lists the operation performed by each keys- troke, and also denotes any options or arguments that it accepts. Notes at the end of the table describe the nota- tion used in this table. In addition to the keys listed here, your keyboard's "arrow" keys will be interpretted as the appropriate cursor movement commands. The same goes for and , if your keyboard has them. The key will toggle between insert mode and replace mode. There is a colon mode command (":map", to be described later) which will allow you to define other keys, such as function keys. A tip: visual command mode looks a lot like text input mode. If you forget which mode you're in, just hit the key. If Elvis beeps, then you're in visual command mode. If Elvis does not beep, then you were in input mode, but by hitting you will have switched to visual com- mand mode. So, one way or another, after Elvis will be ready for a command. COMMAND DESCRIPTION ^A Search for next occurence of word at cursor (MOVE)(EXT) ^B Move toward the top of the file by 1 screenful ^C --- (usually sends SIGINT, to interupt a command) count ^D Scroll down lines (default 1/2 screen) count ^E Scroll up lines ^F Move toward the bottom of the file by 1 screenful ^G Show file status, and the current line # count ^H Move left, like h (MOVE) ^I --- count ^J Move down (MOVE) ^K --- ^L Redraw the screen count ^M Move to the front of the next line (MOVE) count ^N Move down (MOVE) ^O --- count ^P Move up (MOVE) ^Q --- (typically XON, which restarts screen updates) ^R Redraw the screen ^S --- (typically XOFF, which stops screen updates) ^T --- count ^U Scroll up lines (default 1/2 screen) ^V --- ^W --- count ^X Move to a physical column number on the screen (MOVE) (EXT) count ^Y Scroll down lines ^Z --- (sometimes sends SIGSUSP, to suspend execution) ESC --- ^\ --- (usually sends SIGQUIT, which is ignored) ^] If the cursor is on a tag name, go to that tag March 23, 1992 2-2 VISUAL MODE COMMANDS 2-2 ^^ Switch to the previous file, like ":e #" ^_ --- count SPC Move right,like l (MOVE) ! mv Run the selected lines thru an external filter program " key Select which cut buffer to use next count # + Increment a number (EDIT) (EXT) $ Move to the rear of the current line (MOVE) count % Move to matching (){}[] or to a given % of file (MOVE)(EXT) count & Repeat the previous ":s//" command here (EDIT) ' key Move to a marked line (MOVE) count ( Move backward sentences (MOVE) count ) Move forward sentences (MOVE) * Go to the next error in the errlist (EXT) count + Move to the front of the next line (MOVE) count , Repeat the previous [fFtT] but in the other direction(MOVE) count - Move to the front of the preceding line (MOVE) count . Repeat the previous "edit" command / textSearch forward for a given regular expression (MOVE) 0 If not part of count, move to 1st char of this line (MOVE) 1 Part of count 2 Part of count 3 Part of count 4 Part of count 5 Part of count 6 Part of count 7 Part of count 8 Part of count 9 Part of count : textRun single EX cmd count ; Repeat the previous [fFtT] cmd (MOVE) < mv Shift text left (EDIT) = mv Reformat > mv Shift text right (EDIT) ? textSearch backward for a given regular expression (MOVE) @ key Execute the contents of a cut-buffer as VI commands count A inp Append at end of the line (EDIT) count B Move back Word (MOVE) C inp Change text from the cursor through the end-of-line (EDIT) D Delete text from the cursor through the end-of-line (EDIT) count E Move end of Word (MOVE) count F key Move leftward to a given character (MOVE) count G Move to line # (default is the bottom line) (MOVE) count H Move to home row (the line at the top of the screen) count I inp Insert at the front of the line (after indents) (EDIT) count J Join lines, to form one big line (EDIT) K Look up keyword (EXT) count L Move to last row (the line at the bottom of the screen) M Move to middle row N Repeat previous search, but in the opposite direction(MOVE) count O inp Open up a new line above the current line (EDIT) P Paste text before the cursor (EDIT) Q Quit to EX mode R inp Overtype (EDIT) count S inp Change lines, like cc March 23, 1992 2-3 VISUAL MODE COMMANDS 2-3 count T key Move leftward *almost* to a given character (MOVE) U Undo all recent changes to the current line V Start marking lines for c/d/y//!/\ (EXT) count W Move forward Words (MOVE) count X Delete the character(s) to the left of the cursor (EDIT) count Y Yank text line(s) (copy them into a cut buffer) Z Z Save the file & exit [ [ Move back 1 section (MOVE) \ mv Pop-up menu for modifying text (EXT) ] ] Move forward 1 section (MOVE) ^ Move to the front of the current line (after indent) (MOVE) count _ Move to the current line ` key Move to a marked character (MOVE) count a inp Insert text after the cursor (EDIT) count b Move back words (MOVE) c mv Change text (EDIT) d mv Delete text (EDIT) count e Move forward to the end of the current word (MOVE) count f key Move rightward to a given character (MOVE) g --- count h Move left (MOVE) count i inp Insert text at the cursor (EDIT) count j Move down (MOVE) count k Move up (MOVE) count l Move right (MOVE) m key Mark a line or character n Repeat the previous search (MOVE) count o inp Open a new line below the current line (EDIT) p Paste text after the cursor (EDIT) q --- count r key Replace chars by a given character (EDIT) count s inp Replace chars with text from the user (EDIT) count t key Move rightward *almost* to a given character (MOVE) u Undo the previous edit command v Start marking characters for c/d/y//!/\ (EXT) count w Move forward words (MOVE) count x Delete the character that the cursor's on (EDIT) y mv Yank text (copy it into a cut buffer) z key Scroll current line to the screen's +=top -=bottom .=middle count { Move back paragraphs (MOVE) count | Move to column (the leftmost column is 1) count } Move forward paragraphs (MOVE) count ~ Switch a character between uppercase & lowercase (EDIT) DEL --- (usually mapped to shift-X, so it deletes 1 character) count Many commands may be preceded by a count. This is a sequence of digits representing a decimal number. For most commands that use a count, the command is repeated times. The count is always optional, and usu- ally defaults to 1. key Some commands require two keystrokes. The first key March 23, 1992 2-4 VISUAL MODE COMMANDS 2-4 always determines which command is to be executed. The second key is used as a parameter to the command. mv Some commands (! < > c d y \ =) operate on text between the cursor and some other position. There are three ways that you can specifify that other position. The first way is to follow the command keystroke with a movement command. For example, "dw" deletes a single word. "d3w" and "3dw" both delete three words. The second way is to type the command keystroke twice. This causes whole lines to be acted upon. For example, ">>" indents the current line. "3>>" indents the current line and the following two lines. The last way is to move the cursor to one end of the text, type 'v' or 'V' to start marking, move the cursor to the other end, and then type the desired command key. inp Many commands allow the user to interactively enter text. See the discussion of "input mode" in the fol- lowing section. (EXT) These commands are extensions -- the real vi doesn't have them. (EDIT) These commands affect text, and may be repeated by the "." command. (MOVE) These commands move the cursor, and may be used to specify the extent of a member of the "mv" class of commands. 2.1. Input Mode You can't type text into your file directly from visual command mode. Instead, you must first give a command which will put you into input mode. The commands to do this are A/C/I/O/R/S/a/i/o/s. The S/s/C/c commands temporarily place a $ at the end of the text that they are going to change. In input mode, all keystrokes are inserted into the text at the cursor's position, except for the following: ^A insert a copy of the last input text ^D delete one indent character ^H (backspace) erase the character before the cursor March 23, 1992 2-5 VISUAL MODE COMMANDS 2-5 ^L redraw the screen ^M (carriage return) insert a newline (^J, linefeed) ^O execute next key as a visual command (limited!) ^P insert the contents of the cut buffer ^R redraw the screen, like ^L ^T insert an indent character ^U backspace to the beginning of the line ^V insert the following keystroke, even if special ^W backspace to the beginning of the current word ^Z^Z write the file & exit Elvis ^[ (ESCape) exit from input mode, back to command mode Also, on some systems, ^S may stop output, ^Q may res- tart output, and ^C may interupt execution. ^@ (the NUL character) cannot be inserted. The R visual command puts you in overtype mode, which is a slightly different form of input mode. In overtype mode, each time you insert a character, one of the old char- acters is deleted from the file. 2.2. Arrow keys in Input Mode The arrow keys can be used to move the cursor in input mode. (This is an extension; the real Vi doesn't support arrow keys in input mode.) The , , , and keys work in input mode, too. The key deletes a single character in input mode. The key toggles between input mode and replace mode. The best thing about allowing arrow keys to work in input mode is that as long as you're in input mode, Elvis seems to have a fairly ordinary user interface. With most other text editors, you are always in either insert mode or replace mode, and you can use the arrow keys at any time to move the cursor. Now, Elvis can act like that, too. In fact, with the new "inputmode" option and the "control-Z control-Z" input command, you may never have to go into visual command mode for simple edit sessions. 2.3. Digraphs Elvis supports digraphs as a way to enter non-ASCII characters. A digraph is a character which is composed of two other characters. For example, an apostrophe and the letter i could be defined as a digraph which is to be stored & displayed as an accented i. There is no single standard for extended ASCII charac- ter sets. Elvis can be compiled to fill the digraph with values appropriate for either the IBM PC character set, or the LATIN-1 character set used by X windows, or neither. (See the discussions of -DCS_IBMPC and -DCS_LATIN1 in the March 23, 1992 2-6 VISUAL MODE COMMANDS 2-6 CFLAGS section of this manual.) You can view or edit the digraph table via the ":digraph" colon command. Digraphs will not be recognized until you've entered ":set digraph". To actually use a digraph type the first character, then hit , and then type the second character. Elvis will then substitute the non-ASCII character in their place. 2.4. Abbreviations Elvis can expand abbreviations for you. You define an abbreviation with the :abbr command, and then whenever you type in the abbreviated form while in input mode, Elvis will immediately replace it with the long form. COBOL program- mers should find this useful. :-) Elvis doesn't perform the substitution until you type a non-alphanumeric character to mark the end of the word. If you type a control-V before that non-alphanumeric character, then Elvis will not perform the substitution. 2.5. Auto-Indent With the ":set autoindent" option turned on, Elvis will automatically insert leading whitespace at the beginning of each new line that you type in. The leading whitespace is copied from the preceding line. To add more leading whitespace, type control-T. To remove some whitespace, type control-D. If you ":set noautotab", then the whitespace generated by control-T will always consist of spaces -- never tabs. Some people seem to prefer this. Elvis' autoindent mode isn't 100% compatible with vi's. In Elvis, 0^D and ^^D don't work, ^U can wipeout all inden- tation, and sometimes Elvis will use a different amount of indentation than vi would. March 23, 1992 3. COLON MODE COMMANDS LINES COMMAND ARGUMENTS ab[br] [short] [expanded form] [line] a[ppend][!] ar[gs] [files] cc [files] cd[!] [directory] [line][,line] c[hange] chd[ir][!][directory] [line][,line] co[py] line col[or] [when] [[light] color] [on color] [line][,line] d[elete] [x] dig[raph][!][XX [Y]] e[dit][!] [file] er[rlist][!][errlist] f[ile] [file] [line][,line] g[lobal] /regexp/ command [line] i[nsert] [line][,line] j[oin][!] [line][,line] l[ist] mak[e] [target] map[!] key mapped_to [line] ma[rk] x mk[exrc] [line][,line] m[ove] line n[ext][!] [files] N[ext][!] [line][,line] nu[mber] [line][,line] p[rint] [line] pu[t] [x] q[uit][!] [line] r[ead] file rew[ind][!] se[t] [options] so[urce] file [line][,line] s[ubstitute]/regexp/replacement/[p][g][c] ta[g][!] tagname una[bbr] [short] u[ndo] unm[ap][!]key ve[rsion] [line][,line] v[global] /regexp/ command vi[sual] [filename] wq [line][,line] w[rite][!][[>>]file] x[it][!] [line][,line] y[ank] [x] [line][,line] ! command [line][,line] < [line][,line] = [line][,line] > [line][,line] & @ x March 23, 1992 3-2 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-2 To use colon mode commands, you must switch from visual command mode to colon command mode. The visual mode com- mands to do this are ":" for a single colon command, or "Q" for many colon mode commands. 3.1. Line Specifiers Line specifiers are always optional. The first line specifier of most commands usually defaults to the current line. The second line specifier usually defaults to be the same as the first line specifier. Exceptions are :write, :global, and :vglobal, which act on all lines of the file by default, and :!, which acts on no lines by default. Line specifiers consist of an absolute part and a rela- tive part. The absolute part of a line specifier may be either an explicit line number, a mark, a dot to denote the current line, a dollar sign to denote the last line of the file, or a forward or backward search. An explicit line number is simply a decimal number, expressed as a string of digits. A mark is typed in as an apostrophe followed by a letter. Marks must be set before they can be used. You can set a mark in visual command mode by typing "m" and a letter, or you can set it in colon command mode via the "mark" command. A forward search is typed in as a regular expression surrounded by slash characters; searching begins at the default line. A backward search is typed in as a regular expression surrounded by question marks; searching begins at the line before the default line. If you omit the absolute part, then the default line is used. The relative part of a line specifier is typed as a "+" or "-" character followed by a decimal number. The number is added to or subtracted from the absolute part of the line specifier to produce the final line number. As a special case, the % character may be used to specify all lines of the file. It is roughly equivelent to saying 1,$. This can be a handy shortcut. Some examples: :p print the current line :37p print line 37 :'gp print the line which contains mark g :/foo/p print the next line that contains "foo" :$p print the last line of the file March 23, 1992 3-3 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-3 :20,30p print lines 20 through 30 :1,$p print all lines of the file :%p print all lines of the file :/foo/-2,+4p print 5 lines around the next "foo" 3.2. Text Entry Commands [line] append [line][,line] change ["x] [line] insert The append command inserts text after the specified line. The insert command inserts text before the specified line. The change command copies the range of lines into a cut buffer, deletes them, and inserts new text where the old text used to be. For all of these commands, you indicate the end of the text you're inserting by hitting ^D or by entering a line which contains only a period. 3.3. Cut & Paste Commands [line][,line] delete ["x] [line][,line] yank ["x] [line] put ["x] [line][,line] copy line [line][,line] to line [line][,line] move line The delete command copies the specified range of lines into a cut buffer, and then deletes them. The yank command copies the specified range of lines into a cut buffer, but does *not* delete them. The put command inserts text from a cut buffer after the specified line. The copy and to commands yank the specified range of lines and then immediately paste them after some other line. The move command deletes the specified range of lines and then immediately pastes them after some other line. If the destination line comes after the deleted text, then it will be adjusted automatically to account for the deleted lines. March 23, 1992 3-4 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-4 3.4. Display Text Commands [line][,line] print [line][,line] list [line][,line] number The print command displays the specified range of lines. The number command displays the lines, with line numbers. The list command also displays them, but it is careful to make control characters visible. 3.5. Global Operations Commands [line][,line] global /regexp/ command [line][,line] vglobal /regexp/ command The global command searches through the lines of the specified range (or through the whole file if no range is specified) for lines that contain a given regular expres- sion. It then moves the cursor to each of these lines and runs some other command on them. The vglobal command is similar, but it searches for lines that don't contain the regular expression. 3.6. Line Editing Commands [line][,line] join[!] [line][,line] ! program [line][,line] < [line][,line] > [line][,line] substitute /regexp/replacement/[p][g][c] [line][,line] & The join command catenates all lines in the specified range together to form one big line. If only a single line is specified, then the following line is catenated onto it. The normal ":join" inserts one or two spaces between the lines; the ":join!" variation (with a '!') doesn't insert spaces. The ! command runs an external filter program, and feeds the specified range of lines to it's stdin. The lines are then replaced by the output of the filter. A typical example would be ":'a,'z!sort" to sort the lines 'a,'z. The < and > commands shift the specified range of lines March 23, 1992 3-5 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-5 left or right, normally by the width of 1 tab character. The "shiftwidth" option determines the shifting amount. The substitute command finds the regular expression in each line, and replaces it with the replacement text. The "p" option causes the altered lines to be printed. The "g" option permits all instances of the regular expression to be found & replaced. (Without "g", only the first occurrence in each line is replaced.) The "c" option asks for confirma- tion before each substitution. The & command repeats the previous substitution com- mand. Actually, "&" is equivelent to "s//~/" with the same options as last time. It searches for the last regular expression that you specified for any purpose, and replaces it with the the same text that was used in the previous sub- stitution. 3.7. Undo Command undo The undo command restores the file to the state it was in before your most recent command which changed text. 3.8. Configuration & Status Commands map[!] [key mapped_to] unmap[!] key abbr [word expanded_form_of_word] unabbr word digraph[!] [XX [Y]] set [options] mkexrc [line] mark "x visual version [line][,line] = file [file] source file @ "x color [when] [["light"] color] ["on" color] The map command allows you to configure Elvis to recog- nize your function keys, and treat them as though they transmitted some other sequence of characters. Normally this mapping is done only when in the visual command mode, but with the [!] present it will map keys under input and replace modes as well. When this command is given with no arguments, it prints a table showing all mappings currently in effect. When called with two arguments, the first is the sequence that your function key really sends, and the second March 23, 1992 3-6 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-6 is the sequence that you want Elvis to treat it as having sent. As a special case, if the first argument is a number then Elvis will map the corresponding function key; for example, ":map 7 dd" will cause the key to delete a line. The unmap command removes key definitions that were made via the map command. The abbr command is used to define/list a table of abbreviations. The table contains both the abbreviated form and the fully spelled-out form. When you're in visual input mode, and you type in the abbreviated form, Elvis will replace the abbreviated form with the fully spelled-out form. When this command is called without arguments, it lists the table; with two or more arguments, the first argu- ment is taken as the abbreviated form, and the rest of the command line is the fully-spelled out form. The unabbr command deletes entries from the abbr table. The digraph command allows you to display the set of digraphs that Elvis is using, or add/remove a digraph. To list the set of digraphs, use the digraph command with no arguments. To add a digraph, you should give the digraph command two arguments. The first argument is the two ASCII characters that are to be combined; the second is the non- ASCII character that they represent. The non-ASCII character's most significant bit is automatically set by the digraph command, unless to append a ! to the command name. Removal of a digraph is similar to adding a digraph, except that you should leave off the second argument. The set command allows you examine or set various options. With no arguments, it displays the values of options that have been changed. With the single argument "all" it displays the values of all options, regardless of whether they've been explicitly set or not. Otherwise, the arguments are treated as options to be set. The mkexrc command saves the current configuration to a file called ".exrc" in the current directory. The mark command defines a named mark to refer to a specific place in the file. This mark may be used later to specify lines for other commands. The visual command puts the editor into visual mode. Instead of emulating ex, Elvis will start emulating vi. The version command tells you that what version of Elvis this is. The = command tells you what line you specified, or, if March 23, 1992 3-7 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-7 you specified a range of lines, it will tell you both end- points and the number of lines included in the range. The file command tells you the name of the file, whether it has been modified, the number of lines in the file, and the current line number. You can also use it to change the name of the current file. The source command reads a sequence of colon mode com- mands from a file, and interprets them. The @ command executes the contents of a cut-buffer as EX commands. The color command only works under MS-DOS, or if you have an ANSI-compatible color terminal. It allows you to set the foreground and background colors for different types of text: normal, bold, italic, underlined, standout, pop-up menu, and visible selection. By default, it changes the "normal" colors; to change other colors, the first argument to the :color command should be the first letter of the type of text you want. The syntax for the colors themselves is fairly intuitive. For example, ":color light cyan on blue" causes normal text to be displayed in light cyan on a blue background, and ":color b bright white" causes bold text to be displayed in bright white on a blue background. The background color always defaults to the current background color of normal text. Your first :color command must specify both the foreground and background for normal text. 3.9. Multiple File Commands args [files] next[!] [files] Next[!] previous[!] rewind[!] When you invoke Elvis from your shell's command line, any filenames that you give to Elvis as arguments are stored in the args list. The args command will display this list, or define a new one. The next command switches from the current file to the next one in the args list. You may specify a new args list here, too. The Next and previous commands (they're really aliases for the same command) switch from the current file to the preceding file in the args list. The rewind command switches from the current file to the first file in the args list. March 23, 1992 3-8 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-8 3.10. Switching Files edit[!] [file] tag[!] tagname The edit command allows to switch from the current file to some other file. This has nothing to do with the args list, by the way. The tag command looks up a given tagname in a file called "tags". This tells it which file the tag is in, and how to find it in that file. Elvis then switches to the tag's file and finds the tag. 3.11. Working with a Compiler cc [files] make [target] errlist[!] [errlist] The cc and make commands execute your compiler or "make" utility and redirect any error messages into a file called "errlist". By default, cc is run on the current file. (You should write it before running cc.) The contents of the "errlist" file are then scanned for error messages. If an error message is found, then the cursor is moved to the line where the error was detected, and the description of the error is displayed on the status line. After you've fixed one error, the errlist command will move the cursor to the next error. In visual command mode, hitting `*' will do this, too. You can also create an "errlist" file from outside of Elvis, and use "Elvis -m" to start elvis and have the cursor moved to the first error. Note that you don't need to sup- ply a filename with "Elvis -m" because the error messages always say which source file an error is in. Note: When you use errlist repeatedly to fix several errors in a single file, it will attempt to adjust the reported line numbers to allow for lines that you have inserted or deleted. These adjustments are made with the assumption that you will work though the file from the beginning to the end. 3.12. Exit Commands quit[!] wq xit March 23, 1992 3-9 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-9 The quit command exits from the editor without saving your file. The wq command writes your file out, then then exits. The xit command is similar to the wq command, except that xit won't bother to write your file if you haven't modified it. 3.13. File I/O Commands [line] read file [line][,line] write[!] [[>>]file] The read command gets text from another file and inserts it after the specified line. It can also read the output of a program; simply precede the program name by a '!' and use it in place of the file name. The write command writes the whole file, or just part of it, to some other file. The !, if present, will permit the lines to be written even if you've set the readonly option. If you precede the filename by >> then the lines will be appended to the file. You can send the lines to the standard input of a program by replacing the filename with a '!' followed by the command and its arguments. Note: Be careful not to confuse ":w!filename" and ":w !command". To write to a program, you must have at least one blank before the '!'. 3.14. Directory Commands cd [directory] chdir [directory] shell The cd and chdir commands (really two names for one command) switch the current working directory. The shell command starts an interactive shell. 3.15. Debugging Commands [line][,line] debug[!] validate[!] These commands are only available if you compile Elvis with the -DDEBUG flag. The debug command lists statistics for the blocks which March 23, 1992 3-10 COLON MODE COMMANDS 3-10 contain the specified range of lines. If the ! is present, then the contents of those blocks is displayed, too. The validate command checks certain variables for internal consistency. Normally it doesn't output anything unless it detects a problem. With the !, though, it will always produce *some* output. March 23, 1992 4. REGULAR EXPRESSIONS Elvis uses regular expressions for searching and sub- stututions. A regular expression is a text string in which some characters have special meanings. This is much more powerful than simple text matching. Syntax Elvis' regexp package treats the following one- or two-character strings (called meta-characters) in special ways: \(subexpression\) The \( and \) metacharacters are used to delimit subexpressions. When the regular expression matches a particular chunk of text, Elvis will remember which portion of that chunk matched the subexpres- sion. The :s/regexp/newtext/ command makes use of this feature. ^ The ^ metacharacter matches the beginning of a line. If, for example, you wanted to find "foo" at the beginning of a line, you would use a regular expres- sion such as /^foo/. Note that ^ is only a meta- character if it occurs at the beginning of a regular expression; anyplace else, it is treated as a normal character. $ The $ metacharacter matches the end of a line. It is only a metacharacter when it occurs at the end of a regular expression; elsewhere, it is treated as a normal character. For example, the regular expres- sion /$$/ will search for a dollar sign at the end of a line. \< The \< metacharacter matches a zero-length string at the beginning of a word. A word is considered to be a string of 1 or more letters and digits. A word can begin at the beginning of a line or after 1 or more non-alphanumeric characters. \> The \> metacharacter matches a zero-length string at the end of a word. A word can end at the end of the line or before 1 or more non-alphanumeric charac- ters. For example, /\/ would find any instance of the word "end", but would ignore any instances of e-n-d inside another word such as "calendar". . The . metacharacter matches any single character. [character-list] March 23, 1992 4-2 REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 4-2 This matches any single character from the character-list. Inside the character-list, you can denote a span of characters by writing only the first and last characters, with a hyphen between them. If the character-list is preceded by a ^ character, then the list is inverted -- it will match character that isn't mentioned in the list. For example, /[a-zA-Z]/ matches any letter, and /[^ ]/ matches anything other than a blank. \{n\} This is a closure operator, which means that it can only be placed after something that matches a single character. It controls the number of times that the single-character expression should be repeated. The \{n\} operator, in particular, means that the preceding expression should be repeated exactly n times. For example, /^-\{80\}$/ matches a line of eighty hyphens, and /\<[a-zA-Z]\{4\}\>/ matches any four-letter word. \{n,m\} This is a closure operator which means that the preceding single-character expression should be repeated between n and m times, inclusive. If the m is omitted (but the comma is present) then m is taken to be inifinity. For example, /"[^"]\{3,5\}"/ matches any pair of quotes which contains three, four, or five non-quote characters. * The * metacharacter is a closure operator which means that the preceding single-character expression can be repeated zero or more times. It is equivelent to \{0,\}. For example, /.*/ matches a whole line. \+ The \+ metacharacter is a closure operator which means that the preceding single-character expression can be repeated one or more times. It is equivelent to \{1,\}. For example, /.\+/ matches a whole line, but only if the line contains at least one charac- ter. It doesn't match empty lines. \? The \? metacharacter is a closure operator which indicates that the preceding single-character expression is optional -- that is, that it can occur 0 or 1 times. It is equivelent to \{0,1\}. For example, /no[ -]\?one/ matches "no one", "no-one", or "noone". Anything else is treated as a normal character which must exactly match a character from the scanned text. The special strings may all be preceded by a backslash to force them to be treated normally. March 23, 1992 4-3 REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 4-3 Substitutions The :s command has at least two arguments: a regular expression, and a substitution string. The text that matched the regular expression is replaced by text which is derived from the substitution string. Most characters in the substitution string are copied into the text literally but a few have special meaning: & Insert a copy of the original text ~ Insert a copy of the previous replacement text \1 Insert a copy of that portion of the original text which matched the first set of \( \) parentheses \2-\9 Do the same for the second (etc.) pair of \( \) \U Convert all chars of any later & or \# to uppercase \L Convert all chars of any later & or \# to lowercase \E End the effect of \U or \L \u Convert the first char of the next & or \# to uppercase \l Convert the first char of the next & or \# to lowercase These may be preceded by a backslash to force them to be treated normally. If "nomagic" mode is in effect, then & and ~ will be treated normally, and you must write them as \& and \~ for them to have special meaning. Options Elvis has two options which affect the way regular expressions are used. These options may be examined or set via the :set command. The first option is called "[no]magic". This is a boolean option, and it is "magic" (TRUE) by default. While in magic mode, all of the meta-characters behave as described above. In nomagic mode, only ^ and $ retain their special meaning. The second option is called "[no]ignorecase". This is a boolean option, and it is "noignorecase" (FALSE) by default. While in ignorecase mode, the searching mechanism will not distinguish between an uppercase letter and its lowercase form. In noignorecase mode, uppercase and lower- case are treated as being different. Also, the "[no]wrapscan" option affects searches. Examples This example changes every occurence of "utilize" to "use": :%s/utilize/use/g March 23, 1992 4-4 REGULAR EXPRESSIONS 4-4 This example deletes all whitespace that occurs at the end of a line anywhere in the file. (The brackets contain a single space and a single tab.): :%s/[ ]\+$// This example converts the current line to uppercase: :s/.*/\U&/ This example underlines each letter in the current line, by changing it into an "underscore backspace letter" sequence. (The ^H is entered as "control-V backspace".): :s/[a-zA-Z]/_^H&/g This example locates the last colon in a line, and swaps the text before the colon with the text after the colon. The first \( \) pair is used to delimit the stuff before the colon, and the second pair delimit the stuff after. In the substitution text, \1 and \2 are given in reverse order to perform the swap: :s/\(.*\):\(.*\)/\2:\1/ March 23, 1992 5. OPTIONS Options may be set or examined via the colon command "set". The values of options will affect the operation of later commands. For convenience, options have both a long descriptive name and a short name which is easy to type. You may use either name interchangably. I like the short names, myself. There are three types of options: Boolean, string, and numeric. Boolean options are made TRUE by giving the name of the option as an argument to the "set" command; they are made FALSE by prefixing the name with "no". For example, "set autoindent" makes the autoindent option TRUE, and "set noautoindent" makes it FALSE. Elvis also allows boolean options to be toggled by prefixing the name with "neg". So, ":map g :set neglist^M" will cause the key to alter- nately toggle the "list" option on and off. (The "neg" pre- fix is an extension; the real vi doesn't support it.) To change the value of a string or numeric option, pass the "set" command the name of the option, followed by an "=" sign and the option's new value. For example, "set tabstop=8" will give the tabstop option a value of 8. For string options, you may enclose the new value in quotes. NAMES TYPE DEFAULT MEANING autoindent, ai Bool noai auto-indent during input autoprint, ap Bool ap in EX, print the current line autotab, at Bool at auto-indent allowed to use tabs? autowrite, aw Bool noaw auto-write when switching files beautify, bf Bool nobf strip control chars from file? charattr, ca Bool noca interpret \fX sequences? cc, cc Str cc="cc -c" name of the C compiler columns, co Num co=80 width of the screen digraph, dig Bool nodig recognize digraphs? directory, dir Str dir="/usr/tmp"where tmp files are kept edcompatible, ed Bool noed remember ":s//" options equalprg, ep Bool ep="fmt" program to run for = operator errorbells, eb Bool eb ring bell on error exrc, exrc Bool noexrc read "./.exrc" file? exrefresh, er Bool er write lines indiviually in EX flash, vbell Bool flash use visible alternative to bell flipcase, fc Str fc="" non-ASCII chars flipped by ~ hideformat, hf Bool hf hide text formatter commands ignorecase, ic Bool noic upper/lowercase match in search inputmode, im Bool noim start vi in insert mode? keytime, kt Num kt=2 timeout for mapped key entry keywordprg, kp Str kp="ref" full pathname of shift-K prog lines, ln Num ln=25 number of lines on the screen list, li Bool noli display lines in "list" mode magic, ma Bool ma use regular expression in search make, mk Str mk="make" name of the "make" program March 23, 1992 5-2 OPTIONS 5-2 mesg, ms Bool ms allow messages from other users? modelines, ml Bool noml are modelines processed? more, more Bool more pause between messages? novice, nov Bool nonovice set options for ease of use paragraphs, para Str para="PPppIPLPQP"names of "paragraph" nroff cmd prompt, pr Bool pr show ':' prompt in ex mode readonly, ro Bool noro prevent overwriting of orig file remap, rem Bool remap allow key maps to call key maps report, re Num re=5 report when 5 or more changes ruler, ru Bool noru display line/column numbers scroll, sc Num sc=12 scroll amount for ^U and ^D sections, sect Str sect="NHSHSSSEse"names of "section" nroff cmd shell, sh Str sh="/bin/sh" full pathname of the shell showmatch, sm Bool nosm show matching ()[]{} showmode, smd Bool nosmd say when we're in input mode shiftwidth, sw Num sw=8 shift amount for < and > sidescroll, ss Num ss=8 amount of sideways scrolling sync, sy Bool nosy call sync() often tabstop, ts Num ts=8 width of tab characters taglength, tl Num tl=0 significant chars in tag name term, te Str te="$TERM" name of the termcap entry terse, tr Bool notr give shorter error messages timeout, to Bool to distinguish from ? warn, wa Bool wa warn for ! if file modified window, wi Num wi=24 lines to redraw after long move wrapmargin, wm Num wm=0 wrap long lines in input mode wrapscan, ws Bool ws at EOF, searches wrap to line 1 writeany, wr Bool nowr allow :w to clobber files autoindent, ai During input mode, the autoindent option will cause each added line to begin with the same amount of lead- ing whitespace as the line above it. Without autoin- dent, added lines are initially empty. autoprint, ap This option only affects EX mode. If the autoprint option on, and either the cursor has moved to a dif- ferent line or the previous command modified the file, then Elvis will print the current line. autotab, at This option affects the behaviour of the autoindent mode. If autoindent is turned off, then autotab has no effect. When autotab is turned on, elvis will use a mixture of spaces and tabs to create the proper amount of indenta- tion. This is the default. When autotab is turned off, elvis will only use spaces for auto-indent. Elvis will still insert a real tab character when you hit the key, though; the March 23, 1992 5-3 OPTIONS 5-3 autotab option only affects automatic indentation. autowrite, aw When you're editing one file and decide to switch to another - via the :tag command, or :next command, perhaps - if your current file has been modified, then Elvis will normally print an error message and refuse to switch. However, if the autowrite option is on, then Elvis will write the modified version of the current file and suc- cessfully switch to the new file. beautify, bf This option causes all control characters to be deleted from the text file, at the time when you start editing it. If you're already editing a file when you turn on the beautify option, then that file won't be affected. cc The :cc command runs the C compiler. This option should be set to the name of your compiler. charattr, ca Many text formatting programs allow you to designate portions of your text to be underlined, italicized, or boldface by embedding the special strings \fU, \fI, and \fB in your text. The special string \fP marks the end of underlined or boldface text. Elvis normally treats those special strings just like any other text. However, if the charattr option is on, then Elvis will interpret those special strings correctly, to display underlined or boldface text on the screen. (This only works, of course, if your terminal can display under- lined and boldface, and if the TERMCAP entry says how to do it.) columns, co This option shows how wide your screen is. digraph, dig This option is used to enable/disable recognition of digraphs. The default value is nodigraph, which means that digraphs will not be recognized. directory, dir Elvis stores text in temporary files. This option allows you to control which directory those temporary files will appear in. The default is /usr/tmp. This option can only be set in a .exrc file; after that, Elvis will have already started making temporary March 23, 1992 5-4 OPTIONS 5-4 files in some other directory, so it would be too late. edcompatible, ed This option affects the behaviour of the ":s/regexp/text/options" command. It is normally off (:se noed) which causes all of the substitution options to be off unless explicitly given. However, with edcompatible on (:se ed), the substitu- tion command remembers which options you used last time. Those same options will continue to be used until you change them. In edcompatible mode, when you explicitly give the name of a substitution option, you will toggle the state of that option. This all seems very strange to me, but its implementa- tion was almost free when I added the ":&" command to repeat the previous substitution, so there it is. equalprg, ep This holds the name & arguments of the external filter program used the the visual = operator. The defualt value is "fmt", so the = operator will adjust line breaks in text. errorbells, eb Elvis normally rings a bell when you do something wrong. This option lets you disable the bell. exrc This option specifies whether a .exrc file in the current directory should be executed. By default, this option is off (":set noexrc") which prevents elvis from executing .exrc in the current directory. If the .exrc file in your home directory turns this option on (":set exrc") then the Elvis will attempt to execute the .exrc file in the current directory. This option exist mainly for security reasons. A mean-spirited person could do something like echo >/tmp/.exrc '!rm -rf $HOME' and then anybody who attempted to edit or view a file in the /tmp directory would lose most of their files. With the exrc option turned off, this couldn't happen to you. exrefresh, er The EX mode of Elvis writes many lines to the screen. You can make Elvis either write each line to the screen separately, or save up many lines and write them all at once. The exrefresh option is normally on, so each line is written to the screen separately. March 23, 1992 5-5 OPTIONS 5-5 You may wish to turn the exrefresh option off (:se noer) if the "write" system call is costly on your machine, or if you're using a windowing environment. (Windowing environments scroll text a lot faster when you write many lines at once.) This option has no effect in visual command mode or input mode. flash, vbell If your termcap entry describes a visible alternative to ringing your terminal's bell, then this option will say whether the visible version gets used or not. Nor- mally it will be. If your termcap does NOT include a visible bell capa- bility, then the flash option will be off, and you can't turn it on. flipcase, fc The flipcase option allows you to control how the non- ASCII characters are altered by the "~" command. The string is divided into pairs of characters. When "~" is applied to a non-ASCII character, Elvis looks up the character in the flipcase string to see which pair it's in, and replaces it by the other character of the pair. hideformat, hf Many text formatters require you to embed format com- mands in your text, on lines that start with a "." character. Elvis normally displays these lines like any other text, but if the hideformat option is on, then format lines are displayed as blank lines. ignorecase, ic Normally, when Elvis searches for text, it treats uppercase letters as being different for lowercase letters. When the ignorecase option is on, uppercase and lower- case are treated as equal. inputmode, im This option allows you to have Elvis start up in insert mode. You can still exit insert mode at any time by hitting the ESC key, as usual. Usually, this option would be set in your ".exrc" file. keytime, kt The arrow keys of most terminals send a multi-character sequence. It takes a measurable amount of time for these sequences to be transmitted. The keytime option March 23, 1992 5-6 OPTIONS 5-6 allows you to control the maximum amount of time to allow for an arrow key (or other mapped key) to be received in full. On most systems, the setting is the number of tenths of a second to allow between characters. On some other systems, the setting is in whole seconds. Try to avoid setting keytime=1. Most systems just count clock beats, so if you tried to read a character shortly before a clock beat, you could allow almost no time at all for reading the characters. For higher keytime settings, the difference is less critical. If your system's response time is poor, you might want to increase the keytime. In particular, I've found that when keystrokes must be sent through a network (via X windows, rlogin, or telnet, for example) the keytime should be set to at least 1 second. As a special case, you can set keytime to 0 to disable this time limit stuff altogether. The big problem here is: If your arrow keys' sequences start with an ESC, then every time you hit your ESC key Elvis will wait... and wait... to see if maybe that ESC was part of an arrow key's sequence. NOTE: this option is a generalization of the timeout option of the real vi. keywordprg, kp Elvis has a special keyword lookup feature. You move the cursor onto a word, and hit shift-K, and Elvis uses another program to look up the word and display infor- mation about it. This option says which program gets run. The default value of this option is "ref", which is a program that looks up the definition of a function in C. It looks up the function name in a file called "refs" which is created by ctags. You can subtitute other programs, such as an English dictionary program or the online manual. Elvis runs the program, using the keyword as its only argument. The program should write information to stdout. The program's exit status should be 0, unless you want Elvis to print "<<< failed >>>". lines, ln This option says how many lines you screen has. list, li March 23, 1992 5-7 OPTIONS 5-7 In nolist mode (the default), Elvis displays text in a "normal" manner -- with tabs expanded to an appropriate number of spaces, etc. However, sometimes it is useful to have tab characters displayed differently. In list mode, tabs are displayed as "^I", and a "$" is displayed at the end of each line. magic, ma The search mechanism in Elvis can accept "regular expressions" -- strings in which certain characters have special meaning. The magic option is normally on, which causes these characters to be treated specially. If you turn the magic option off (:se noma), then all characters except ^ and $ are treated literally. ^ and $ retain their special meanings regardless of the set- ting of magic. make, mk The :make command runs your "make" program. This option defines the name of your "make" program. mesg With the real vi, running under real UNIX, ":set nomesg" would prevent other users from sending you mes- sages. Elvis ignores it, though. modelines, ml Elvis supports modelines. Modelines are lines near the beginning or end of your text file which contain "ex:yowza:", where "yowza" is any EX command. A typi- cal "yowza" would be something like "set ts=5 ca kp=spell wm=15". Other text may also appear on a mode- line, so you can place the "ex:yowza:" in a comment: /* ex:set sw=4 ai: */ Normally these lines are ignored, for security reasons, but if you have "set modelines" in your .exrc file then "yowza" is executed. novice, nov The command ":set novice" is equivelent to ":set nomagic report=1 showmode". paragraphs, pa The { and } commands move the cursor forward or back- ward in increments of one paragraph. Paragraphs may be separated by blank lines, or by a "dot" command of a text formatter. Different text formatters use March 23, 1992 5-8 OPTIONS 5-8 different "dot" commands. This option allows you to configure Elvis to work with your text formatter. It is assumed that your formatter uses commands that start with a "." character at the front of a line, and then have a one- or two-character command name. The value of the paragraphs option is a string in which each pair of characters is one possible form of your text formatter's paragraph command. more When Elvis must display a sequence of messages at the bottom line of the screen in visual mode, it normally pauses after all but the last one, so you have time to read them all. If you turn off the "more" option, then Elvis will not pause. This means you can only read the last message, but it is usually the most important one anyway. prompt, pr If you ":set noprompt", then Elvis will no longer emit a ':' when it expects you to type in an ex command. This is slightly useful if you're using an astonish- ingly slow UNIX machine, but the rest of us can just ignore this one. readonly, ro Normally, Elvis will let you write back any file to which you have write permission. If you don't have write permission, then you can only write the changed version of the file to a different file. If you set the readonly option, then Elvis will pretend you don't have write permission to any file you edit. It is useful when you really only mean to use Elvis to look at a file, not to change it. This way you can't change it accidentally. This option is normally off, unless you use the "view" alias of Elvis. "View" is like "vi" except that the readonly option is on. remap The ":map" command allows you to convert one key sequence into another. The remap option allows you to specify what should happen if portions of that other sequence are also in the map table. If remap is on, then those portions will also be mapped, just as if they had been typed on the keyboard. If remap is off, then the matching portions will not be mapped. For example, if you enter the commands ":map A B" and ":map B C", then when remap is on, A will be converted March 23, 1992 5-9 OPTIONS 5-9 to C. But when remap is off, A will be converted only to B. report, re Commands in Elvis may affect many lines. For commands that affect a lot of lines, Elvis will output a message saying what was done and how many lines were affected. This option allows you to define what "a lot of lines" means. The default is 5, so any command which affects 5 or more lines will cause a message to be shown. ruler, ru This option is normally off. If you turn it on, then Elvis will constantly display the line/column numbers of the cursor, at the bottom of the screen. scroll, sc The ^U and ^D keys normally scroll backward or forward by half a screenful, but this is adjustable. The value of this option says how many lines those keys should scroll by. If you invoke ^U or ^D with a count argu- ment (for example, "33^D") then this option's value is set to the count. sections, se The [[ and ]] commands move the cursor backward or for- ward in increments of 1 section. Sections may be del- imited by a { character in column 1 (which is useful for C source code) or by means of a text formatter's "dot" commands. This option allows you to configure Elvis to work with your text formatter's "section" command, in exectly the same way that the paragraphs option makes it work with the formatter's "paragraphs" command. shell, sh When Elvis forks a shell (perhaps for the :! or :shell commands) this is the program that is uses as a shell. This is "/bin/sh" by default, unless you have set the SHELL (or COMSPEC, for MS-DOS) environment variable, it which case the default value is copied from the environment. shiftwidth, sw The < and > commands shift text left or right by some uniform number of columns. The shiftwidth option defines that "uniform number". The default is 8. showmatch, sm With showmatch set, in input mode every time you hit one of )}], Elvis will momentarily move the cursor to the matching ({[. March 23, 1992 5-10 OPTIONS 5-10 showmode, smd In visual mode, it is easy to forget whether you're in the visual command mode or input/replace mode. Nor- mally, the showmode option is off, and you haven't a clue as to which mode you're in. If you turn the showmode option on, though, a little message will appear in the lower right-hand corner of your screen, telling you which mode you're in. sidescroll, ss For long lines, Elvis scrolls sideways. (This is dif- ferent from the real vi, which wraps a single long line onto several rows of the screen.) To minimize the number of scrolls needed, Elvis moves the screen sideways by several characters at a time. The value of this option says how many characters' widths to scroll at a time. Generally, the faster your screen can be redrawn, the lower the value you will want in this option. sync, sy If the system crashes during an edit session, then most of your work can be recovered from the temporary file that Elvis uses to store changes. However, sometimes the OS will not copy changes to the hard disk immedi- ately, so recovery might not be possible. The [no]sync option lets you control this. In nosync mode (which is the default, for UNIX), Elvis lets the operating system control when data is written to the disk. This is generally faster. In sync mode (which is the default for MS-DOS, Amiga- Dos, and Atari TOS), Elvis forces all changes out to disk every time you make a change. This is generally safer, but slower. It can also be a rather rude thing to do on a multi-user system. tabstop, ts Tab characters are normally 8 characters wide, but you can change their widths by means of this option. taglength, tl This option allows you to specify how many characters of a tag's name must match when performing tag lookup. As a special case, ":set taglength=0" means that all characters of a tag's name must match. Note: some configurations of Elvis don't support this option. March 23, 1992 5-11 OPTIONS 5-11 term, te This read-only option shows the name of the termcap entry that Elvis is using for your terminal. terse, tr The real vi uses this option to select longer vs. shorter error messages. Elvis has only one set of error messages, though, so this option has no effect. timeout, to The command ":set notimeout" is equivelent to ":set keytime=0", and ":set timeout" is equivelent to ":set keytime=1". This affects the behaviour of the key. See the discussion of the "keytime" option for more information. warn, wa If you have modified a file but not yet written it back to disk, then Elvis will normally print a warning before executing a ":!cmd" command. However, in nowarn mode, this warning is not given. Elvis also normally prints a message after a successful search that wrapped at EOF. The [no]warn option can also disable this warning. window, wi This option controls how many lines are redrawn after a long move. On fast terminals, this is usually set to the number of rows that the terminal can display, minus one. This causes the entire screen to be filled with text around the cursor. On slow terminals, you may wish to reduce this value to about 7 or so. That way, if you're doing something like repeatedly hitting 'n' to search for each occurrence of some string and trying to find a particu- lar occurrence, then you don't need to wait as long for Elvis to redraw the screen after each search. wrapmargin, wm Normally (with wrapmargin=0) Elvis will let you type in extremely long lines, if you wish. However, with warpmargin set to something other that 0 (wrapmargin=10 is nice), Elvis will automatically cause long lines to be "wrapped" on a word break for lines come too close to the right-hand margin. For example: On an 80-column screen, ":set wm=10" will cause lines to wrap when their length exceeds 70 columns. wrapscan, ws Normally, when you search for something, Elvis will March 23, 1992 5-12 OPTIONS 5-12 find it no matter where it is in the file. Elvis starts at the cursor position, and searches forward. If Elvis hits EOF without finding what you're looking for, then it wraps around to continue searching from line 1. If you turn off the wrapscan option (:se nows), then when Elvis hits EOF during a search, it will stop and say so. writeany, wr With "writeany" turned off, elvis will prevent you from accidentally overwriting a file. For example, if "foo" exists then ":w foo" will fail. If you turn on the "writeany" option, then ":w foo" will work. Regardless of the setting of "writeany", though, ":w! foo" will work. The '!' forces the ":w" command to write the file unless the operating system won't allow it. March 23, 1992 6. CUT BUFFERS When Elvis deletes text, it stores that text in a cut buffer. This happens in both visual mode and EX mode. There is no practical limit to how much text a cut buffer can hold. There are 36 cut buffers: 26 named buffers ("a through "z), 9 anonymous buffers ("1 through "9), and 1 extra cut buffer (".). In EX mode, the :move and :copy commands use a cut buffer to temporarily hold the text to be moved/copied. 6.1. Putting text into a Cut Buffer In visual mode, text is copied into a cut buffer when you use the d, y, c, C, s, or x commands. There are also a few others. By default, the text goes into the "1 buffer. The text that used to be in "1 gets shifted into "2, "2 gets shifted into "3, and so on. The text that used to be in "9 is lost. This way, the last 9 things you deleted are still accessi- ble. You can also put the text into a named buffer -- "a through "z. To do this, you should type the buffer's name (two keystrokes: a double-quote and a lowercase letter) before the command that will cut the text. When you do this, "1 through "9 are not affected by the cut. You can append text to one of the named buffers. To do this, type the buffer's name in uppercase (a double-quote and an uppercase letter) before the d/y/c/C/s/x command. The ". buffer is special. It isn't affected by the d/y/c/C/s/x command. Instead, it stores the text that you typed in the last time you were in input mode. It is used to implement the . visual command, and ^A in input mode. In EX mode (also known as colon mode), the :delete, :change, and :yank commands all copy text into a cut buffer. Like the visual commands, these EX commands normally use the "1 buffer, but you can use one of the named buffers by giv- ing its name after the command. For example, :20,30y a will copy lines 20 through 30 into cut buffer "a. You can't directly put text into the ". buffer, or the "2 through "9 buffers. March 23, 1992 6-2 CUT BUFFERS 6-2 6.2. Pasting from a Cut Buffer There are two styles of pasting: line-mode and character-mode. If a cut buffer contains whole lines (from a command like "dd") then line-mode pasting is used; if it contains partial lines (from a command like "dw") then character-mode pasting is used. The EX commands always cut whole lines. Character-mode pasting causes the text to be inserted into the line that the cursor is on. Line-mode pasting inserts the text on a new line above or below the line that the cursor is on. It doesn't affect the cursor's line at all. In visual mode, the p and P commands insert text from a cut buffer. Uppercase P will insert it before the cursor, and lowercase p will insert it after the cursor. Normally, these commands will paste from the "1 buffer, but you can specify any other buffer to paste from. Just type its name (a double-quote and another character) before you type the P or p. In EX mode, the (pu)t command pastes text after a given line. To paste from a buffer other that "1, enter its name after the command. 6.3. Macros The contents of a named cut buffer can be executed as a series of ex/vi commands. To put the instructions into the cut buffer, you must first insert them into the file, and then delete them into a named cut buffer. To execute a cut buffer's contents as EX commands, you should give the EX command "@" and the name of the buffer. For example, :@z will execute "z as a series of EX commands. To execute a cut buffer's contents as visual commands, you should give the visual command "@" and the letter of the buffer's name. The visual "@" command is different from the EX "@" command. They interpret the cut buffer's contents differently. The visual @ command can be rather finicky. Each char- acter in the buffer is interpretted as a keystroke. If you load the instructions into the cut buffer via a "zdd com- mand, then the newline character at the end of the line will be executed just like any other character, so the cursor would be moved down 1 line. If you don't want the cursor to move down 1 line at the end of each @z command, then you March 23, 1992 6-3 CUT BUFFERS 6-3 should load the cut buffer by saying 0"zD instead. Although cut buffers can hold any amount of text, Elvis can only execute small buffers. The size limit is roughly 1000 characters, for either EX macros or VI macros. If a buffer is too large to execute, an error message is displayed. You can't nest :@ commands. You can't run :@ commands from your .exrc file, or any other :source file either. Similarly, you can't run a :source command from within an @ command. Hopefully, these restrictions will be lifted in a later version. 6.4. The Effect of Switching Files When Elvis first starts up, all cut buffers are empty. When you switch to a different file (via the :n or :e com- mands perhaps) the 9 anonymous cut buffers are emptied again, but the other 27 buffers ("a through "z, and ".) retain their text. March 23, 1992 7. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Elvis & BSD VI/EX Elvis is not 100% compatible with the real vi/ex. Elvis has many small extensions, some omissions, and a few features which are implemented in a slightly different manner. 7.1. Extensions Save Configuration The :mkexrc command saves the current :set and :map configurations in the ".exrc" file in your current directory. Previous File The :N or :prev command moves backwards through the args list. Center Current Row In visual command mode, the (lowercase) "zz" com- mand will center the current line on the screen, like "z=". Changing Repeat Count The default count value for . is the same as the previous command which . is meant to repeat. How- ever, you can supply a new count if you wish. For example, after "3dw", "." will delete 3 words, but "5." will delete 5 words. Previous Text The text which was most recently input (via a "cw" command, or something similar) is saved in a cut buffer called ". (which is a pretty hard name to write in an English sentence). Keyword Lookup In visual command mode, you can move the cursor onto a word and press shift-K to have Elvis run a reference program to look that word up. This com- mand alone is worth the price of admission! See the ctags and ref programs. Increment/Decrement In visual command mode, you can move the cursor onto a number and then hit ## or #+ to increment that number by 1. To increment it by a larger amount, type in the increment value before hitting the initial #. The number can also be decremented or set by hitting #- or #=, respectively. Input Mode You can backspace past the beginning of the line. March 23, 1992 7-2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Elvis & BSD VI/EX 7-2 The arrow keys work in input mode. If you type control-A, then the text that you input last time is inserted. You will remain in input mode, so you can backspace over part of it, or add more to it. (This is sort of like control-@ on the real vi, except that control-A really works.) Control-P will insert the contents of the cut buffer. Real vi can only remember up to 128 characters of input, but Elvis can remember any amount. The ^T and ^D keys can adjust the indent of a line no matter where the cursor happens to be in that line. You can save your file and exit Elvis directly from input mode by hitting control-Z twice. Elvis supports digraphs as a way to enter non- ASCII characters. Start in Input Mode If you ":set inputmode" in your .exrc file, then Elvis will start up in input mode instead of visual command mode. Visible Fonts With ":set charattr", Elvis can display "backslash-f" style character attributes on the screen as you edit. The following example shows the recognized atributes: normal \fBboldface\fR \fIitalics\fR \fUunderlined\fR normal NOTE: you must compile Elvis without the -DNO_CHARATTR flag for this to work. File Syncing After a crash, you can usually recover the altered form of the file from the temporary file that Elvis uses -- unless the temporary file was cor- rupted. UNIX systems use a delayed-write cache, which means that when Elvis tries to write to the tem- porary file, the information might still be in RAM instead of on the disk. A power failure at that time would cause the in-RAM information to be lost. UNIX's sync() call will force all such March 23, 1992 7-3 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Elvis & BSD VI/EX 7-3 information to disk. MS-DOS and Atari TOS don't write a file's length to disk until that file is closed. Consequently, the temporary file would appear to be 0 bytes long if power failed when we were editing. To avoid this problem, a sync() function has been written which will close the temporary file and then immediately reopen it. Cursor Shape Elvis changes the shape of the cursor to indicate which mode you're in, if your terminal's termcap entry includes the necessary capabilities. Hide nroff Lines Th ":set hideformat" option hides nroff format control lines. (They are displayed on the screen as blank lines.) Compiler Interface Elvis is clever enough to parse the error messages emitted by many compilers. To use this feature, you should collect your compiler's error messages into a file called "errlist"; Elvis will read this file, determine which source file caused the error messages, start editing that file, move the cursor to the line where the error was detected, and display the error message on the status line. Nifty! Visible Text Selection In visual command mode, 'v' starts visibly select- ing characters and 'V' starts visibly selecting whole lines. The character or line where the cur- sor is located becomes one endpoint of the selec- tion. You can then use the standard cursor move- ment commands to move the cursor to the other end- point, and then press one of the operator commands (c/d/y//!/=/\). The operator will then immedi- ately be applied to the selected text. Pop-up Menu Operator The '\' key is a new operator, similar in opera- tion to the c/d/y//! operators It conjures up a menu, from which you can select any of the other operators plus a few other common commands. Preset Filter Operator The '=' key is another new operator. It is simi- lar to the '!' operator, except that while '!' asks you to type in a filter command each time, '=' assumes it should always run the command stored in the equalprg option. March 23, 1992 7-4 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN Elvis & BSD VI/EX 7-4 Move to a Given Percentage The '%' movement key can now accept an optional count. Without a count, the '%' key still moves to a matching parenthesis like it always did. With a count somewhere between 1 and 100, though, it moves the cursor to approximately a given per- centage of the way through the file. For example, typing "50%" will move the cursor to the middle of the file. Regular Expressions In regular expressions, several new forms of clo- sure operators are supported: \{n}, \{n,m}, \+, and \?. 7.2. Omissions The replace mode is a hack. It doesn't save the text that it overwrites. Long lines are displayed differently -- where the real vi would wrap a long line onto several rows of the screen, Elvis simply displays part of the line, and allows you to scroll the screen sideways to see the rest of it. The ":preserve" and ":recover" commands are missing. So is the -r flag. I've never had a good reason to use ":preserve", and since ":recover" is used so rarely I decided to implement it as a separate program. There's no need to load the recovery code into memory every time you edit a file, I figured. LISP support is missing. However, the = key is still an operator that reformats lines of text. By default, it reformats lines by sending them through the fmt filter, but you could write your own LISP beautifier and configure elvis to use it. Key mappings could take care of most other differences. Auto-indent is the only thing that is irrecov- erably lost. Autoindent mode acts a little different from the real vi, anyway. It doesn't handle ^^D or 0^D correctly. On the other hand, it does allow ^D and ^T to be used anywhere in the line, to adjust the indentation for the whole line. March 23, 1992 8. INTERNAL You don't need to know the material in this section to use Elvis. You only need it if you intend to modify Elvis. You should also check out the CFLAGS, TERMCAP, ENVIRON- MENT VARIABLES, VERSIONS, and QUIESTIONS & ANSWERS sections of this manual. 8.1. The temporary file The temporary file is divided into blocks of 1024 bytes each. The functions in "blk.c" maintain a cache of the five most recently used blocks, to minimize file I/O. When Elvis starts up, the file is copied into the tem- porary file by the function tmpstart() in "tmp.c". Small amounts of extra space are inserted into the temporary file to insure that no text lines cross block boundaries. This speeds up processing and simplifies storage management. The extra space is filled with NUL characters. the input file must not contain any NULs, to avoid confusion. This also limits lines to a length of 1023 characters or less. The data blocks aren't necessarily stored in sequence. For example, it is entirely possible that the data block containing the first lines of text will be stored after the block containing the last lines of text. In RAM, Elvis maintains two lists: one that describes the "proper" order of the disk blocks, and another that records the line number of the last line in each block. When Elvis needs to fetch a given line of text, it uses these tables to locate the data block which contains that line. Before each change is made to the file, these lists are copied. The copies can be used to "undo" the change. Also, the first list -- the one that lists the data blocks in their proper order -- is written to the first data block of the temp file. This list can be used during file recovery. When blocks are altered, they are rewritten to a dif- ferent block in the file, and the order list is updated accordingly. The original block is left intact, so that "undo" can be performed easily. Elvis will eventually reclaim the original block, when it is no longer needed. 8.2. Implementation of Editing There are three basic operations which affect text: + delete text - delete(from, to) + add text - add(at, text) March 23, 1992 8-2 INTERNAL 8-2 + yank text - cut(from, to) To yank text, all text between two text positions is copied into a cut buffer. The original text is not changed. To copy the text into a cut buffer, you need only remember which physical blocks that contain the cut text, the offset into the first block of the start of the cut, the offset into the last block of the end of the cut, and what kind of cut it was. (Cuts may be either character cuts or line cuts; the kind of a cut affects the way it is later "put".) Yanking is implemented in the function cut(), and pasting is implemented in the function paste(). These functions are defined in "cut.c". To delete text, you must modify the first and last blocks, and remove any reference to the intervening blocks in the header's list. The text to be deleted is specified by two marks. This is implemented in the function delete(). To add text, you must specify the text to insert (as a NUL-terminated string) and the place to insert it (as a mark). The block into which the text is to be inserted may need to be split into as many as four blocks, with new intervening blocks needed as well... or it could be as sim- ple as modifying a single block. This is implemented in the function add(). There is also a change() function, which generally just calls delete() and add(). For the special case where a sin- gle character is being replaced by another single character, though, change() will optimize things somewhat. The add(), delete(), and change() functions are all defined in "modify.c". The input() function reads text from a user and inserts it into the file. It makes heavy use of the add(), delete(), and change() functions. It inserts characters one at a time, as they are typed. When text is modified, an internal file-revision counter, called changes, is incremented. This counter is used to detect when certain caches are out of date. (The "changes" counter is also incremented when we switch to a different file, and also in one or two similar situations -- all related to invalidating caches.) 8.3. Marks and the Cursor Marks are places within the text. They are represented internally as 32-bit values which are split into two bit- fields: a line number and a character index. Line numbers start with 1, and character indexes start with 0. Lines can be up to 1023 characters long, so the character index is 10 March 23, 1992 8-3 INTERNAL 8-3 bits wide and the line number fills the remaining 22 bits in the long int. Since line numbers start with 1, it is impossible for a valid mark to have a value of 0L. 0L is therefore used to represent unset marks. When you do the "delete text" change, any marks that were part of the deleted text are unset, and any marks that were set to points after it are adjusted. Marks are adjusted similarly after new text is inserted. The cursor is represented as a mark. 8.4. Colon Command Interpretation Colon commands are parsed, and the command name is looked up in an array of structures which also contain a pointer to the function that implements the command, and a description of the arguments that the command can take. If the command is recognized and its arguments are legal, then the function is called. Each function performs its task; this may cause the cursor to be moved to a different line, or whatever. 8.5. Screen Control In input mode or visual command mode, the screen is redrawn by a function called redraw(). This function is called in the getkey() function before each keystroke is read in, if necessary. Redraw() write to the screen via a package which looks like the "curses" library, but isn't. It is actually much simpler. Most curses operations are implemented as macros which copy characters into a large I/O buffer, which is then written with a single large write() call as part of the refresh() operation. (Note: Under MS-DOS, the pseudo-curses macros check to see whether you're using the pcbios interface. If you are, then the macros call functions in "pc.c" to implement screen updates.) The low-level functions which modify text (namely add(), delete(), and change()) supply redraw() with clues to help redraw() decide which parts of the screen must be redrawn. The clues are given via a function called redrawrange(). Most EX commands use the pseudo-curses package to per- form their output, like redraw(). March 23, 1992 8-4 INTERNAL 8-4 There is also a function called msg() which uses the same syntax as printf(). In EX mode, msg() writes message to the screen and automatically adds a newline. In VI mode, msg() writes the message on the bottom line of the screen with the "standout" character attribute turned on. 8.6. Options For each option available through the ":set" command, Elvis contains a character array variable, named "o_option". For example, the "lines" option uses a variable called "o_lines". For boolean options, the array has a dimension of 1. The first (and only) character of the array will be NUL if the variable's value is FALSE, and some other value if it is TRUE. To check the value, just by dereference the array name, as in "if (*o_autoindent)". For number options, the array has a dimension of 3. The array is treated as three unsigned one-byte integers. The first byte is the current value of the option. The second and third bytes are the lower and upper bounds of that option. For string options, the array usually has a dimension of about 60 but this may vary. The option's value is stored as a normal NUL-terminated string. All of the options are declared in "opts.c". Most are initialized to their default values; the initopts() function is used to perform any environment-specific initialization. 8.7. Portability To improve portability, Elvis collects as many of the system-dependent definitions as possible into the "config.h" file. This file begins with some preprocessor instructions which attempt to determine which compiler and operating sys- tem you have. After that, it conditionally defines some macros and constants for your system. One of the more significant macros is ttyread(). This macro is used to read raw characters from the keyboard, pos- sibly with timeout. For UNIX systems, this basically reads bytes from stdin. For MSDOS, TOS, and OS9, ttyread() is a function defined in curses.c. There is also a ttywrite() macro. The tread() and twrite() macros are versions of read() and write() that are used for text files. On UNIX systems, these are equivelent to read() and write(). On MS-DOS, these are also equivelent to read() and write(), since DOS libraries are generally clever enough to convert newline March 23, 1992 8-5 INTERNAL 8-5 characters automatically. For Atari TOS, though, the MWC library is too stupid to do this, so we had to do the conversion explicitly. Other macros may substitute index() for strchr(), or bcopy() for memcpy(), or map the "void" data type to "int", or whatever. The file "tinytcap.c" contains a set of functions that emulate the termcap library for a small set of terminal types. The terminal-specific info is hard-coded into this file. It is only used for systems that don't support real termcap. Another alternative for screen control can be seen in the "curses.h" and "pc.c" files. Here, macros named VOIDBIOS and CHECKBIOS are used to indirectly call functions which perform low-level screen manipulation via BIOS calls. The stat() function must be able to come up with UNIX- style major/minor/inode numbers that uniquely identify a file or directory. Please try to keep you changes localized, and wrap them in #if/#endif pairs, so that Elvis can still be compiled on other systems. And PLEASE let me know about it, so I can incorporate your changes into my latest-and-greatest version of Elvis. March 23, 1992 9. CFLAGS Elvis uses many preprocessor symbols to control compi- lation. Some of these control the sizes of buffers and such. The "-DNO_XXXX" options remove small sets of related features. Most Elvis users will probably want to keep all features available. Minix-PC users, though, will have to sacrifice some sets because otherwise Elvis would be too bulky to compile. The "asld" phase of the compiler craps out. -DM_SYSV, -Dbsd, -DTOS, -DCOHERENT, -Damiga These flags tell the compiler that Elvis is being com- piled for System-V UNIX, BSD UNIX, Atari TOS, Coherent, or AmigaDos, respectively. For other systems, the config.h file can generally figure it out automati- cally. -DRAINBOW For MS-DOS systems, this causes support for the DEC Rainbow to be compiled into Elvis. -DS5WINSIZE Some versions of SysV UNIX don't support support the "winsize" style of screen-size testing, so elvis ignores window size changes by default. However, many of the newer SysV systems defines "win- size" in the file "/usr/include/sys/ptem.h". If your SysV system has "winsize" then you should add -DS5SWINSIZE to the CFLAGS setting. -DTERMIOS POSIX is a SysV-derived specification which uses a ter- minal control package called "termios", instead of "termio". Some other SysV systems may also use ter- mios. You can make elvis uses termios instead of the more common termio by adding -DTERMIOS to CFLAGS. (Note: This hasn't been tested very well.) -DNBUFS=number Elvis keeps most of your text in a temporary file; only a small amount is actually stored in RAM. This flag allows you to control how much of the file can be in RAM at any time. The default is 5 blocks, and the minimum is 3 blocks. (See the -DBLKSIZE flag, below.) More RAM allows global changes to happen a little fas- ter. f you're just making many small changes in one section of a file, though, extra RAM won't help much. March 23, 1992 9-2 CFLAGS 9-2 -DBLKSIZE=number This controls the size of blocks that Elvis uses inter- nally. The value of BLKSIZE must be a power of two. Every time you double BLKSIZE, you quadruple the size of a text file that Elvis can handle, but you also cause the temporary file to grow faster. For MS-DOS, Coherent, and Minix-PC, the default value is 1024, which allows you to edit files up to almost 512K bytes long. For all other systems, the default value is 2048, which allows you to edit files that are nearly 2 megabytes long. The BLKSIZE also determines the maximum line length, and a few other limits. BLKSIZE should be either 256, 512, 1024, or 2048. Values other than these can lead to strange behaviour. -DTMPDIR=string This sets the default value of the "directory" option, which specifies where the temporary files should reside. The value of TMPDIR must be a string, so be sure your value includes the quote characters on each end. -DEXRC=str, -DHMEXRC=str, -DSYSEXRC=str, -DEXINIT=str This lets you control the names of the initialization files. Their values must be strings, so be careful about quoting. EXRC is the name of the initialization file in the current directory. Its default value is ".exrc" on UNIX systems -- the same as the real vi. Since that isn't a legal DOS filename, under DOS the default is "elvis.rc". For other systems, check the config.h file. HMEXRC is the name of the initialization file in your home directory. By default, it is the same as EXRC. Elvis will automatically prepend the name of your home directory to HMEXRC at run time, so don't give a full path name. SYSEXRC is the name of a system-wide initialization file. It has no default value; if you don't define a value for it, then the code that supports SYSEXRC just isn't compiled. The value of SYSEXRC should be a full pathname, in quotes. EXINIT is the name of an environment variable that can contain initialization commands. Normally, its value is "EXINIT". -DKEYWORDPRG=string This flag determines the default value of the March 23, 1992 9-3 CFLAGS 9-3 "keywordprg" option. Its value must be a string, so be careful about quoting. The default value of this flag is "ref", which is a C reference program. -DCC_COMMAND=string -DMAKE_COMMAND=string -DERRLIST=string These control the names of the C compiler, the "make" utility, and the error output file, respectively. They are only used if -DNO_ERRLIST is not given. The default value of CC_COMMAND depends on the Operat- ing System and compiler that you use to compile elvis; for UNIX, the default is "cc". The default values of MAKE_COMMAND and ERRLIST are "make" and "errlist", respectively. -DMAXRCLEN=number This determines how large a :@ macro command can be (measured in bytes). The default is 1000 bytes. If you increase this value significantly, then you may need to allocate extra memory for the stack. See the "CHMEM" setting in the Makefile. -DSHELL=string This is the default value of the "shell" option, and hence the default shell used from within Elvis. This only controls the default; the value you give here may be overridden at run-time by setting an environment variable named SHELL (or COMSPEC for MS-DOS). Its value must be a string constant, so be careful about quoting. -DTAGS=string This sets the name of the "tags" file, which is used by the :tag command. Its value must be a string constant, so be careful about quoting. -DCS_IBMPC -DCS_LATIN1 -DCS_SPECIAL The digraph table and flipcase option will normally start out empty. However, if you add -DCS_IBMPC or -DCS_LATIN1 to your CFLAGS, then they will start out filled with values that are appropriate for the IBM PC character set or the ISO Latin-1 character set, respec- tively. You can also use -DCS_IBMPC and -DCS_SPECIAL together to get digraphs that produce the PC's graphic charac- ters. -DDEBUG -DEBUG2 -DDEBUG adds the ":debug" and ":validate" commands, and also adds many internal consistency checks. It increases the size of the ".text" segment by about 6K. -DDEBUG2 causes a line to be appended to a file called March 23, 1992 9-4 CFLAGS 9-4 "debug.out" everytime any change is made to the edit buffer. -DCRUNCH This flag removes some non-critical code, so that Elvis is smaller. For example, it removes a short-cut from the regexp package, so that text searches are slower. Also, screen updates are not as efficient. A couple of obscure features are disabled by this, too. -DNO_MKEXRC This removes the ":mkexrc" command, so you have to create any .exrc files manually. The size of the .text segment will be reduced by about 600 bytes. -DNO_CHARATTR Permanently disables the charattr option. This reduces the size of your ".text" segment by about 850 bytes. -DNO_RECYCLE Normally, Elvis will recycle space (from the temporary file) which contains totally obsolete text. This flag disables this recycling. Without recycling, the ".text" segment is about 1K smaller than it would oth- erwise be, but the tmp file grows much faster. If you have a lot of free space on your hard disk, but Elvis is too bulky to run with recycling, then try it without recycling. When using a version of Elvis that has been compiled with -DNO_RECYCLE, you should be careful to avoid mak- ing many small changes to a file because each indivi- dual change will cause the tmp file to grow by at least 1k. Hitting "x" thirty times counts as thirty changes, but typing "30x" counts as one change. Also, you should occasionally do a ":w" followed by a ":e" to start with a fresh tmp file. Interestingly, the real vi never recycles space from its temporary file. -DNO_SENTENCE Leaves out the "(" and ")" visual mode commands. Also, the "[[", "]]", "{", and "}" commands will not recog- nize *roff macros. The sections and paragraphs options go away. This saves about 650 bytes in the ".text" segment. -DNO_CHARSEARCH Leaves out the visual commands which locate a given character in the current line: "f", "t", "F", "T", "," and ";". This saves about 900 bytes. -DNO_EXTENSIONS March 23, 1992 9-5 CFLAGS 9-5 Leaves out the "K" and "#" visual commands. Also, the arrow keys will no longer work in input mode. Regular expressions will no longer recognize the \{\} operator. (Other extensions are either inherent in the design of Elvis, or are controlled by more specific flags, or are too tiny to be worth removing.) This saves about 250 bytes. -DNO_MAGIC Permanently disables the "magic" option, so that most meta-characters in a regular expression are *NOT* recognized. This saves about 3k of space in the ".text" segment, because the complex regular expression code can be replaced by much simpler code. -DNO_SHOWMODE Permanently disables the "showmode" option, saving about 250 bytes. -DNO_CURSORSHAPE Normally, Elvis tries to adjust the shape of the cursor as a reminder of which mode you're in. The -DNO_CURSORSHAPE flag disables this, saving about 150 bytes. -DNO_DIGRAPH To allow entry of non-ASCII characters, Elvis supports digraphs. A digraph is a single (non-ASCII) character which is entered as a combination of two other (ASCII) characters. If you don't need to input non-ASCII char- acters, or if your keyboard supports a better way of entering non-ASCII characters, then you can disable the digraph code and save about 450 bytes. -DNO_ERRLIST Elvis adds a ":errlist" command, which is useful to programmers. If you don't need this feature, you can disable it via the -DNO_ERRLIST flag. This will reduce the .text segment by about 900 bytes, and the .bss seg- ment by about 300 bytes. -DNO_ABBR The -DNO_ABBR flag disables the ":abbr" command, and reduces the size of Elvis by about 250 bytes. -DNO_OPTCOLS When Elvis displays the current options settings via the ":set" command, the options are normally sorted into columns. The -DNO_OPTCOLS flag causes the options to be sorted across the rows, which is much simpler for the computer. The -DNO_OPTCOLS flag will reduce the size of your .text segment by about 500 bytes. -DNO_MODELINES March 23, 1992 9-6 CFLAGS 9-6 This removes all support for modelines. -DNO_TAG This disables tag lookup. It reduces the size of the .text segment by about 750 bytes. -DNO_ALT_FKEY -DNO_CTRL_FKEY -DNO_SHIFT_FKEY -DNO_FKEY These remove explicit support of function keys. - DNO_ALT_FKEY removes support for the ver- sions function keys. -DNO_CTRL_FKEY removes support for the and versions function keys. -DNO_SHIFT_FKEY removes support for the , , and versions function keys. - DNO_FKEY removes all support of function keys. Elvis's ":map" command normally allows you to use the special sequence "#" to map function key . For example, ":map #1 {!}fmt^M" will cause the key to reformat a paragraph. Elvis checks the :k1=: field in the termcap description of your terminal to figure out what code is sent by the key. This is handy because it allows you to create a .exrc file which maps function keys the same way regardless of what type of terminal you use. That behaviour is standard; most implementations of the real vi supports it too. Elvis extends this to allow you to use "#1s" to refer to +, "#1c" to refer to +, and "#1a" to refer to +. The termcap description for the terminal should have fields named :s1=:c1=:a1=: respectively, to define the code sent by these key conbinations. (You should also have :k2=:s2=:c2=:a2=: for the key, and so on.) But there may be problems. The terminfo database doesn't support :s1=:c1=:a1=:, so no terminfo terminal description could ever support shift/control/alt func- tion keys; so you might as well add -DNO_SHIFT_FKEY to CFLAGS if you're using terminfo. Note that, even if you have -DNO_FKEYS, you can still configure Elvis to use your function keys my mapping the literal character codes sent by the key. You just couldn't do it in a terminal-independent way. TERM_925 -DTERM_AMIGA -DTERM_VT100 -DTERM_VT52 etc. The tinytcap.c file contains descriptions of several terminal types. For each system that uses tinytcap, a reasonable subset of the available descriptions is actually compiled into Elvis. If you wish to enlarge this subset, then you can add the appropriate -DTERM_XXX flag to your CFLAGS settings. March 23, 1992 9-7 CFLAGS 9-7 For a list of the available terminal types, check the tinytcap.c file. -DINTERNAL_TAGS Normally, Elvis uses the "ref" program to perform tag lookup. This is more powerful than the real vi's tag lookup, but it can be much slower. If you add -DINTERNAL_TAGS to your CFLAGS setting, then will use its own internal tag lookup code, which is faster. -DPRSVDIR=directory This controls where preserved files will be placed. An appropriate default has been chosen for each Operating System, so you probably don't need to worry about it. -DFILEPERMS=number This affects the attributes of files that are created by Elvis; it is used as the second argument to the creat() function. The default is 0666 which (on UNIX systems at least) means that anybody can read or write the new file, but nobody can execute it. On UNIX sys- tems, the creat() call modifies this via the umask set- ting. -DKEYBUFSIZE=number This determines the size of the type-ahead buffer that elvis uses. It also limits the size of keymaps that it can handle. The default is 1000 characters, which should be plenty. March 23, 1992 10. TERMCAP Elvis uses fairly standard termcap fields for most things. I invented the cursor shape names but other than that there should be few surprises. Required numeric fields :co#: number of columns on the screen (chars per line) :li#: number of lines on the screen Required string fields :ce=: clear to end-of-line :cl=: home the cursor & clear the screen :cm=: move the cursor to a given row/column :up=: move the cursor up one line Boolean fields :am: auto margins - wrap when char is written in last column? :xn: brain-damaged auto margins - newline ignored after wrap :pt: physical tabs? Optional string fields :al=: insert a blank row on the screen :dl=: delete a row from the screen :cd=: clear to end of display :ei=: end insert mode :ic=: insert a blank character :im=: start insert mode :dc=: delete a character :sr=: scroll reverse (insert row at top of screen) :vb=: visible bell :ti=: terminal initialization string, to start full-screen mode :te=: terminal termination, to end full-screen mode :ks=: enables the cursor keypad :ke=: disables the cursor keypad Optional strings received from the keyboard :kd=: sequence sent by the key :kl=: sequence sent by the key :kr=: sequence sent by the key :ku=: sequence sent by the key :kP=: sequence sent by the key :kN=: sequence sent by the key :kh=: sequence sent by the key :kH=: sequence sent by the key :kI=: sequence sent by the key March 23, 1992 10-2 TERMCAP 10-2 Originally, termcap didn't have any names for the , , , and keys. Although the capa- bility names shown in the table above are the most common, they are not universal. SCO Xenix uses :PU=:PD=:HM=:EN=: for those keys. Also, if the four arrow keys happen to be part of a 3x3 keypad, then the five non-arrow keys may be named :K1=: through :K5=:, so an IBM PC keyboard may be described using those names instead. Elvis can find any of these names. Optional strings sent by function keys :k1=:...:k9=:k0=: codes sent by through keys :s1=:...:s9=:s0=: codes sent by ... :c1=:...:c9=:c0=: codes sent by ... :a1=:...:a9=:a0=: codes sent by ... Note that :k0=: is used to describe the key. Some termcap documents recommend :ka=: or even :k;=: for describing the key, but Elvis doesn't support that. Also, the :s1=:..., :c1=:..., and :a1=:... codes are very non-standard. The terminfo library doesn't support them. Optional fields that describe character attributes :so=:se=: start/end standout mode (We don't care about :sg#:) :us=:ue=: start/end underlined mode :md=:me=: start/end boldface mode :as=:ae=: start/end alternate character set (italics) :ug#: visible gap left by :us=:ue=:md=:me=:as=:ae=: Optional fields that affect the cursor's shape The :cQ=: string is used by Elvis immediately before exiting to undo the effects of the other cursor shape strings. If :cQ=: is not given, then all other cursor shape strings are ignored. :cQ=: normal cursor :cX=: cursor used for reading EX command :cV=: cursor used for reading VI commands :cI=: cursor used during VI input mode :cR=: cursor used during VI replace mode If the capabilities above aren't given, then Elvis will try to use the following values instead. :ve=: normal cursor, used as :cQ=:cX=:cI=:cR=: :vs=: gaudy cursor, used as :cV=: March 23, 1992 10-3 TERMCAP 10-3 An example Here's the termcap entry I use on my Minix-ST system. Some of the fields in it have nothing to do with Elvis. Some can only work on my system; I have modified my kernel's screen driver. mx|minix|minixst|ansi:\ :is=\E[0~:co#80:li#25:bs:pt:\ :cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:up=\E[A:do=^J:nd=\E[C:sr=\EM:\ :cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:\ :al=\E[L:dl=\E[M:ic=\E[@:dc=\E[P:im=:ei=:\ :so=\E[7m:se=\E[m:us=\E[4m:ue=\E[m:\ :md=\E[1m:me=\E[m:as=\E[1;3m:ae=\E[m:\ :ku=\E[A:kd=\E[B:kr=\E[C:kl=\E[D:\ :k1=\E[1~:k2=\E[2~:k3=\E[3~:k4=\E[4~:k5=\E[5~:\ :k6=\E[6~:k7=\E[17~:k8=\E[18~:k9=\E[19~:k0=\E[20~:\ :kU=\E[36~:kQ=\E[32~:kH=\E[28~:\ :GV=3:GH=D:G1=?:G2=Z:G3=@:G4=Y:GC=E:GL=4:GR=C:GU=A:GD=B:\ :cQ=\E[k:cX=\E[2;0k:cV=\E[16;0k:cI=\E[k:cR=\E[16;20k: March 23, 1992 11. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES Elvis examines several environment variables when it starts up. The values of these variables are used inter- nally for a variety of purposes. You don't need to define all of these; on most systems, Elvis only requires TERM to be defined. On AmigaDOS, MS-DOS or TOS systems, even that is optional. TERM, TERMCAP TERM tells Elvis the name of the termcap entry to use. TERMCAP may contain either the entire termcap entry, or the full pathname of the termcap file to search through. If your version of Elvis is using tinytcap instead of the full termcap library, then the value of TERMCAP cannot contain any backslash escapes (\E, \r, etc.) or carat escapes (^[, ^M, etc.), because tinytcap doesn't understand them. Instead, you should embed the actual control charac- ter into the string. TMP, TEMP These only work for AmigaDOS, MS-DOS and Atari TOS. Either of these variables may be used to set the "directory" option, which controls where temporary files are stored. If you define them both, then TMP is used, and TEMP is ignored. LINES, COLUMNS The termcap entry for your terminal should specify the size of your screen. If you're using a windowing interface, then there is an ioctl() call which will provide the size of the window; the ioctl() values will override the values in the termcap entry. The LINES and COLUMNS environment vari- ables (if defined) will override either of these sources. They, in turn, can be overridden by a ":set" command. Normally, the LINES and COLUMNS variables shouldn't need to be defined. EXINIT This variable's value may contain one or more colon- mode commands, which will be executed after all of the ".exrc" files but before interactive editing begins. To put more than one command in EXINIT, you can separate the commands with either a newline or a '|' charac- ter. March 23, 1992 11-2 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES 11-2 SHELL, COMSPEC You can use COMSPEC in MS-DOS, or SHELL in any other system, to specify which shell should be used for executing commands and expanding wildcards. HOME This variable should give the full pathname of your home directory. Elvis needs to know the name of your home directory so it can locate the ".exrc" file there. TAGPATH This variable is used by the "ref" program. It con- tains a list of directories that might contain a relevent "tags" file. Under AmigaDOS, MS-DOS or Atari TOS, the names of the directories should be separated by semicolons (";"). Under other operating systems, the names should be separated by colons (":"). If you don't define TAGPATH, then "ref" will use a default list which includes the current directory and a few other likely places. See the definition of DEFTAGPATH at the start of ref.c for an accurate list. March 23, 1992 12. VERSIONS Elvis currently works under BSD UNIX, AT&T System-V UNIX, SCO XENIX, Minix, Coherent, MS-DOS, Atari TOS, OS9/68k, VAX/VMS, and AmigaDos. This section of the manual provides special information that applies to each particular version of Elvis. For all versions except MS-DOS, the file "Makefile.mix" should be copied to "Makefile", and then edited to select the correct set of options for your system. There is more information about this embedded in the file itself. 12.1. BSD UNIX Temporary files are stored in /tmp. You should modify /etc/rc so that the temp files are preserved when the system is rebooted. Find a line in /etc/rc which reads ex4.3preserve /tmp or something like that, and append the following line after it: elvprsv /tmp/elv* If you do not have permission to modify /etc/rc, don't fret. The above modification is only needed to allow you to recover your changes after a system crash. You can still run Elvis without that modification, and you can still recover your changes when Elvis crashes or when your dialup modem looses the carrier signal, or something like that. Only a system crash or power failure could hurt you. Both Elvis and the real Vi read initialization commands from a file called ".exrc", but the commands in that file might work on one but not the other. For example, "set keywordprg=man" will work for Elvis, but Vi will complain because it doesn't have a "keywordprg" option. If the warn- ing messages annoy you, then you can edit the config.h file to change the name of the initialization file ".exrc" to something else, such as ".elvisrc". If you use X windows, you may wish to add "-DCS_LATIN1" to CFLAGS. This will cause the digraph table and the flip- case option to have default values that are appropriate for the LATIN-1 character set. That's the standard character set for X. The default keyboard macro time-out value is larger for BSD than it is for some other systems, because I've had trouble running Elvis via rlogin or Xterm. I guess it takes a while for those keystokes to squirt through the net. March 23, 1992 12-2 VERSIONS 12-2 12.2. System-V UNIX Most SysV UNIX systems use terminfo instead of termcap, but the terminfo library doesn't seem to have a standard name. As shipped, Elvis' Makefile.mix is configured with "LIBS=-lterm". You may need to change it to "LIBS=-ltermcap" or "LIBS=-lterminfo" or even "LIBS=-lcurses". The /etc/rc file should be modified as described for BSD systems, above. The only difference is that SysV sys- tems tend to have directories for initialization, instead of a single large /etc/rc file. Editor recovery is usually done somewhere in the /etc/rc2.d directory. The potential trouble with ".exrc" described above for BSD UNIX applies to System-V UNIX as well. Elvis uses control-C as the interrupt key, not Delete. 12.3. SCO Xenix For Xenix-386, you can use the generic System-V set- tings. You may wish to add "-DCS_IBMPC" to CFLAGS, to have the digraph table and flipcase option start up in a mode that is appropriate for the console. There is a separate group of settings for use with Xenix- 286. It already has "-DCS_IBMPC" in CFLAGS. Because Xenix is so similar to System-V, everything I said earlier about System-V applies to the Xenix version too, except that editor recovery probably belongs in a directory called /etc/rc.d/8. 12.4. Minix There are separate settings in Makefile.mix for Minix- PC and Minix-68k. The differences between these two are that the 68k version uses ".o" for the object file extension where the PC version uses ".s", and the PC version has some extra flags in CFLAGS to reduce the size of Elvis. The PC version also uses tinytcap (instead of the full termcap) to make it smaller. Minix-PC users should read the CFLAGS section of this manual very carefully. You have some choices to make... The temporary files are stored in /usr/tmp. The /usr/tmp directory must exist before you run Elvis, and it must be readable/writable by everybody. We use /usr/tmp instead of /tmp because after a system crash or power failure, you can recover the altered version of a file from the temporary file in /usr/tmp. If it was stored in /tmp, though, then it would be lost because /tmp is normally March 23, 1992 12-3 VERSIONS 12-3 located on the RAM disk. Elvis uses control-C as the interrupt key, not Delete. 12.5. Coherent Elvis was ported to Coherent by Esa Ahola. Elvis is too large to run under Coherent unless you eliminate some features via the CFLAGS setting. The recom- mended settings, in Makefile.mix, produce a working version of Elvis which emulates Vi faithfully, but lacks most of the extensions. You should read the CFLAGS section of this manual carefully. You can probably reduce the size of Elvis by using tinytcap.c instead of -lterm. This would allow you to keep most features of Elvis, at the expense of terminal indepen- dence. (Tinytcap.c has ANSI escape sequences hard-coded into it.) To use tinytcap, just add "tinytcap.o" to the "EXTRA=" line in the Makefile, and remove "-lterm" from the "LIBS=" line. The temporary files are stored in /tmp. You should modify your /etc/rc file as described for BSD earlier. 12.6. MS-DOS Elvis was ported to MS-DOS by Guntram Blohm and Martin Patzel. Willett Kempton added support for the DEC Rainbow. Ideally, Elvis should be compiled with Microsoft C 5.10 and the standard Microsoft Make utility, via the command "make elvis.mak". This will compile Elvis and all related utilities. With Microsoft C 6.00, use Makefile.mix with "NDMAKE" settings. You may have trouble compiling regexp.c; if so, try compiling it without optimization. The "Makefile.mix" file contains a set of suggested settings for compiling elvis with Turbo-C or Borland C. (If you have Turbo-C, but not the Make utility, then you can almost use the "Elvis.prj" file to compile Elvis, but you must explicitly force Turbo-C to compile it with the "medium" memory model. Most of the related programs [ctags, ref, virec, refont, and wildcard] are only one file long, so you should have no trouble compiling them.) The "alias.c" file is meant to be compiled once into an executable named "ex.exe". You should then copy "ex.exe" to "vi.exe" and "view.exe". Elvis stores its temporary files in C:\tmp. If this is not satisfactory, then you should edit the CFLAGS line of your Makefile to change TMPDIR to something else before March 23, 1992 12-4 VERSIONS 12-4 compiling. You can also control the name of the temp direc- tory via an environment variable named TMP or TEMP. The directory must exist before you can run Elvis. The TERM environment variable determines how elvis will write to the screen. It can be set to any one of the fol- lowing values: pcbios Use BIOS calls on an IBM-PC clone. rainbow Use DEC Rainbow interface. ansi Use ANSI.SYS driver. nansi User faster NANSI.SYS driver. If the TERM variable isn't set, then elvis will automatically select either the "rainbow" interface (when run on a Rainbow) or "pcbios" (on an IBM clone). You may prefer to use NANSI.SYS for speed; or you may NEED to use ANSI.SYS for a non-clone, such as a lap-top. If so, you should install one of these drivers by adding "driver = nansi.sys" (or whatever) to your CONFIG.SYS file, and then you should define TERM to be "nansi" (or whatever) by adding "set TERM=nansi" to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You must then reboot for these changes to take effect. After that, Elvis will notice the "TERM" setting and use the driver. Since ".exrc" is not a valid DOS filename, the name of the initialization file has been changed to "elvis.rc". Elvis will look for an "elvis.rc" file first in your home directory, and then in the current directory. Note that you must set an environment variable named "HOME" to the full pathname of your home directory, for Elvis to check there; if "HOME" isn't set, then Elvis will only look in the current directory. To set "HOME", you would typically add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: set HOME c:\ An extra program, called "wildcard", is needed for MS- DOS. It expands wildcard characters in file names. If Elvis flashes a "Bad command or filename" message when it starts, then you've probably lost the WILDCARD.EXE program somehow. Elvis can run under Windows, but only in full-screen mode. Also, Windows uses an environment variable called TEMP which interferes with elvis' usage of TEMP; to work around this, you can simply set an environment variable named TMP (with no 'E') to the name of elvis' temporary directory. When TEMP and TMP are both set, Elvis uses TMP and ignored TEMP. March 23, 1992 12-5 VERSIONS 12-5 12.7. Atari TOS Elvis was ported to Atari TOS by Guntram Blohm and Mar- tin Patzel. It is very similar to the MS-DOS version. It has been tested with the Mark Williams C compiler and also GNU-C. The TERM environment variable is ignored; the ST port always assumes that TERM=vt52. The SHELL (not COMSPEC!) variable should be set to the name of a line-oriented shell. A simple shell in included with Elvis. Its source is in "shell.c", and the name of the executable is "shell.ttp". The file "profile.sh" should contain a set of instructions to be executed when the shell first starts up. An example of this file is included, but you will almost certainly want to edit it right away to match your configuration. (If you already have a command-line shell, then you'll probably want to continue using it. The shell that comes with Elvis is very limited.) Currently, character attributes cannot be displayed on the screen. Elvis runs under MiNT (a free multi-tasking extension to TOS) but it can be a CPU hog because of the way that Elvis reads from the keyboard with timeout. Also, Elvis doesn't use any of the special features of MiNT. I have received a set of patches that optimize Elvis for MiNT, but they arrived too late to integrate into this release. 12.8. OS9/68k Elvis was ported to OS9/68k by Peter Reinig. The Makefile is currently configured to install Elvis and the related programs in /dd/usr/cmds If this this is unacceptable, then you should change the BIN setting to some other directory. Similarly, it expects the source code to reside in /dd/usr/src/elvis; the ODIR setting is used to control this. Temporary files are stored in the /dd/tmp directory. Your /dd/startup file may need to be modified to prevent it from deleting Elvis' temporary files; make /dd/startup run the elvprsv program before it wipes out /dd/tmp. The program in alias.c is linked repeatedly to produce the "vi", "view", and "input" aliases for Elvis. Sadly, the "ex" alias is impossible to implement under OS9 because the shell has a built-in command by that name. For some purposes, you must give `make' the "-b" option. Specifically, you need this for "make -b clean" and "make -b install". March 23, 1992 12-6 VERSIONS 12-6 12.9. VAX/VMS John Campbell ported Elvis to VAX/VMS. A heavily laden VAX can take half an hour to compile elvis. This is normal. Don't panic. While running, elvis will create temporary files in SYS$SCRATCH. Enter SHOW LOGICAL SYS$SCRATCH to see what actual directory you are using. Many sites have SYS$SCRATCH equivalenced to SYS$LOGIN. The elvis temporary files look like the following on VMS while elvis is running: ELV_1123A.1;1 ELV_1123A.2;1 SO070202.;1 Also, filtering commands (like !!dir and !}fmt) should work on VMS. This assumes, however, that you can create temporary mailboxes and that your mailbox quota (a sysgen parameter) is at least 256 bytes for a single write to the mailbox. This is the default sysgen parameter, so there should be few people who experience filter problems. Additionally, an attempt was made to support the stan- dard terminals on VMS: "vt52", "vt100", "vt200", "vt300", "vt101", "vt102". Non-standard terminals could be supported by setting your terminal type to UNKNOWN (by entering SET TERM/UNKNOWN) and defining the logical name ELVIS_TERM. Whatever ELVIS_TERM translates to, however, will have to be included in tinytcap.c. Note that the upper/lowercase dis- tinctions are significant, and that DCL will upshift charac- ters that are not quoted strings, so enter DEFINE ELVIS_TERM "hp2621a". As distributed, it would probably not be a good idea to have more than the standard terminals in tinytcap.c (else it wouldn't be tiny, would it?). Changes here, of course, would require a recompilation to take effect. If you have a version of the "termcap" library and database on your system, then you may wish to replace tinytcap with the real termcap. 12.10. AmigaDOS Mike Rieser and Dale Rahn ported Elvis to AmigaDOS. The port was done using Manx Aztec C version 5.2b. Elvis uses about as much space as it can and still be small code and data. Elvis should also compile under DICE, though there may be a little trouble with signed versus unsigned chars. The port has been done so the same binary will run under both versions of AmigaDOS. Under AmigaDOS 2.04, Elvis supports all the documented features. It also uses an March 23, 1992 12-7 VERSIONS 12-7 external program ref to do tag lookup. So, the accompanying programs: ref and ctags are recommended. Under AmigaDOS 1.2/1.3 Elvis works, buts lacks the more advanced features. For the port to AmigaDOS 2.04, we tried to use as many Native AmigaDOS calls as we could. This should increase Elvis's chances at being compiled with other compilers. DICE seems to have a different default char type. You may need to use the UCHAR() macro in tio.c. To test it, try the :map command; if it looks right, things are cool. For the port to AmigaDOS 1.3, we tried to make sure the program was at least usable. Many features are missing, most notably running commands in subshells. Also, what we could get working, we used Aztec functions to support them, so this part is little more compiler dependent. Aztec is compatible with the SAS libcall #pragma. I personally prefer using the includes that come from Commo- dore over the ones supplied with Aztec, but for people with a straight Aztec installation, I went with the default names for the Aztec pragmas. One include you'll need is . Its a common include when porting software just make yourself one. Its a two line file that saves a lot of hassle especially in the elvis source. So, make a directory where your includes are located called `sys' and in a file below that type: /* sys/types.h */ #include When setting environment variables (either local or global) for variables that specify a directory, make sure the variable ends in `:' or `/'. This saved from having to change much of the way elvis works. The default temporary directory (if TEMP and TMP aren't specified) is "T:". The default if HOME directory (if no HOME environment variable is set) is "S:". To avoid conlict with other uses, Elvis uses elvis.rc instead of .exrc or where it looks for macros. 12.11. Other Systems For Sun workstations, use the BSD configuration. Ear- lier versions of elvis didn't link correctly due to a quirk in Sun's version of the "make" utility, but this version of elvis has a work-around for that quirk so you should have no trouble at all. For Linux, use the SysV settings. You can probably just remove the "-lterm" from the "LIBS= -lterm" line, since linux keeps the termcap functions in the standard C library. March 23, 1992 12-8 VERSIONS 12-8 For other UNIXoid systems, I suggest you start with the Minix-68k settings and then grow from that. Minix is a nice starting point because it is a clone of Version 7 UNIX, which was the last common ancestor of BSD UNIX and SysV UNIX. Any Operating System which claims any UNIX compati- bility what so ever will therefore support V7/Minix code. You may need to fiddle with #include directives or some- thing, though. Minix-68k is a better starting point than Minix-PC because the PC compiler has some severe quirks. March 23, 1992 13. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 1) How can I make elvis run faster under DOS? There are several things you can do. The first thing to do is get a good screen driver such as NANSI.SYS. This can speed up screen redrawing by as much as a factor of eight! The DOS-specific part of section 12 tells you how to do this. You might also consider reducing the size of the blocks that elvis uses. You'll need to recompile Elvis to do this. The default BLKSIZE is 1024 byte for the DOS version of Elvis, which means that for each keystroke that you insert, elvis must shift an average of about 500 bytes. That's a lot to ask from a little old 5MHz 8088. A BLKSIZE of 512 bytes might be more appropriate. If you're really desperate for more speed, you might want to make Elvis store its temporary files on a RAM disk. However, this limits the size of the file you can edit, and it eliminates any chance you may have had to recover your work after a power failure or system crash, but it might be worth it; you decide. To do this, add ":set dir=R:\" (or whatever your RAM disk's name is) to the elvis.rc file. Next, consider turning off the "sync" option. When the sync option is turned on, Elvis will close the temporary file and reopen it after every change, in order to force DOS to update the file's directory entry. If you put ":set nosync" into the elvis.rc file, then elvis will only close the file when you start editing a different text file, or when you're exiting Elvis. Consequently, there is no chance that you'll be able to recover your changes after a power failure... so if you're going to this, then you might as well store the temp files on the RAM disk, too. 2) Where's the key on a DEC keyboard? I don't know. Maybe the key? You could always use ":map!" to make some other key act like the key. If all else fails, use <[>. 3) Is there a way to show which keys do what? Yes. The command ":map" will show what each key does in command mode, and ":map!" (with an exclamation mark) shows what each key does in input mode. March 23, 1992 13-2 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 13-2 The table is divided into three columns: the key's label, the characters that it sends, and the charac- ters that Elvis pretends you typed. 4) How can I make Elvis display long lines like the real vi? You can't yet. The next version of Elvis shouldsup- port this, though. 5) I can't recover my text [under MS-DOS or Atari TOS]. According to the directory listing, the temporary file is 0 bytes long. What went wrong? MS-DOS and TOS only update a file's directory entry when the file is closed. If the system crashes while the file is still open, then the file's length is stored as 0 bytes. The ":set sync" option is sup- posed to prevent this; you probably turned it off in the interest of speed, right? Under MS-DOS [I don't know about TOS], you should delete the empty temporary file, and then run CHKDSK/F. This might find the data that belonged in the empty file, and place it in a new file with a name like "000001.CHK" -- something like that. You can then try to extract the text from that temporary file by giving the command "elvprsv -R 000001.chk >goodnews.txt". If you're lucky, then your text might be in GOODNEWS.TXT. 6) What is the most current version of Elvis? Each version of Elvis that is released to the public has a version number of the form "number point number". As I write this, the most current version of elvis is 1.5. The intermediate steps between one release and the next are labeled with the next version number, with a letter appended. For example, after 1.4 was released, I started working on 1.5a. I am currently working on 2.0a. When Elvis reaches a stable state, I'll call it 2.0 and release it. Sometimes a beta-test version of elvis will be avail- able via anonymous FTP from m2xenix.psg.com, in the directory "pub/elvis/beta". 7) I only got executables, but now I want the source code. Where can I get it? March 23, 1992 13-3 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 13-3 If you have access to the Internet, then you should be able to fetch it from one of the public archives such as plains.nodak.edu. It is accessible via anonymous FTP, or via an email server named "archive-server@plains.nodak.edu". Elvis is located in the directory "/pub/Minix/all.contrib". I will also offer it to the C Users' Group. They sell C source code for us$8 per diskette (or slightly more outside North America). Their phone number is (913) 841-1631, and their address is: The C Users' Group PO Box 3127 Lawrence KS 66046-0127 8) Is this shareware, or public domain, or what? It is not public domain; it is copyrighted by me, Steve Kirkendall. However, this particular version is freely redistributable, in either source form or executable form. (I would prefer that you give copies away for free, complete with the full source code... but I'm not going to force you.) It is not shareware; you aren't expected to send me anything. You can use it without guilt. It is not "copylefted." I hold a copyright, but currently I have not added any of the usual restric- tions that you would find on copylefted software. If people start doing really obnoxious things to Elvis, then I will start adding restrictions to subsequent versions, but earlier versions won't be affected. (So far, everybody has been pretty good about this so no restrictions have been necessary.) 9) Can I reuse parts of your source code? Yes. Please be careful, though, to make sure that the code really is mine. Some of the code was con- tributed by other people, and I don't have the authority to give you permission to use it. The author's name can be found near the top of each source file. If it says "Steve Kirkendall" then you may use it; otherwise, you'd better contact the author first. Please don't remove my name from the source code. If you modify the source, please make a note of that fact in a comment near the top of the source code. And, finally, please mention my name in your documen- tation. March 23, 1992 13-4 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 13-4 10) Can Elvis work with non-ASCII files? Elvis can't edit binary files because it can't handle the NUL character, and because of line-length limita- tions. However, it is 8-bit clean so you should be able to edit any European extended ASCII file without any surprises. Elvis has also been modified to work with 16-bit character sets. Yongguang Zhang (ygz@cs.purdue.edu) has created a Chinese version of Elvis that uses 16-bit characters and runs under cxterm (Chinese X-term) on X-windows systems. Junichiro Itoh (itojun@foretune.co.jp) has modified Elvis to edit Japanese text under MS-DOS. March 23, 1992 CTAGS(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual CTAGS(1) NAME ctags - Generates "tags" and (optionally) "refs" files SYNOPSIS ctags [-stvra] filesnames... DESCRIPTION ctags generates the "tags" and "refs" files from a group of C source files. The "tags" file is used by Elvis' ":tag" command, control-] command, and -t option. The "refs" file is sometimes used by the ref(1) program. Each C source file is scanned for #define statements and global function definitions. The name of the macro or func- tion becomes the name of a tag. For each tag, a line is added to the "tags" file which contains: - the name of the tag - a tab character - the name of the file containing the tag - a tab character - a way to find the particular line within the file. The filenames list will typically be the names of all C source files in the current directory, like this: $ ctags -stv *.[ch] OPTIONS -t Include typedefs. A tag will be generated for each user-defined type. Also tags will be generated for struct and enum names. Types are considered to be glo- bal if they are defined in a header file, and static if they are defined in a C source file. -v Include variable declarations. A tag will be generated for each variable, except for those that are declared inside the body of a function. -s Include static tags. Ctags will normally put global tags in the "tags" file, and silently ignore the static tags. This flag causes both global and static tags to be added. The name of a static tag is generated by prefixing the name of the declared item with the name of the file where it is defined, with a colon in between. For example, "static foo(){}" in "bar.c" results in a tag named "bar.c:foo". -r This causes ctags to generate both "tags" and "refs". Without -r, it would only generate "tags". -a Append to "tags", and maybe "refs". Normally, ctags overwrites these files each time it is invoked. This flag is useful when you have to many files in the Printed 3/23/92 1 CTAGS(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual CTAGS(1) current directory for you to list them on a single command-line; it allows you to split the arguments among several invocations. FILES tags A cross-reference that lists each tag name, the name of the source file that contains it, and a way to locate a particular line in the source file. refs The "refs" file contains the definitions for each tag in the "tags" file, and very little else. This file can be useful, for example, when licensing restrictions prevent you from making the source code to the standard C library readable by everybody, but you still every- body to know what arguments the library functions need. BUGS ctags is sensitive to indenting and line breaks. Conse- quently, it might not discover all of the tags in a file that is formatted in an unusual way. SEE ALSO elvis(1), refs(1) AUTHOR Steve Kirkendall kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu Printed 3/23/92 2 ELVIS(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual ELVIS(1) NAME elvis, ex, vi, view, input - The editor SYNOPSIS elvis [flags] [+cmd] [files...] DESCRIPTION Elvis is a text editor which emulates vi/ex. On systems which pass the program name as an argument, such as Unix and Minix, you may also install elvis under the names "ex", "vi", "view", and "input". These extra names would normally be links to elvis; see the "ln" shell com- mand. When elvis is invoked as "vi", it behaves exactly as though it was invoked as "elvis". However, if you invoke elvis as "view", then the readonly option is set as though you had given it the "-R" flag. If you invoke elvis as "ex", then elvis will start up in the colon command mode instead of the visual command mode, as though you had given it the "-e" flag. If you invoke elvis as "input" or "edit", then elvis will start up in input mode, as though the "-i" flag was given. OPTIONS -r To the real vi, this flag means that a previous edit should be recovered. Elvis, though, has a separate program, called elvrec(1), for recovering files. When you invoke elvis with -r, elvis will tell you to run elvrec. -R This sets the "readonly" option, so you won't acciden- tally overwrite a file. -t tag This causes elvis to start editing at the given tag. -m [file] Elvis will search through file for something that looks like an error message from a compiler. It will then begin editing the source file that caused the error, with the cursor sitting on the line where the error was detected. If you don't explicitly name a file, then "errlist" is assumed. -e Elvis will start up in colon command mode. -v Elvis will start up in visual command mode. -i Elvis will start up in input mode. Printed 3/23/92 1 ELVIS(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual ELVIS(1) -w winsize Sets the "window" option's value to winsize. +command or -c command If you use the +command parameter, then after the first file is loaded command is executed as an EX command. A typical example would be "elvis +237 foo", which would cause elvis to start editing foo and then move directly to line 237. The "-c command" variant was added for UNIX SysV compatibility. FILES /tmp/elv* During editing, elvis stores text in a temporary file. For UNIX, this file will usually be stored in the /tmp directory, and the first three characters will be "elv". For other systems, the temporary files may be stored someplace else; see the version-specific section of the documentation. tags This is the database used by the :tags command and the -t option. It is usually created by the ctags(1) pro- gram. .exrc or elvis.rc On UNIX-like systems, a file called ".exrc" in your home directory is executed as a series of ex commands. A file by the same name may be executed in the current directory, too. On non-UNIX systems, ".exrc" is usu- ally an invalid file name; there, the initialization file is called "elvis.rc" instead. SEE ALSO ctags(1), ref(1), virec(1) Elvis - A Clone of Vi/Ex, the complete elvis documentation. BUGS There is no LISP support. Certain other features are miss- ing, too. Auto-indent mode is not quite compatible with the real vi. Among other things, 0^D and ^^D don't do what you might expect. Long lines are displayed differently. The real vi wraps long lines onto multiple rows of the screen, but elvis scrolls sideways. AUTHOR Steve Kirkendall kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu Printed 3/23/92 2 ELVIS(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual ELVIS(1) Many other people have worked to port elvis to various operating systems. To see who deserves credit, run the :version command from within elvis, or look in the system- specific section of the complete documentation. Printed 3/23/92 3 ELVPRSV(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual ELVPRSV(1) NAME elvprsv - Preserve the the modified version of a file after a crash. SYNOPSIS elvprsv ["-why elvis died"] /tmp/filename... elvprsv -R /tmp/filename... DESCRIPTION elvprsv preserves your edited text after elvis dies. The text can be recovered later, via the elvprsv program. For UNIX-like systems, you should never need to run this program from the command line. It is run automatically when elvis is about to die, and it should be run (via /etc/rc) when the computer is booted. THAT'S ALL! For non-UNIX systems such as MS-DOS, you can either use elvprsv the same way as under UNIX systems (by running it from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file), or you can run it separately with the "-R" flag to recover the files in one step. If you're editing a file when elvis dies (due to a bug, sys- tem crash, power failure, etc.) then elvprsv will preserve the most recent version of your text. The preserved text is stored in a special directory; it does NOT overwrite your text file automatically. elvprsv will send mail to any user whose work it preserves, if your operating system normally supports mail. FILES /tmp/elv* The temporary file that elvis was using when it died. /usr/preserve/p* The text that is preserved by elvprsv. /usr/preserve/Index A text file which lists the names of all preserved files, and the names of the /usr/preserve/p* files which contain their preserved text. BUGS Due to the permissions on the /usr/preserve directory, on UNIX systems elvprsv must be run as superuser. This is accomplished by making the elvprsv executable be owned by "root" and turning on its "set user id" bit. If you're editing a nameless buffer when elvis dies, then elvprsv will pretend that the file was named "foo". Printed 3/23/92 1 ELVPRSV(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual ELVPRSV(1) AUTHOR Steve Kirkendall kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu Printed 3/23/92 2 ELVREC(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual ELVREC(1) NAME elvrec - Recover the modified version of a file after a crash SYNOPSIS elvrec [preservedfile [newfile]] DESCRIPTION If you're editing a file when elvis dies, the system crashes, or power fails, the most recent version of your text will be preserved. The preserved text is stored in a special directory; it does NOT overwrite your text file automatically. The elvrec program locates the preserved version of a given file, and writes it over the top of your text file -- or to a new file, if you prefer. The recovered file will have nearly all of your changes. To see a list of all recoverable files, run elvrec with no arguments. FILES /usr/preserve/p* The text that was preserved when elvis died. /usr/preserve/Index A text file which lists the names of all preserved files, and the names of the /usr/preserve/p* files which contain their preserved text. BUGS elvrec is very picky about filenames. You must tell it to recover the file using exactly the same pathname as when you were editing it. The simplest way to do this is to go into the same directory that you were editing, and invoke elvrec with the same filename as elvis. If that doesn't work, then try running elvrec with no arguments, to see exactly which pathname it is using for the desired file. Due to the permissions on the /usr/preserve directory, on UNIX systems elvrec must be run as superuser. This is accomplished by making the elvrec executable be owned by "root" and setting its "set user id" bit. If you're editing a nameless buffer when elvis dies, then elvrec will pretend that the file was named "foo". AUTHOR Steve Kirkendall kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu Printed 3/23/92 1 FMT(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual FMT(1) NAME fmt - adjust line-length for paragraphs of text SYNOPSIS fmt [-width] [files]... DESCRIPTION fmt is a simple text formatter. It inserts or deletes new- lines, as necessary, to make all lines in a paragraph be approximately the same width. It preserves indentation and word spacing. The default line width is 72 characters. You can override this with the -width flag. If you don't name any files on the command line, then fmt will read from stdin. It is typically used from within vi to adjust the line breaks in a single paragraph. To do this, move the cursor to the top of the paragraph, type "!}fmt", and hit . AUTHOR Steve Kirkendall kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu Printed 3/23/92 1 REF(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual REF(1) NAME ref - Display a C function header SYNOPSIS ref [-t] [-c class]... [-f file]... tag DESCRIPTION ref quickly locates and displays the header of a function. To do this, ref looks in the "tags" file for the line that describes the function, and then scans the source file for the function. When it locates the function, it displays an introductory comment (if there is one), the function's declaration, and the declarations of all arguments. SEARCH METHOD ref uses a fairly sophisticated tag look-up algorithm. If you supply a filename via -f file, then elvis first scans the tags file for a static tag from that file. This search is limited to the tags file in the current directory. If you supply a classname via -c class, then elvis searches for a tag from that class. This search is not limited to the current directory; You can supply a list of directories in the environment variable TAGPATH, and ref will search through the "tags" file in each directory until it finds a tag in the desired class. If that fails, ref will then try to look up an ordinary glo- bal tag. This search checks all of the directories listed in TAGPATH, too. If you've given the -t flag, then ref will simply output the tag line that it found, and then exit. Without -t, though, ref will search for the tag line. It will try to open the source file, which should be in the same directory as the tags file where the tag was discovered. If the source file doesn't exist, or is unreadable, then ref will try to open a file called "refs" in that directory. Either way, ref will try to locate the tag, and display whatever it finds. INTERACTION WITH ELVIS ref is used by elvis' shift-K command. If the cursor is located on a word such as "splat", in the file "foo.c", then elvis will invoke ref with the command "ref -f foo.c splat". If elvis has been compiled with the -DEXTERNAL_TAGS flag, then elvis will use ref to scan the tags files. This is slower than the built-in tag searching, but it allows elvis to access the more sophisticated tag lookup provided by ref. Other than that, external tags should act exactly like internal tags. Printed 3/23/92 1 REF(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual REF(1) OPTIONS -t Output tag info, instead of the function header. -f file The tag might be a static function in file. You can use several -f flags to have ref consider static tags from more than one file. -c class The tag might be a member of class class. You can use several -c flags to have ref consider tags from more than one class. FILES tags List of function names and their locations, generated by ctags. refs Function headers extracted from source files (optional). ENVIRONMENT TAGPATH List of directories to be searched. The elements in the list are separated by either semicolons (for MS- DOS, Atari TOS, and AmigaDos), or by colons (every other operating system). For each operating system, ref has a built-in default which is probably adequate. NOTES You might want to generate a "tags" file the directory that contains the source code for standard C library on your sys- tem. If licensing restrictions prevent you from making the library source readable by everybody, then you can have ctags generate a "refs" file, and make "refs" readable by everybody. If your system doesn't come with the library source code, then perhaps you can produce something workable from the lint libraries. SEE ALSO elvis(1), ctags(1) AUTHOR Steve Kirkendall kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu Printed 3/23/92 2