Volume : DIGITAL_LIB Directory : \DIOLIB DIOMAKE BAT - Builds libraries. Calls MAKE and uses Microsoft CL and QC. DIOLIBL BLD - MAKE description file for large memory model. DIOLIBM BLD - MAKE description file for medium memory model. DIOLIBS BLD - MAKE description file for small memory model. DIOFNC01 C - DIOLIB Library Function Source Files DIOFNC02 C DIOFNC03 C DIOFNC04 C DIOFNC05 C DIOFNC06 C DIOFNC07 C DIOFNC08 C DIOFNC09 C DIOFNC10 C DIOFNC11 C DIOTST01 C - DIOLIB Test / Demo Program 1 DIOTST02 C - DIOLIB Test / Demo Program 2 DIOLIB H - DIOLIB Library Function Header File DIOLIBL LIB - DIOLIB Function Library : Large memory model DIOLIBM LIB - DIOLIB Function Library : Medium memory model DIOLIBS LIB - DIOLIB Function Library : Small memory model DIOLIBL LST - DIOLIB Library Listing : Large memory model DIOLIBM LST - DIOLIB Library Listing : Medium memory model DIOLIBS LST - DIOLIB Library Listing : Small memory model DIOTST01 MAK - DIOLIB Test / Demo Program 1 QC 2.0 MAKE file DIOTST02 MAK - DIOLIB Test / Demo Program 2 QC 2.0 MAKE file DIODESC TXT - DIOLIB Library 8255 Functions Description : General DIOFNC11 TXT - DIOLIB Library 8255 Functions Description : Array