program description ----------------------------------------------------------------- Program Title: C-WINDOW 3.0 Detailed Program description: C WINDOW is a complete screen mamagement system for all usual C compiler (MS C Compiler, MS Quick C, Turbo C, Lattice C) C-WINDOW is invaluable to all C programmers wanting to im- prove the appeareance of their programs. C-WINDOW offers you the following highlights: interactive format generation, windows, popups, pulldowns, variable field and text attributes, dynamic attribute modification, mouse and printer sup- port and monochrome and color display support. A complete source sample is generated for every screen format auto- matically. So the tool can be used from professionals and progra- mming beginners, too. Professional screen layouts are realized in a view minutes ! Who is the intended user: programmers in C. Improvements over old version: (first release) Unique features of the program: C-WINDOW is a professional screen management system for all C programmers. All the major C compilers are sup- ported (MS C Compiler, MS Quick C, Turbo C, Lattice C) Program's capacity or limitations: - Special System requiremennts - How to start the program: UNIFORM (format generator) link interface module into the C program (format application) Registration fee for the program: $ 49.-- Materials or services that come with registration: - user manual. - right to use C-WINDOW. - user support. List of program files: components for format generator UNIFORM.EXE format generator program UNIFORM.CFG configuration file components for MS C, MS Quick C UFC01S.OBJ interface module - model small _UFC01.H standard include file UFC013.C source example "order" UFC014.C source example "easy" UFC015.C source example "dynamic" components for Turbo C UFC02S.OBJ interface module - model small _UFC02.H standard include file UFC023.C source example "order" UFC024.C source example "easy" UFC025.C source example "dynamic" components for Lattice C UFC03S.OBJ interface module - model small _UFC03.H standard include file UFC033.C source example "order" UFC034.C source example "easy" UFC035.C source example "dynamic" for source examples ORDER.BLD Format file "order" MESSAGE.BLD Format file "message" TESTFMT.BLD Format file "testfmt" others REGIST.FOR register form HELP.TXT documentation SUB.TXT submission information