+ COMPILATION AND LINKAGE Included in the Panels for C package is one or more of the following object files: SPANELR.OBJ - MicroSoft C DOS small memory model LPANELR.OBJ - MicroSoft C DOS large memory model SPANELP.OBJ - MicroSoft C OS/2 small memory model LPANELP.OBJ - MicroSoft C OS/2 large memory model SPANELTC.OBJ - Turbo C DOS small memory model LPANELTC.OBJ - Turbo C DOS large memory model + MicroSoft C Assuming you have written a DOS program to be compiled with MicroSoft C, you could use one of the following commands to compile and link it with the Panel routines: + cl /F 2000 YourPgm.c spanelr.obj Small model + cl /AL /F 2000 YourPgm.c lpanelr.obj Large model The /F option sets the size of the program stack for the executable file. This must be set to an adequate value. A makefile is also included in the package illustrating how panel programs are built. + Turbo C Using the Turbo C integrated development environment, create a project file with your source file name and either SPANELTC.OBJ or LPANELTC.OBJ listed in it. Select the make EXE option from the compile menu. For other compilers, consult your reference manual. Be sure to include the file PANEL.H and KEYS.H in your source code. *** END OF TOPIC ***